X-ray Science in the 21st Century is the kick-off conference for the KITP program X-ray Frontiers (August 2, 2010 - September 10, 2010). For a description of the program, please visit the program's home page. The purpose of the conference is to inspire and focus the theory discussions during the weeks following the conference. The latest scientific applications made possible by x rays of 1) high intensity, 2) ultrashort pulse duration, and 3) full transverse coherence will be presented. Areas covered will include coherent diffraction imaging; x-ray multiphoton processes; optical strong-field physics; high-intensity radiation damage; dynamics in electronic many-body systems; and ultrafast chemical dynamics.
POSTER OPPORTUNITY: There is an opportunity for registered participants to present a poster at the conference. Please e-mail a poster title to the Conference Coordinator, Jocelyn Quick, if you are interested in presenting a poster, along with a Word document copy of the poster abstract, no pdfs.
DEADLINE: July 02, 2010.
List of invited speakers:
Andreas Becker (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Nora Berrah (Western Michigan University)
Zenghu Chang (Kansas State University)
Louis DiMauro (Ohio State University)
Todd Ditmire (University of Texas, Austin)
Veit Elser (Cornell University)
Jim Freericks (Georgetown University)
Stefan Hau-Riege (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Tetsuya Ishikawa (Spring-8)
Henry Kapteyn (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Reinhard Kienberger (Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
Richard Lee (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Stephen Leone (University of California, Berkeley)
Lars Madsen (University of Aarhus)
Todd Martinez (Stanford University)
John Miao (University of California, Los Angeles)
Thomas Moeller (Technical University, Berlin)
Toru Morishita (University of Electrocommunications, Tokyo)
Shaul Mukamel (University of California, Irvine)
Kevin Prince (ELETTRA, Trieste)
John Rehr (University of Washington)
David Reis (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
Mathias Richter (Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Berlin)
Nina Rohringer (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
Ulf Saalmann (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems)
Dilano Saldin (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee)
Robert Schoenlein (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
John Spence (Arizona State University)
Brian Stephenson (Argonne National Laboratory)
Kiyoshi Ueda (Tohoku University)
Joachim Ullrich (Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Marc Vrakking (FOM Institute AMOLF, Amsterdam)
Justin Wark (Oxford University)
Wilfried Wurth (University of Hamburg)
Linda Young (Argonne National Laboratory)
Beata Ziaja-Motyka (DESY)