Location, Directions, & Parking
KITP is in Kohn Hall, located directly across from the east entrance of the UCSB campus in Santa Barbara, California.
UCSB Campus Maps
Campus maps, including interactive version and UCSB/Goleta Map.
Campus Parking
Short-Term Parking
Lot 10 is very convenient to KITP. We generally discourage driving to campus if you are here for a conference or as a program speaker--daily rates for campus parking are $8-10 per day, and some recommended hotels offer shuttles. On the 5th Floor ONLY, a VIP pass for KITP visitors to purchase at $10/day. VIP passes may be purchased for a single or several days. Do NOT use the parking permit machine in Lot 10 to buy a 'daily permit' on a weekday (unless you have a handicapped placard and will be parking in a handicapped space). You will get a ticket! For four hours or less, you can buy an hourly "coastal" permit and park in designated first-floor stalls.
Monthly Passes
To buy a monthly permit visit the UCSB Transportation and Parking Services office and ask to buy a staff pass as a visitor to KITP. Please visit the campus parking website for more information.
With this pass you can park in Lot 30, and Lot 10, which is next to Kohn Hall, but not in the parking lot outside the Munger Phyiscs Residence.
Directions to Kohn Hall/UCSB
From Los Angeles International Airport:
- We recommend the Santa Barbara Airbus, particularly if you must return to LAX for your departing flight. The Airbus is reliable, efficient, and offers a reasonable round-trip fare of approximately $88 (prepaid). The nearest Airbus drop-off point to the UCSB campus is the Goleta terminal at 5755 Thornwood Drive. The Airbus drivers can call a taxi to pick you up from the airbus terminal; just request this service when you're picked up at LAX.
- If you are driving from LAX, exit the airport lot at Sepulveda Blvd., and follow Sepulveda Blvd. to the 405 North Freeway entrance. Follow 405 North to 101 North (Ventura Freeway). Remain on the 101 (for approximately one and a half hours) into Santa Barbara. Proceed through Santa Barbara and north for approximately 10 miles. Exit at the "UCSB/Ward Memorial" (Highway 217) offramp. Follow the signs onto campus. For campus directions, please review these UCSB maps.
From Santa Barbara Airport:
- The most convenient way to get to UCSB from the S.B. airport is to call "Yellow Cab" at 965-5111. The fare for the cab should be about $15; if you use the cabs at the airport, the fare is higher.
- If you are renting a car at the airport, turn right as you exit the rental car lot, onto William Moffet Lane. Follow the signs onto campus. It is less than a five-minute drive.
- If staying at The Best Western South Coast Inn, simply use the airport courtesy phone to call the Inn for pickup. If staying at Ramada Ltd., just take a taxi; your fare will be reimbursed.
Banking & Stamps
- ATM for Wells Fargo Bank in the University Center (UCEN).
- ATM for Montecito Bank & Trust at the Coral Tree and Courtyard Cafe (directly across of the main entrance to Kohn Hall).
- ATM for Bank of America at the Arbor on campus.
- Chase Bank in Isla Vista
- Wells Fargo Bank in Isla Vista
- There is a post office at the University Center.
- There is also a U.S. mailbox, useful for sending personal letters and postcards, across the service road from the KITP next to the Materials Research Lab (the white building with green trim).
Campus Events
For extensive holdings of books and journals, you need to go to the UCSB Main Library, in the center of campus, a 5 minute walk from the KITP building. The Sciences-Engineering Library (SEL) is on the second floor of the older north wing in the Main Library. The people at the SEL Desk (east side 2nd floor near elevators) can help you find things. You check out books at the Loan Desk in the ground floor lobby; you must first obtain a library card by identifying yourself as a KITP member.
Many journals are available as Electronic Journals.
From any computer on campus, you can also access journals online through their own website under UCSB subscription privileges.Latest paper journals are placed in racks (east side SEL), except for a few hot items such as Science and Nature which must be asked for at the SEL Desk. Books and bound journals are shelved in the stacks to your north, according to the Library of Congress system, so
- QA1-QA999 Mathematics
- QB1-QB999 Astronomy
- QC1-QC999 Physics
The library copy machines are money-operated; you can also buy a card for heavy use. Brochures about the many library services are available near the SEL Desk.
The catalog for the UCSB Main Library is online as Pegasus.
The Interlibrary Loan service is available for materials not present at UCSB. For instance, they can email you a copy of an obscure journal article.
The library catalog for the whole UC system is available online as Melvyl. Melvyl is more powerful, but Pegasus additionally knows whether UCSB books are on the shelf or checked out.
Physics Dept. Calendar
Please review the UCSB Smoke & Tobacco-Free Policy. All UC Santa Barbara-managed properties (facilities, buildings, grounds, athletics properties) are smoke-free and tobacco-free, regardless of whether or not notices are posted.
Non-permitted Items and Activities
- All forms of smoking, tobacco use, and unregulated nicotine products, including but not limited to:
- cigarettes, cigars (commercially or self-rolled)
- pipes, hookahs, water pipes
- electronic devices that deliver nicotine or other vaporized liquids
- smokeless tobacco (e.g., snuff, snus, chew)
- Tobacco use including smoking, chewing, dipping, electronic smoking devices, or any other use of tobacco products.
- Smoke or Smoking: The act of inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted or heated plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, including tobacco and marijuana. This includes the use of any electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or a vapor in any manner or in any form or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking.