Chalk Talks

Chalk TalksFriends of KITP have the opportunity to spend an evening four to five times a year with some of the world’s most exciting theoretical physicists, sharing refreshments and conversation about big questions such as how the universe began, how stars and planets form, how the brain works, and where dark matter lurks!

Frequent Chalk Talks allow Friends of KITP to stay current on the latest breakthroughs in science through engaging and informal presentations by KITP’s leading visiting scientists. In keeping with the custom of the academic physics community, these presentations are informal and questions are encouraged during and after the talk.

Chalk Talks Archive

Speaker Event Date Event Title Talks
Urban Seifert September 19, 2024 The Moiré the Merrier
Nathaniel Craig May 29, 2024 The Muon Shot & the Future of Particle Physics
Susan Clark March 5, 2024 Mapping cosmic magnetism in the space between the stars
Dmitri "Mitya" Chklovskii November 29, 2023 Can Brain Science Help Advance Artificial Intelligence?
Natalia Perkins July 20, 2023 Why are we excited about the Kitaev model?
Suri Vaikuntanathan April 19, 2023 "Active" Associative Memory