Code of Conduct & Resources

  1. KITP Code of Conduct
  2. KITP Community Guide

  3. UCSB Policies and Reporting Resources

  4. Policies Addressing Harassment

  5. Reporting Resources

  6. Confidential Support Resources

  7. NSF Participant Notice


KITP Code of Conduct

To be a KITP participant, you must abide by the KITP Code of Conduct in all KITP spaces – Kohn Hall, KITP funded housing, and all KITP events.

  • Participants, including faculty, staff and visitors, will conduct themselves in a professional manner that is welcoming, inclusive, and free from disrespect, intimidation, bullying, discrimination, personal attacks, harassment, and retaliation.
  • Participants will create a collegial and professional environment where all voices and perspectives can be heard. Repeated or sustained disruption of talks or events is not tolerated.
  • Participants will not take inappropriate actions or make offensive statements based on characteristics such as age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, nationality, political affiliation, ability status, educational background, occupation, seniority or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Leaders in meetings and social events ensure that conduct is appropriate. If a leader observes inappropriate comments or actions, they should intervene.
  • Violations may result in immediate dismissal.

Code of conduct violations may be reported to any of the following KITP Staff:

View KITP Code of Conduct (2025) PDF



KITP Community Guide

KITP intends to foster an environment for listening and considering new ideas from a diverse group, with respect for all participants without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age or any other aspect of how we identify ourselves. As visitors to KITP and UCSB participating in that spirit, you commit yourself to creating and maintaining a work and academic environment free of sex discrimination, sexual harassment and sexual violence.

If you believe you may be experiencing or witnessing sexual harassment or sexual violence, there are multiple resources on campus available to receive your complaint. Their contact information is listed below. Please take advantage of the Campus Security Officer’s Escort Service if walking through campus or Isla Vista. They can be reached 24 hours a day at 805-893-2000, or extension 2000 from a campus phone. All of KITP’s staff are here to help should you need our assistance!

View Reporting Sexual Harassment KITP Community Guide (2018) PDF


UCSB Policies and Reporting Resources

Policies Addressing Harassment

UC Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace:
UC Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy:
Sexual Violence & Sexual Harassment Resource & Response Guide:
UCSB Student Code of Conduct:


Reporting Resources: 

a report to these resources places the University ‘on notice’ and initiates a University response to potential policy violations.

UCSB Title IX & Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance Office

Reviews and coordinates response to all reports of sexual violence affecting the campus community, and reviews matters to determine if an official University investigation is required. Investigates Title IX complaints, oversees campus Title IX resolutions efforts, and offers referrals to relevant campus resources.

Phone: (805) 893-2701


Location: Phelps Hall, Room 3211

UC Police Department (UCPD)

Located in the Public Safety Building (near Harder Stadium). For crimes committed on campus property, provides reporting, investigation, and forwarding of reports to the District Attorney for legal action. Also provides information about restraining orders and referrals for forensic exams.

Phone: (805) 893-3446


Location: Public Safety Building (near Harder Stadium)

Isla Vista Foot Patrol/SB Sheriff's Office

For crimes committed in Isla Vista, provides reporting, investigation, forwarding of reports to the District Attorney for legal acton, information about restraining orders and referrals for forensic exams.

Phone: (805) 681-4179

After hours phone: (805) 681-4100


Location: 6504 Trigo Road, Isla Vista

Confidential Support Resources:

a report to these resources does not constitute official notice to the University about potential policy violations.

UCSB Care (Confidential Advocates) Office

Provides confidential 24-hour advocacy services for survivors, support, information about reporting options, accompaniment to evidence examinations or meetings with law enforcement, as well as support services for friends, family members, or significant others of those impacted by sexual violence/sexual harassment.

24 hour advocacy line: (805) 893-4613


Location: 1220 SRB

UCSB Office of the Ombuds

A confidential resource for the UCSB community to discuss concerns with a trained mediator.

Phone: (805) 893-3285


Location: 1205-K Girvetz Hall

View Reporting and Response Resources PDF (2019)

NSF Participant Notice

Dear Participant:

This conference/workshop/symposium is supported all or in part by the National Science Foundation under Award No. 1748958.

We are required by the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (Chapter II.E.7), effective February 25, 2019, to provide all event participants with information on the University’s policy on sexual and other forms of harassment or sexual assault as well as directions on how to report any violations of this policy. For purposes of this requirement, “other forms of harassment” is defined as “non-gender or non-sex-based harassment of individuals protected under federal civil rights laws, as set forth in organizational policies or codes of conduct, statutes, regulations, or executive orders.”

The University of California is committed to creating and maintaining a community dedicated to the advancement, application and transmission of knowledge and creative endeavors through academic excellence, where all individuals who participate in University programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free of harassment, exploitation, or intimidation.

The University has general policies prohibiting harassment and discrimination on the basis of protected categories, including the University of California Policy on Discrimination, Harassment, and Affirmative Action in the Workplace and the Student Code of Conduct. The University of California Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy is specifically focused on sexual violence and sexual harassment, retaliation, and other behavior that violates University policy (“Prohibited Conduct”). This Policy outlines the University’s responsibilities and procedures related to Prohibited Conduct in order to ensure an equitable and inclusive education and employment environment free of sexual violence and sexual harassment. The Policy defines conduct prohibited by the University of California and explains the administrative procedures the University uses to resolve reports of Prohibited Conduct. The University’s Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment Policy applies to all University employees as well as undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. The Policy applies at all University campuses, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Medical Centers, the Office of the President, Agriculture and Natural Resources, and to all University programs and activities.

The full text of the above noted policies may be reviewed on the UC Office of the President website. The University will respond promptly and effectively to reports of Prohibited Conduct and will take appropriate action to prevent, to correct, and when necessary and possible, to discipline behavior that violates these policies.

Confidential resources, including the UCSB Care Office, are also available to those who have experienced sexual harassment, sexual violence, or other Prohibited Conduct in connection with a UCSB NSF sponsored event. Advocates can be reached 24 hours a day through The Care Line: 805-893-4613. A survivor can make use of confidential resources at any time, regardless of whether the event has been reported to the Title IX office or other authorities. For more information about UCSB Care and other survivor support services at UCSB, please visit CARE's How We Help webpage.

Any person may report incidents of sexual violence, sexual harassment, relationship violence, stalking, or other forms of prohibited behavior to the campus Title IX office, which is named the Title IX & Sexual Harassment Policy Compliance Office.

Reports to law enforcement can be made to UCSB’s police department (UCPD) for on-campus incidents or to the local department where the crime occurred. A confidential advocate from CARE or UCPD staff can help determine which police department to contact. In an emergency, dial 911. Reports to UCPD can be made in person at Public Safety Bldg 574 Santa Barbara, CA 93106-1010, or by phone through the non-emergency line at (805) 893-3446.

View NSF Participant Notice (2019) PDF