Soft Matter Physics Approaches to Biology
Coordinators: Alexander Y. Grosberg, Katharina Ribbeck, Michael Rubinstein
This conference is aimed at elucidating progress and challenges at the biological frontier of soft matter and polymer physics. Specifically, the conference will discuss important aspects of soft matter physics and their application to biological systems. It will also discuss the implementation of soft matter physics in the design of biomimetic materials. Within this conceptual framework the following topics will be addressed: Chromosomes and large scale DNA packing; Genome packing and self-organization of viruses; Protein-DNA interactions; Force transduction and cell motility; DNA based nanotechnology; Nanochannels; Physics views on biological evolution.
The conference will comprise invited lectures by leading scientists, as well as “virtual poster” session, in which everyone will have the chance to present his or her work on the conference web site ahead of time and then will introduce it in a short 2-3 minutes presentation, thereby encouraging for everyone intense interactions on the subjects of individual choice.