Direct, Indirect and Collider Signals of Dark Matter (Minipgm)
in partnership with the Kavli Foundation.
Coordinators: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Douglas Finkbeiner, Neal Weiner
The year 2009 has seen a radical change in our attitudes towards what dark matter may be, and how it might manifest itself. The sharp rise in the positron fraction of cosmic rays above 10 GeV at PAMELA suggests the need for a new, primary source of antimatter. While the sharp peak of ATIC in the electron cosmic ray spectrum has not been confirmed by Fermi, the hard spectrum of 1/E3 has been, yielding additional support for the PAMELA claim. One intriguing possibility for an origin is dark matter, either through annihilations or decay.
A wide range of other signals, in WMAP data, from the INTEGRAL satellite, and from DAMA, have all prompted a reexamination of what is natural for dark matter in its mass, interactions, and signals. The year 2010 promises to be as exciting for dark matter as 2009, if not more so. There is a great prospect of many sources of new data, in particular from the dramatic changes in sensitivity of the next generation of dark matter direct detection experiments, as well as new data from cosmic ray experiments and neutrino telescopes. The LHC will begin providing new insights into the nature of the weak scale, while the Tevatron will continue to expand its reach into physics beyond the standard model. With much data already in hand by this winter, it is a good time to reexamine what our expectations for dark matter are and how we can determine its nature using direct, indirect, and collider searches.
The program will aim to bring together particle physicists, both theoretical and experimental, as well as astrophysicists, to discuss new signals and their origins. The emphasis will be on new searches and analyses that can be done with these data, and to foster communication between various areas about what the possibilities from new experiments may be. With limited talks, the goal will be to initiate new collaborations between people of varied backgrounds to further such investigations.