The Nature And Dynamics of the Earth's Transition Zone (Minipgm): A Multidisciplinary Approach.
Coordinators: Adam M. Dziewonski, Stanley R. Hart, Louise Kellogg, Barbara Romanowicz
This summer program is part of an effort in the geosciences community that aims at the development of a Cooperative Institute for Deep Earth Studies (CIDER). CIDER will bring together scientists from the different disciplines involved in the study of the interior structure and dynamics of the Earth and planets: geochemistry, geodynamics, geomagnetism, mineral physics and seismology.
This three-week program will combine two overlapping components:
1) a tutorial program consisting of formal lectures and practical exercises for advanced graduate students and post-doc's (weeks 1 & 2) and
2) a multidisciplinary workshop program involving both senior and junior scientists (weeks 2 & 3.)
For further information, go to the main announcement.
Support for this program is provided by the KITP and the EAR-CSEDI program of NSF. KITP is serving as host, but please contact the coordinators directly if you require further information.
This three-week program will combine two overlapping components:
1) a tutorial program consisting of formal lectures and practical exercises for advanced graduate students and post-doc's (weeks 1 & 2) and
2) a multidisciplinary workshop program involving both senior and junior scientists (weeks 2 & 3.)
For further information, go to the main announcement.
Support for this program is provided by the KITP and the EAR-CSEDI program of NSF. KITP is serving as host, but please contact the coordinators directly if you require further information.