Monsters, Inc.:Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters
Coordinators: Andrey Kravtsov, Dan Marrone, Peng Oh
This conference is now full. Thank you for your interest.
Clusters of galaxies are both unique astrophysical laboratories and powerful cosmological probes. The latter is because clusters are the largest objects which have undergone gravitational relaxation and are therefore the largest objects whose masses we can reliably measure using independent methods. Such measurements allow us to use the observed matter content of clusters and cluster counts at different epochs to constrain the amount of dark matter in the universe and the rate of gravitationally-driven structure formation, which in turn provide independent and unique constraints on the quantity and properties of matter and dark energy in the universe. Clusters of galaxies are thus a veritable crossroads of cosmology and astrophysics. Progress in our understanding of these systems and in their use as precision cosmological probes requires a holistic view of clusters. The conference will bringing together observers and theorists studying the astrophysics of clusters and cosmologists exploring cluster evolution in the unique setting of KITP. The topics that will be covered include the physics and evolution of cluster cores, cluster profiles and outskirts, turbulence and AGN feedback, plasma physics of the intracluster medium, scaling relations between observables and mass, cosmological constraints using clusters, baryon content of clusters, synergy between clusters and other cosmological probes.
CONTRIBUTED TALKS AND POSTERS (Deadline has past for submission.): Each topical session of the conference will be anchored by one or two invited talks followed by contributed talks of 15-20 minutes and discussion sessions. In addition, posters will be on display during the conference.
Invited speakers include:
Steve Allen (Stanford)
Monique Arnaud (CEA Saclay)
Brad Benson (Chicago)
Hans Boehringer (MPE)
Stefano Borgani (Trieste)
Gianfranco Brunetti (INAF, Bologna)
Eugene Churazov (MPA)
Klaus Dolag (MPA)
Meghan Donahue (MSU)
Gus Evrard (Michigan)
Andrew Fabian (Cambridge)
Dragan Huterer (Michigan)
Eiichiro Komatsu (Texas)
Toby Marriage (Johns Hopkins)
Ian McCarthy (Cambridge)
Brian McNamara (Waterloo)
Daisuke Nagai (Yale)
Cristoph Pfrommer (Heidelberg)
Eliot Quataert (Berkeley)
Piero Rosati (ESO)
Eduardo Rozo (Chicago)
Mateusz Ruszkowski (Michigan)
Aurora Simionescu (Stanford)
Romain Teyssier (Zurich)
Alexey Vikhlinin (SAO/CfA)
Mark Voit (MSU)
Ann Zabludoff (Arizona)