Exploring TeV Scale New Physics with LHC Data
Coordinators: Marcela Carena, Fabio Maltoni, Matthias Neubert, Lian-Tao Wang
Scientific Advisors: Yuri Gershtein, Beate Heinemann, Aurelio Juste, Ian Low, David Stuart
Early 2013 should be an exciting time for the field of particle physics. Results from the 7-TeV run of the LHC and the Tevatron may have discovered exciting new physics beyond the Standard Model. Or, it will set unprecedented constraints on new physics in large swaths of the landscape of theoretical proposals. It will certainly lay the foundation for a full exploration of the TeV scale at the upgraded LHC. Therefore, it is critical for physicists to assess what can be inferred from experiments at these facilities.
The detailed content of this program will depend on the challenges and opportunities provided by the experimental outcomes. The topics will undoubtedly include the new physics beyond the Standard Model, Higgs searches, dark matter searches at colliders, new calculation techniques for Standard Model processes, as well as flavor, CP and other low energy measurements.