Spin and Magnetism in Young Neutron Stars

Coordinators: Lars Bildsten, Lars E. Hernquist, Victoria M. Kaspi, Shrinivas R. Kulkarni

The recent discoveries of highly magnetized neutron stars and new physical mechanisms that might set the initial neutron star rotation rate has given us exciting new insights into neutron star properties and forces us to reconsider much of the interior physics of these extreme stellar remnants.  The intent of this program is to bring together researchers working on all aspects of neutron star properties set during their birth and prevalent during their youth. This will include the origin of magnetism and the high-field magnetars, the possible role of gravitational radiation in limiting the initial spin periods, the origin of kicks and glitches and new information from neutron star cooling.  The rapid observational progress on these topics(both from current and future X-ray satellites, as well as radio pulsar surveys) makes the time ripe for a gathering of theorists and observers.

Theoretical focus will be placed on the interior physics of the neutron star as well as physics during the collapse, the role of progenitor evolution, atmospheric modeling and cooling spectra, and most importantly the interpretation of the rapidly arriving datasets.

The observational progress on these topics(both from current and future X-ray satellites, as well as radio pulsar surveys) makes the time ripe for a gathering of theorists and observers. Indeed, this program will provide an opportunity to reconsider the theoretical interpretations of the observations and the resulting implications for the inferred properties of the young neutron star.  It is hoped that collaborations and new research directions will emerge from the extended interactions between theorists interested in the physics of neutron stars with both the observers and the general relativists working on gravitational wave emission from young neutron stars.

We also hope to have observers present who can present in some detail the status of current observational work, emphasizing what they consider to be future directions, thus stimulating theoretical work of broad relevance. The parallel program at the ITP during the same period is "High Temperature Superconductivity\'"(organized by C. Kallin, R. Laughlin, P. Lee, and D.  Scalapino) so the theoretical overlap should be large for interior physics, superfluids and superconductivity.