Kavli Institute For Theoretical Physics
The KITP Public Lecture Series

Stars: The Ultimate Laboratory for Modern Physics

sponsored by Friends of KITP

Stars have long fascinated human beings, but our understanding of their true nature is only about 100 years old. Starting in the 1920s, stars have become a wonderful laboratory for modern physics, providing scientists with insight into nuclear physics, quantum mechanics, particle physics, and more recently, turbulence -- a field often described as the last unsolved problem in classical physics. In this lecture, Professor Garaud will present a selection of what scientists have learned from stars to date, and what they hope to learn in the future thanks to new advances in stellar seismology and high-performance computing.

About the Speaker:

Pascale Garaud is a Professor in the department of Applied Mathematics at the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz. She completed her graduate studies and two postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Cambridge (UK) before moving to the US. Her research focuses on fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodynamics applied to astrophysics. Her work involves a range of applied mathematical tools from numerical experimentation using high-performance computing to pen-and-paper analytical derivations. She became a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2019