New Directions in the Quantum Control Landscape
Coordinators: Ivan Deutsch , Lorenza Viola
Scientific Advisors: Gerard Milburn, Paul Corkum, Konrad Lehnert
Precisely characterizing and controlling the states and dynamics of complex quantum systems has emerged as a key challenge across contemporary quantum science and technology, with implications across areas as diverse as atomic and molecular dynamics, quantum information processing, precision metrology, nano-mechanics, and biological processes. As the field of quantum control continues to grow well beyond its original boundaries and to diversify its landscape, it is also entering a phase that calls for an unprecedented level of synergy between different disciplines and integration between theory and experiment.
The goal of this conference will be to bring together theorists and experimentalists working across all sub-fields of quantum control, with a special eye toward identifying emerging directions and yet unexplored frontiers. In particular, topics will include quantum control theory in open and/or many-body quantum systems, quantum control methodologies for high-fidelity quantum computation and simulation, quantum-limited measurement and back-action, and applications to controlling femto- and atto- second physics and chemistry as well as quantum coherence in biological systems.