The Many Faces of Relativistic Fluid Dynamics
Coordinators: Michal P. Heller, Pavel Kovtun, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler, and Jorge Noronha
Scientific Advisors: Ulrich Heinz, Mukund Rangamani, Dam Son, and Bill Zajc
Over the last two decades, heavy-ion collision experiments have provided overwhelming evidence that quarks and gluons, the elementary particles within protons and neutrons, can flow as a viscous relativistic liquid over distance scales not much larger than the size of a proton. Concurrently, formal theoretical developments have been pushing the limits of hydrodynamics, providing new perspectives on old problems. The program will bring together scientists who work on both formal and applied aspects of relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics, with the goal of forming a lasting dialogue where formal developments inform phenomenology and vice versa. The topics that the program will aim to advance include:
- Mathematical aspects of relativistic hydrodynamics
- Connections between different formulations of relativistic hydrodynamics; phenomenology of heavy-ion collisions
- Hydrodynamics of small subnuclear systems
- Hydrodynamics in curved space-time
- Field-theoretic description and physical effects of statistical fluctuations
- Hydrodynamics near the critical point of quantum chromodynamics
- Holographic relationship between relativistic hydrodynamics and general relativity
- Emergence of hydrodynamics far from equilibrium
- Derivation of hydrodynamics from microscopic approaches
- Relativistic magneto-hydrodynamics and effects of spin and chiral anomalies in hydrodynamics