Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory
Coordinators: Gökçe Başar, Christopher Howls, Wolfgang Lerche, and Ricardo Schiappa
Asymptotics is one of the most powerful mathematical tools in theoretical physics, and recent progress in the modern theory of resurgent asymptotic analysis (using trans-series) has recently begun to be applied systematically to many current problems of interest in physics, such as matrix models, string theory, and quantum field theory. Mathematically, much progress has been made in the asymptotics of differential and difference equations, both linear and nonlinear, and physical applications have highlighted the importance of localization, complex integrable systems, infinite-dimensional Morse theory, saddle-point analysis of path integrals and Picard-Lefschetz theory.
The goal of this conference is to bring together experts in these diverse fields of physics and mathematics along with experts in areas such as gauge theory, string theory, and lattice theory, in order to exchange new ideas and techniques, and to identify the salient problems to be addressed in the near future.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Andrei Alexandru - George Washington University
- Inês Aniceto - Jagiellonian University
- Paulo Bedaque - Maryland
- Carl Bender - Washington University
- Pavel Buividovich - Univ. Regensburg
- Aleksey Cherman - University of Washington
- Ovidiu Costin - Ohio State
- Francesco Di Renzo - University of Parma & INFN
- Alexander Gorsky - Kharkevich Institute
- Alba Grassi - Simons Center Stony Brook
- David Gross - Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
- Sergei Gukov - Caltech
- Michal P. Heller - Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute)
- Simeon Hellerman - U. Tokyo
- Masazumi Honda - Weizmann Institute
- Jared Kaplan - Johns Hopkins University
- Amir-Kian Kashani-Poor - ENS Paris
- Zohar Komargodski - Simons Center for Geometry & Physics
- Marcos Mariño - University of Geneva
- Norisuke Sakai - Keio University
- David Sauzin - Scuola Normale Pisa
- Yumiko Takei - Kobe University
- Yuya Tanizaki - Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Neil Turok - Perimeter Institute
- Marcel Vonk - Universiteit van Amsterdam
- André Voros - CEA Saclay
- Masahito Yamazaki - KIPMU
- Karen Yeats - University of Waterloo