Spacetime and String Theory
Coordinators: Lara Anderson, Rajesh Gopakumar, Thomas Hartman, and Xi Yin
String theory encompasses a wide range of perspectives on the nature of spacetime, from qubit models of black hole information to the string worldsheet. This conference will aim for a new synthesis of the field that builds on recent progress on the role of quantum information, new top-down techniques in string compactification and string field theory, and growing evidence for precise holographic dualities beyond anti-de Sitter space. The focus will be on bridging the divide between the IR and the UV. We will explore recent progress in non-perturbative string theory and stringy constraints on effective field theory, and develop the connections between the gravitational path integral, higher topologies, and entanglement, from low energy to the string scale.
Confirmed speakers include:
Alejandra Castro
Shai Chester
Ashoke Sen
Chi-Ming Chang
Eva Silverstein
Hiroshi Ooguri
Jake McNamara
Jonathan Heckman
Jonathan Sorce
Juan Maldacena
Kasia Budzik
Manki Kim
Martin Schnabl
Micha Berkooz
Mukund Rangamani
Naomi Gendler
Sameer Murthy
Scott Collier
Sebastian Mizera
Shreya Vardhan
Shu-Heng Shao
Tadashi Takayanagi
Veronika Hubeny
Luca Iliesiu
Victor Rodriguez
Wati Taylor
Xi Dong
Zohar Komargodski
Ricardo Schiappa
Wei Li