Entangled Quantum States of Matter: Classification, Creation, Manipulation, Detection

Coordinators: Monika Aidelsburger, Georg Bruun and Victor Galitski, and Pietro Massignan


This conference will explore many aspects of entangled quantum states of matter, with an eye towards their eventual experimental realization. These include non-Fermi liquids, symmetry-protected topological states, and topologically-ordered quantum matter such as gapped and gapless quantum spin liquids. Some of these states harbor nontrivial boundary or edge modes which will also be highlighted. Different topics will be covered including: the classification of entangled topological states which provide a roadmap of what is possible; investigations on how to engineer models built with realistic ingredients guided by theoretical explorations of their phase diagrams; and proposals for the right observables to detect and manipulate these states which can bring them closer from an abstract idea to reality. This conference will bring together experts on many aspects of highly-entangled quantum matter and help connect experts on mathematical aspects of classification and those with numerical expertise that provide information on phase diagrams with experimentalists striving to engineer these states in the lab.