Fisher was cited for his seminal contributions to the vortex-glass phase, the superconductor-insulator transition, and the theory of electron fractionalization, which have greatly deepened our understanding of strongly-correlated electron materials. Founded in 1780, the Academy is composed of more than 3,600 fellows and 600 foreign honorary members . Past members include George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill. The AAAS, which announced its 187 newly electedmembers May 5th, will formally induct new members at a ceremony and dinner scheduled for Oct. 13 at the House of the Academy in Cambridge, Mass. This honor bestowed on Fisher brings the total of AAAS fellows to three at the KITP: David Gross, Joe Polchinski and Matthew Fisher. See the list of new AAAS members.
Fisher elected fellow of AAAS
Saturday, May 3, 2003