Brandon R. Brown completed a bachelor’s degree in physics at Rice University and earned his Ph.D. at Oregon State University, conducting experiments probing vortex dynamics in high-temperature superconductors. Simultaneously, he took an array of graduate-level writing courses. Sustained dual interests in physics and writing then led him to the Science Communication program at UC Santa Cruz. Brandon is now a Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of San Francisco, where he has also served as department chair and associate dean for sciences. His biophysics work on the electric sense has appeared in such journals as Nature, Physical Review E, the Journal of Experimental Biology, and PLoS Computational Biology. More recently, he has focused on writing about science for general audiences, with columns appearing in such outlets as New Scientist, Scientific American, Slate and Smithsonian. He has written two books for the science-interested general public: Planck: Driven by Vision, Broken by War (Oxford, 2015), which won the 2016 Housatonic Award for nonfiction, and The Apollo Chronicles: Engineering America’s First Moon Missions (Oxford, 2019).
Brandon R. Brown
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