Books on MAGNETISMTexts and Reference Books[Back to Program Homepage] |
Alphabetical Order by First Author
Authors/Editors | Title of Monograph | Publisher,City,Year |
Abragam, A. | The Principles of Nuclear Magnetism | Oxford Science, Oxford, 1961 |
Aharoni, A. | Introduction to the Theory of Ferromagnetism | Oxford Science, Oxford, 1996 |
Auerbach, Assa | Interacting Electrons and Quantum Magnetism | Springer-Verlag, 1994 |
Balucani, Lovesy, Borsa, Tognetti, editors | Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations: II | Springer, 1987 |
Chudnovsky, Eugene & Tejada, Javier | Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling of the Magnetic Moment | Cambridge U. Press, 1998 |
Dederichs, P. H. and Gruenberg, P., editors | Magnetische Schichtsysteme, 30. Ferienkurs des Institute fuer FKF 1999 | Forschungszentrum Juelish GmbH, Juelich, 1999 |
De Jongh, L. J. | Experiments on Simple Magnetic Model Systems | Taylor & Francis, New York, 1974 |
Fazekas, Patrik | Electron Correlation and Magnetism | World Scientific, Singapore, 1999 |
Goodenough, John | Magnetism and the Chemical Bond | to be found |
Hewson, A. C. | The Kondo Problem to Heavy Fermions | Cambridge Univ. Press., Cambridge, 1993 |
Kahn, O. | Molecular Magnetism | VCH, New York, 1993 |
Kuebler, J. | Theory of Itinerant Electron Magnetism | Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2000 |
Levy, Laurent P. | Magnetisme et supraconductivit\'e | (Les Editions de Physique) ca. 1998 |
Lieb, E. H. and Mattis, D. C. | Mathematical Physics in One Dimension: Exactly Soluble Models of Interacting Particles | Academic, New York, 1966 |
Lovesy, Balucani, Borsa, Tognetti, editors | Magnetic Excitations and Fluctuations: I | Springer, 1984 |
Mattis, D. C. | The Many-body Problem: An Encyclopedia of Exactly Solved Models in One Dimension | World Scientific, Singapore, 1993 |
Mattis, D. C. | The Theory of Magnetism | Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1966 |
Mattis, D. C. | The Theory of Magnetism, Vol. 1 | Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1987 |
Moriya, Toru | Spin Fluctuations in Itinerant Electron Magnetism | Springer-Verlag, New York, 1999 |
Rado, George & Suhl, Harry (eds.) | Magnetism | Academic, New York, 1963 |
Slichter, C. | Principles of Magnetic Resonance | Harper, 1963 |
Skjeltorp, A. T. (ed.) | Dynamic Properties of Unconventional Magnetic Systems | Kluwer, Dortrecht, 1998 |
Smart, J. Samuel | Effective Field Theories of Magnetism | Saunders, 1966 |
Tognetti and Borsa | Magnetic Properties of Matter | World Scientific, 1988 |
White, Robert M | Quantum Theory of Magnetism, 2nd Ed. | Springer-Verlag, 1983 |
Yosida, Kei | Theory of Magnetism | Springer, 1996 |