The Co-evolution of the Cosmic Web and Galaxies across Cosmic Time
Coordinators: Joanne Cohn, Nick Kaiser, Katarina Kraljic, and Dmitri Pogosyan
The cosmic web of the matter distribution in the universe provides the framework for the formation and evolution of galaxies and is fundamental to connect galactic properties to cosmology. This conference will address the effects of the cosmic web upon galaxies and vice versa. The aim is to create both a broad-brush and then, for some aspects, a more detailed, early to late time joint history of the web and galaxies. Indeed, the web reflects what the universe is on intermediate scales, which are informative, both in terms of cosmic evolution and quantity of data. It acts as a dynamically relevant intermediate-density bridge (easier to model) between cosmology and galaxies. It is also the source of all anisotropy, critical for angular momentum acquisition, which is the number two parameter in galaxy formation.
This conference will cover many diverse topics, including:
- the observational estimation of the cosmic web in surveys at intermediate and low redshift, in 2 and 3D, on large and small scales
- the web’s cosmic dawn: forecasts for the thermal web at high redshifts, relying on theory and simulations
- identification of the locus and properties of early galaxies and quasars within the web: source distributions, geometry and topology of ionisation fronts interacting with the web
- a revised theory of galaxy formation and biasing: dynamics and morphology of galaxies within the web's filamentary flow across cosmic time
- dynamical signatures and relative effect of merger and interaction history, large-scale inflows and angular momentum transport over stochastic feedback
- an early-to late-time joint-history of the web and galaxies and its implication for cosmology and the dawn of structure formation, to constrain the equation of state of dark energy and primordial non-Gaussianity, and quantify the influence of modified gravity on the geometry of the large scale structures.