Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems: Advances and Applications
Coordinators: Aram Harrow, Liang Jiang, Vedika Kheman, and Sagar Vijay
The goal of this conference is to explore connections between many-body quantum dynamics, quantum complexity theory, and the use and validation of noisy, intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices. Key topic areas for this conference include (i) novel dynamical regimes and phases in quantum circuits, (ii) quantum simulation, error mitigation, and validation of NISQ devices, and (iii) quantum optimization algorithms and quantum many-body physics. The conference will provide a key opportunity for a targeted evaluation of productive areas for cross-collaboration for scientists in quantum information science, computer science, and condensed-matter physics.
Victor Albert - NIST/Maryland
Ehud Altman - Berkeley
Ben Brown- IBM
Bruno Bertini- Nottingham
Sebastian Diehl - Univ. of Cologne
Manuel Endres - Caltech
Bill Fefferman - U. Chicago
Sarang Gopalakrishnan - Princeton
Michael Gullans - QuICS
Tim Hsieh - Perimeter Inst.
Aleksander Kubica - AWS Quantum Computing
Ben Lev - Stanford
Yaodong Li - Stanford
Misha Lukin - Harvard
John Martinis - UCSB
Zlatko Minev - IBM
Chinmay Nirkhe - IBM
Crystal Noel - Duke
Lorenzo Piroli - ENS Paris
John Preskill - Caltech
Drew Potter - UBC
Xiaoliang Qi - Stanford
Giulia Semeghini - Harvard
Kevin Satzinger - Google
Eugene Tang - MIT
Romain Vasseur - UMass Amherst
Zhenghan Wang - UCSB
Dominic Williamson - U. Sydney
Peter Zoller - Univ. Innsbruck
Quntao Zhuang - Arizona