Quantum Many-Body Dynamics and Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems
Coordinators: Aram Harrow, Liang Jiang, Vedika Khemani, and Sagar Vijay
Scientific Advisors: Ehud Altman, Sergio Boixo, Ignacio Cirac, Mikhail Lukin, and John Preskill
Noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) devices – quantum systems consisting of many qubits, over which experiments have imperfect control – are already beginning to revolutionize our understanding of quantum dynamics and quantum information science. The prevalence of NISQ platforms, ranging from superconducting quantum devices to ion-trap experiments, and arrays of Rydberg atoms, has inspired new theoretical efforts to understand how to (i) use these platforms to study the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems, (ii) validate the operation of NISQ devices and design near-term applications and (iii) understand the aspects of quantum many-body dynamics that are “hard” to simulate on a classical computer. These theoretical questions remain important as NISQ devices evolve and eventually achieve fault-tolerance.
The goal of this program is to explore the important connections between NISQ devices and quantum many-body dynamics, against the backdrop of the rapid experimental progress in NISQ platforms. By bringing together researchers in condensed matter/AMO, quantum information science, and quantum computer science, the program will encourage a focus on important interdisciplinary topics.