Novel Approaches to Quantum Dynamics
Coordinators: Rahul Nandkishore, Siddharth Parameswaran, Marcos Rigol, and Romain Vasseur
Scientific Advisors: Siddharth Parameswaran
This conference will highlight recently discovered phenomena in quantum information dynamics and the new tools being developed to understand them. Phenomena of interest include, but are not limited to, many-body localization, prethermalization, information scrambling, fractons, and new phases of driven quantum systems. Tools of interest include mappings of dynamics to random statistical problems, tensor network methods, and approaches based on the AdS/CFT correspondence.
New Frontiers in Quantum Information Dynamics hopes to foster new connections between experiment and theory by taking stock of the most recent directions and searching for unifying themes. We seek a diverse array of participants from the quantum information and physics communities.
PLEASE NOTE: During the conference there will be an opportunity to present a poster. If you are interested in presenting a poster please visit the conference website and submit your title and abstract. Each poster board is 4 feet high x 6 feet wide. We ask that the posters be no larger than 44 inches high x 34 inches wide at the most. The deadline for poster submissions is August 13, 2018.
Invited speakers:
- Dima Abanin - Univ. of Geneva
- Ehud Altman - Weizmann Inst.
- Sergio Boixo - Google
- Paola Cappellaro - MIT
- Claudio Chamon - BU
- Shira Chapman - Perimeter Institute
- Pascale Calabrese - SISSA
- Anushya Chandran - BU
- Elizabeth Crosson - Caltech
- Andrea de Luca - CNRS
- Fabian Essler - Oxford
- Ed Grant - UBC
- Francois Huveeners - Paris Dauphine
- Vedika Khemani - Harvard
- Benjamin Lev - Stanford
- Hong Liu - MIT
- Misha Lukin - Harvard
- Alexander Lukin - Harvard
- Aditi Mitra - NYU
- Frank Pollman - MPI-PKS
- Michael Pretko - Colorado
- Tomaz Prosen - Univ. of Ljubljana
- Anatoli Polkovnikov - BU
- Gil Refael - Caltech
- Ana Maria Rey - Colorado
- Dan Roberts - Princeton (IAS)
- Tom Rosenbaum - Caltech
- Mark Rudner - MIT
- Maksym Serbyn - IST Austria
- Sagar Vijay - MIT
- Yi-Zhuang You - Harvard