New Probes for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Coordinators: Nathaniel Craig, Rouven Essig, Mariangela Lisanti, and Kathryn Zurek
Scientific Advisors: Chris Tully
We have entered a new era where the search for physics beyond the Standard Model extends from the most powerful colliders to the most sensitive of table-top experiments. The study of new symmetries and forces is rapidly becoming a highly interdisciplinary endeavor, requiring close collaboration between the theory and experimental communities in areas as diverse as high energy and condensed matter/AMO physics. This conference aims to bring together researchers from these diverse communities to discuss the most effective search strategies for a broad array of new physics models. The program will emphasize new experimental methods and technologies that hold promise in improving sensitivity to a broad array of theory scenarios, including ultralight scalars, light force carriers, and sub-GeV dark matter.
Invited Speakers
- Asimina Arvanitaki - Perimeter Inst.
- Marco Battaglieri - INFN
- Asher Berlin - SLAC
- Aaron Chou - Fermilab
- Janet Conrad - MIT
- Bertrand Echenard - Caltech
- Jonathan Feng - UCI
- Graham Giovanetti - Princeton
- Sunil Golwala - Caltech
- Stefania Gori - U of Cincinnati
- Peter Graham - Stanford
- Simon Knapen - LBNL
- Ben Mazin - UCSB
- Samuel Mc Dermott - Fermilab
- Dan McKinsey - Yale
- Matt Pyle - UC Berkeley
- Jesus Perez Rios - Universidad del Turabo
- Adam Ritz - Victoria Univ.
- Marianna Safronova - Delaware
- Subir Sarkar - Oxford
- Oren Slone - Princeton
- Peter Sorensen - LBNL
- Jan Strube - PNNL
- Timothy Tait - UCI
- Javier Tiffenberg - Fermilab
- Ken Van Tilburg - IAS.NYU
- Natalia Toro - SLAC
- Ronald Walsworth - Harvard
- Mike Williams - MIT
- Lindley Winslow - MIT
- Hai Bo Yu - UC Riverside