Teachers' Conference: This is Particle Theory
Coordinators: Flip Tanedo
For most of its history, particle physics has sought the fundamental building blocks of what we are made of. Today, the field formerly known as “subatomic physics” extends beyond our own constituents to that of an entire dark universe. Theoretical developments in this field point to rich mathematical structures that connect quantum mechanics and gravity.
This Teachers’ Conference brings in physicists from the associated “What is Particle Theory?” KITP workshop on the rich spectrum of ideas at the frontiers of particle physics. Join us in celebration of the frontier of fundamental science.
Invited speakers:
- James Dent (Sam Houston Stage)
- Kara Farnsworth (Univ. of Geneva)
- Grant Remmen (NYU)
- Nick Rodd (LBNL)
- Rachel Rosen (Carnegie Mellon)
You are eligible to participate in the teachers' conference if you are an active, full-time physics, physical science, math, or computer science teacher at K-12 school or 2-year college. Students in teacher prep programs are also eligible. We expect that capacity will allow all eligible registrants to participate.
Particle Physics in the Classroom Workshop
Coordinators: Kenneth Cecire and Shane Wood
On Friday, February 7, KITP will also host the workshop "Particle Physics in the Classroom," presented by QuarkNet. In order to participate in "Particle Physics in the Classroom," you must also register for the Saturday, February, 8 teachers' conference. If the workshop is over-subscribed, priority for that activity will be given to physics teachers and to applicants with less QuarkNet experience. This workshop will focus on how teachers can tap into the excitement of LHC physics to both motivate students and provide a contemporary context for them to engage with topics and practices covered in introductory physics courses.
Time |
Activity |
9:00 AM |
Greetings & Introductions
9:30 AM |
Activity: Shuffling the Particle Deck Explore the elementary particles that make up the Standard Model |
10:00 AM |
Activity: Rolling with Rutherford Use indirect evidence to “see” the invisible. |
10:45 AM |
Break |
11:00 AM |
Activity: Calculate the Z Mass Use conservation laws to calculate the mass of a particle.
12:00 PM |
Lunch & Tours |
1:15 PM |
Activity: World Wide Data Day measurement Use muons in a calibration measurement at the LHC. |
2:30 PM |
Break |
2:45 PM |
Activity: Explore Cosmic Ray Muon Detectors What can we learn from cosmic ray muons? |
4:00 PM |
4:30 PM |
End of workshop - return to hotel |