Quantum Many-body Physics through the Lens of Quantum Error Correction

Coordinators: Margarita Davydova, Sarang Gopalakrishnan, Aleksander Kubica, and Shruti Puri

The presence of noise implies that quantum error correction and fault-tolerance are needed to achieve scalable quantum computation. Advances in programmable quantum computing platforms have led to dramatic achievements in the realization of quantum error correction and fault-tolerance. Recent theoretical work has also seen construction of novel families of quantum codes in non-local geometries that challenge conventional notions of phases of matter, as well as a host of results on optimization of quantum error correction for structured noise models that can reduce overhead for practical realizations. These developments raise new challenges and scientific opportunities in quantum many-body physics when describing the properties and evolution of encoded quantum matter. This conference will explore quantum many-body systems using the framework of quantum error correction and fault-tolerance. Emphasis will be placed on results relevant to near-term experiments in quantum devices.