Please Note: Do not make reservations online. You will not receive the KITP rate from online reservations. If you are traveling from overseas and need to make a hotel reservation at the Best Western South Coast Inn, please e-mail the Sales Director at: Mention the group you will be with (see chart below) to be given your discount.
A block of rooms has been set aside for the use of our conference participants at The Best Western South Coast Inn in Goleta, California—about 2-1/2 miles from the UCSB Campus. Transportation to/from KITP will be provided.
The hotel offers special rates to our participants, single or double same rate. Contact them directly at 1 (805) 967-3200 to make your reservation, do not make online reservations as you will not receive the KITP rate.
Mention your conference group code to receive the special rate.
Lodging must be reserved by the conference lodging deadline provided in the chart below. After that date rooms MAY BE available to you on a space- available basis at their regular rate. The Santa Barbara area has a large tourist population and it is important that you make your reservations early.
Lodging Information for Specific Conferences
Conference | Hotel | Group Code | Nightly Rate | Reservation deadline |
Moiré Materials: A New Paradigm in Tunable Quantum Matter | Best Western South Coast Inn | MOIRE_C24 | Sun. - Thursday: $199, Fri. & Sat. $269 14.195% per night tax | 7/19/2024 |
Cosmic Dawn Revealed by JWST: The Physics of the First Stars, Galaxies, and Black Holes | Best Western South Coast Inn | FIRSTBILLION_C24 | Sun. - Thursday: $199, Fri. & Sat. $269 14.195% per night tax | 7/25/2024 |
The Many Faces of Active Mechanics | Best Western South Coast Inn | ACTIVESOLIDS_C24 | Sun. - Thursday: $150, Fri. & Sat. $175 14.195% per night tax | 9/13/2024 |
New Perspectives in Many-body Physics with Quantum Optical Systems | Best Western South Coast Inn | MBQOPTICS_C24 | Sun. - Thursday: $150, Fri. & Sat. $175 14.195% per night tax | 9/28/2024 |
Harnessing Quantum-optical Techniques in Solid-state Materials | Best Western South Coast Inn | QOELECTRONS_C25 | Monday–Friday: $160, Sunday–Thursday. $190 + 14.195% per night tax | 1/3/2025 |
Lattice and Continuum Approaches to Strongly Coupled QFT | Best Western South Coast Inn | PARTICLES_C25 | Sunday–Thursday. $160 Fri. & Sat. $190+14.195% per night tax | 2/7/2025 |
Generalized Symmetries: High-Energy, Condensed Matter and Mathematics | Best Western South Coast Inn | GENSYM_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $160, Fri. & Sat. $190 + 14.195% per night tax | 3/7/2025 |
Planets on the Edge | Best Western South Coast Inn | EDGEPLANETS_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $160, Fri. & Sat. $190 + 14.195% per night tax | 4/5/2025 |
Biological Physics of Biomolecular Condensates: Bridging Theory and Experiment | Best Western South Coast Inn | BIOMOL_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $190, Fri. & Sat. $260 + 14.195% per night tax | 5/16/2025 |
The Future of Earth’s Polar Regions | Best Western South Coast Inn | POLAR_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $190, Fri. & Sat. $260 + 14.195%per night tax | 5/23/2025 |
Frontiers of Relativistic Plasma Physics in Astrophysics and Laboratory Experiments | Best Western South Coast Inn | EXTREMEPLASMA_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $190, Fri. & Sat. $260 + 14.195%per night tax | 7/18/2025 |
Quantum Many-body Physics through the Lens of Quantum Error Correction | Best Western South Coast Inn | STABLEPHASES_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $190, Fri. & Sat. $260 + 14.195%per night tax | 8/8/2025 |
Frontiers of Programmable Quantum Dynamics: Advances and Applications | Best Western South Coast Inn | FINESTRUCTURE_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $165, Fri. & Sat. $189 + 14.195% per night tax | 9/27/2025 |
The Lifecycle of Stellar Black Holes | Best Western South Coast Inn | STELLARBH_C25 | Sun.–Thursday: $165, Fri. & Sat. $189 + 14.195% per night tax | 10/27/2025 |
Need Directions? Here is our Quick Reference Guide.
For Further Information
If you have any questions, please contact:
KITP Conference Assistant
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-4030
Office telephone: (805) 893-6383
Fax number: (805) 893-3486
e-mail: kitpconf at kitp dot ucsb dot edu