2009 Raab Contest Winners

Simon and Diana Raab have generously supported prizes in a contest for the best secondary school science class presentations based on the 2009 KITP Teacher's Conference, on the subject of "Light Meets Matter: Atoms and Lasers".

First Prize Steven BrehmerSteven Brehmer
Mayo High School, Rochester, MN



Download the presentation:

Presentation (ppt) :: Presentation (pdf)

Second Prize Nick NicastroNick Nicastro
Wachusett Regional High School, Holden, MA



Download the presentation


Third Prize

Gail Van EkerenGail Van Ekeren
New Brunswick Health Sciences Technology High School, New Brunswick, NJ.

Download the presentation:

Presentation (ppt) :: Presentation (pdf)

NOTE: We offer the class presentation in 2 formats: PowerPoint and PDF. The original creation was in PowerPoint. Because that file can require a long time to download and is not always fully compatible with every computer's software, we offer the alternative of a PDF file of the same material. It downloads rapidly and should be readily usable on all computer platforms. What is lost is (1) the animations sometimes provided in PowerPoint, and (2) the opportunity for you to edit the presentation easily to tailor it to any special needs you may have. Contact us if you have any questions or problems downloading the files.