
Please review the UCSB Smoke & Tobacco-Free Policy. All UC Santa Barbara-managed properties (facilities, buildings, grounds, athletics properties) are smoke-free and tobacco-free, regardless of whether or not notices are posted.

Non-permitted Items and Activities

  • All forms of smoking, tobacco use, and unregulated nicotine products, including but not limited to:
    • cigarettes, cigars (commercially or self-rolled)
    • pipes, hookahs, water pipes
    • electronic devices that deliver nicotine or other vaporized liquids
    • smokeless tobacco (e.g., snuff, snus, chew)
  • Tobacco use including smoking, chewing, dipping, electronic smoking devices, or any other use of tobacco products.
  • Smoke or Smoking: The act of inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying of any lighted or heated plant product intended for inhalation, whether natural or synthetic, including tobacco and marijuana. This includes the use of any electronic smoking device that creates an aerosol or a vapor in any manner or in any form or the use of any oral smoking device for the purpose of circumventing the prohibition of smoking.