Physics 215B, Graduate Quantum Mechanics, Winter 2018
Prof. Matthew Fisher
email: ;
Office: 2305 Kohn Hall
Lectures: Monday, Wednesday 11:00-12:15 pm, Arts 1356
Office Hours: Wednesday, 2-3pm
Find the course web site thru my personal web site:
Grader/TA: Alex Rasmussen
Office: 6218 Broida Hall
Office Hours: Thursday 1-4pm
Textbooks: As for 215A, the "official" textbook for 215B is Sakurai/Napolitano (2nd edition). There are many good QM books - including Shankar, Gottfried/Yan, Landau-Lifshitz, among others. However, I am hoping to include some more modern topics (Landauer scattering theory, Quantum Ising model and Majorana Fermions) which are not in these books. I will try to suggest other reading/books when relevant.
Homework: Roughly 6-7 homeworks throughout the quarter, available on the course web site. Homework solutions also posted online. You are encouraged to work together on the homeworks.
Exams: None. Unless requested!
Help/feedback: In addition to my office hours and Alex' office hours, I would be happy to schedule a mutually convenient time to chat about homework or other topics (best arranged by e-mail). I would greatly appreciate feedback on any aspect of the course, anytime throughout the quarter.
Problem Sets
Problem Solutions
215A Syllabus (Fall 2017):
Mathematical Primer
Formulation of Quantum Mechanics
2-State Quantum System(s)
Density Matrices
Quantum "Paradoxes"
Quantum Computing
Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
Approximation methods
- Time Independent Perturbation Theory
- Time dependent perturbation theory
Path Integral Formulation of Quantum Mechanics:
- Real time and Euclidian path integral
- Instantons and tunneling
- Multi-particle path integrals
Quantum (Lattice) Field Theory:
- Quantum Transverse Field Ising model
- 1d Quantum Ising Model and Majorana Fermions