KITP News Archive
High Technology Emerges From Low Dimensional Electron Systems
Program on 'Low Dimensional Electron Systems' looks at phenomena with the potential to transform our three-dimensional world.
2010 Kavli Prize Recipients Announced
EIGHT scientists whose discoveries have dramatically expanded human understanding in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience have been recognized with the award of the million-dollar Kavli Prizes.
Novel Research Collaboration Leads to Discovery Of 'Fire in the Earth System'
New research perspective sees wildfire as global phenomenon indicative of feedback mechanism whereby widespread fire is both effect and cause of accelerating climate change.
Unique Eclipsing Binary Star System Discovered by UCSB Astrophysicists
(Santa Barbara, Calif.) - Astrophysicists at UC Santa Barbara are the first scientists to identify two white dwarf stars in an eclipsing binary system, allowing for the first direct radius measurement of a rare white dwarf composed of pure helium. The results will be published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters. These observations are the first to confirm a theory about a certain type of white dwarf star.
The Curious Case of Cloud Cover Consistency
Cloud physics is the largest source of uncertainty in the short term in predicting the climate.
KITP Public Lecture Wednesday, April 07, 8:00 pm
Professor Adam Burrows presents “The New Century of Exoplanets”
Planets Beyond the Solar System (Teachers' Conference)
In the 1990's, astronomers discovered the first planets outside the solar system. Since then, in what has become a torrent, more than 360 planets have been found, and the pace of discovery is quickening.
[Conference Page]
Welcome to the KITP's new website!
Not only do we have a new look, we also have a new site structure. You may find that some things have moved, but this will give you an opportunity to explore the site. Report Problems
KITP Public Lecture, Wednesday, February 24, 8:00 pm
Professor Paul Nurse presents “The great Ideas of biology”
[Flyer] [Public lecture page]
New Type of Supernova Explosion Detected Was Predicted by KITP Theoretical Physicists
A class of supernova, discovered by scientists at Berkeley, may be the first example of a new type of exploding star. A team of astrophysicists at KITP and UC Santa Barbara had predicted this kind of explosion in their theoretical work.
Entrepreneur Endows Susan F. Gurley Chair in Theoretical Physics and Biology
In honor of his mother, Gus Gurley establishes a chair whose first holder is KITP permanent member Boris Shraiman.
[Full Story][Talks]
KITP Public Lecture Wednesday, December 16, 8:00 pm
Professor Nima Arkani-Hamed presents “Exploring the Dark Universe”
Message From the Director
David Gross Reports on State of the KITP as Presented to Recent NSF Review Committee.
[Director’s Message][Presentation to Review Committee]
Kachru and Silverstein to Join KITP
Shamit Kachru and Eva Silverstein will join the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) in the fall of 2009, jointly filling a KITP permanent member position.
KITP Fosters Collaboration Between Physicists and Ecologists That Leads to Crucial New Insights Into the Role of Fire in Climate Change
An article, “Fire in the Earth System,” published in the April 24, 2009 issue of “Science,” calls for the dynamic incorporation of fire as both an effect and a cause in models of global climate and its change. The article’s insights came from a workshop on fire ecology that occurred in the summer of 2008 as part of the KITP program “The Physics of Climate Change.”
KITP Public Lecture Wednesday, May 13, 8:00 pm
Professor Maria Spiropulu presents “The Universe in Collisions”
[Flyer] [Public lecture page]
KITP Public Lecture Wednesday, February 25, 8:00 pm
Professor Sankar Das Sarma presents “Quantum Reality”
[Flyer] [Public lecture page]
Former KITP Director Receives Einstein Prize
Hartle Honored for 'Outstanding Accomplishments' in Gravitational Physics
KITP Public Lecture Wednesday, November 5, 8:00 pm
Professor Michael Freedman presents “Topology, Physics, and Complexity: The Birthing of the Quantum Computer.”
[Flyer] [Public lecture page]