KITP News Archive

Articles about KITP and featured articles from KITP newsletters
Zvi Bern

KITP Public Lecture: Wednesday, April 20, 2016 at 8:00 pm

Professor Zvi Bern presents "Do I have to draw you a diagram? A tale of quantum gravity"

[Flyer] [Public lecture page]

The Age of Entanglement

The Age of Entanglement

The next Café KITP at SOhO, features Tim Hsieh. Join him over dinner and drinks as he wrestles with the mysterious nature of quantum entanglement and highlights its increasingly central role in future computers, new phases of matter, and the actual nature of spacetime itself. The event is on Wednesday, May 4, 2016, 6-7pm. Doors open at 5:00 pm.

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KITP Winter 2016 Newsletter

KITP Winter 2016 Newsletter now Available

The Winter 2016 KITP Newsletter has now been released! The Fall 2016 issue should arrive in October 2016.

[Winter 2016 Newsletter]

Sabetta Matsumoto

The Universe in the Heel of a Sock

Physicist Sabetta Matsumoto, a visiting scholar at UC Santa Barbara’s Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP), unpacked the math of curvature in easily understandable terms in her presentation "Purls of Wisdom". Her talk, part of the ongoing science series Café KITP, addressed the geometry and topology used in sewing garments and knitting clothes.

[UCSB Press Release]

Curt G. Callan

KITP Public Lecture: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 8:00 pm

Professor Curt G. Callan presents "The Biological Future of Theoretical Physics"

[Flyer] [Public lecture page]

Purls of wisdom: Geometry & topology in weavables, wearables and wallpaper

Café KITP: Purls of wisdom

Geometry & topology in weavables, wearables and wallpaper

The next Café KITP at SOhO, features Elisabetta Matsumoto.  Join her over dinner and drinks as she takes a sock’s eye view of geometry and topology and walks you through an evening of fun with fabric.

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Magnetic Fields Prevalent in Stellar Interiors

Magnetic Fields Prevalent in Stellar Interiors

A group of astronomers - including Matteo Cantiello and Lars Bildsten from UC Santa Barbara’s Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) -has discovered that strong magnetic fields are very common in stars.

[UCSB Press Release]

Graduate Fellows

Going International

The Graduate Fellows Program at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics has grown to include students from foreign institutions.

[UCSB Press Release]

Café KITP: Black Holes, Quantum Tunneling and String Theory

Café KITP: Black Holes, Quantum Tunneling and String Theory

The next Café KITP at SOhO, features Francisco Rojas.  He will speak on Black Holes, Quantum Tunneling and String Theory. The event is Monday, November 30, 2015, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Doors open at 5:00 pm.

[Read more]

KITP Postdocs Enable Cartography of Embryo Tissues

KITP Postdocs Enable Cartography of Embryo Tissues

Two postdoctoral scholars from UCSB’s Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics have developed a way to reduce dynamic bio-image data to two dimensions.

[UCSB Press Release]

Magnetic Hide and Seek

Researchers at UCSB’s Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics develop a new technique to detect magnetic fields inside stars.

[UCSB Press Release]

Café KITP: Supernova Hunters

Café KITP: Supernova Hunters

The next Café KITP at SOhO, features Iair Arcavi.  He will speak on Supernova Hunters.

SOhO is located at 1221 State St., 2nd floor.  The event is Wednesday, September 9, 2015, 6:00 – 7:30 pm. Doors open at 5:00 pm.

[About Café KITP]

KITP Fall 2015 Newsletter

KITP Fall 2015 Newsletter now Available

Director Lars Bildsten is happy to announce the release of the Fall 2015 KITP Newsletter. He expects to release such a Newsletter twice a year, with the next one arriving in February 2016.

[Fall 2015 Newsletter]

A Cutting-Edge Research Tool

Astrophysicists come to UCSB to learn about stars

Over thirty scientists spent a week learning how to use Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics (MESA), an open-source computational tool developed by Bill Paxton here at KITP.

[UCSB Press Release]

Olfaction at KITP

Olfaction at KITP

KITP program on "Deconstructing the Sense of Smell" brought together theoretical neuroscientists and experimental biologists to unravel the complex mechanisms that underlie the behavioral response to odors.

Together to discuss the chemical, molecular, cellular, circuit and systems mechanisms that underlie neural and behavioral responses to odor.

[UCSB Press Release]


KITP Public Lecture: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 at 8:00 pm

Professor Randy Schekman presents "How Cells Package and Traffic Proteins for Export"

[Flyer] [Public lecture page]


Postdoc Iair Arcavi received the 2015 Karp Discovery Award

Arcavi, a joint postdoctoral scholar at KITP and the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope Network will now be able to search for additional evidence of the complete shredding of stars that happen to pass near the supermassive  black holes at the centers of distant galaxies.

[UCSB Press Release]

Winter 2015 KITP Newsletter

KITP Winter 2015 Newsletter now Available

Director Lars Bildsten is happy to announce the release of the Winter 2015 KITP Newsletter. He expects to release such a Newsletter twice a year, with the next one arriving in August 2015.

[Download Newsletter (pdf)]

KITP Public Lecture: Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 8:00 pm

Professor Conny Aerts presents "Starquakes and Exoplanets in the Milky Way"

[Flyer] [Public lecture page]

Bildsten, Morrison, and Zee elected Fellows of the American Physical Society

Bildsten, Morrison, and Zee elected Fellows of the American Physical Society

Three physics faculty, Lars Bildsten, KITP Director and Professor of Physics, David Morrison, Chair of the Math Department and Professor of Math and Physics, and Tony Zee, Professor of Physics, were recently designated as Fellows of the American Physical Society.

[UCSB Press Release]