Main Erratum Page for:
String Theory
(also known as)
Joe's Big Book of String
Last update: Jan. 3, 2005.
(This page based on the example and template from An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder.)
- Volume I, Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Appendix A
- Volume II, Chapter 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, Appendix B
- Glossary
Return to: My home page, The Big Book home page, Acknowledgements, Addenda.
- Volume I:
- p. xvii (12/6/98)*: This is most embarrassing, the web address for the book is given incorrectly: "uscb" should of course be "ucsb". But if you are reading this then you already know that! My only excuse is that this was added at a rather late stage in the proofs. (Thanks to S. Dimopoulos, L. Alvarez-Gaume, and L. Birke)
- p. xvii (12/31/04): In the v. 2 preface, "Sao Poala" should be "Sao Paolo". Also, the accent on the "a" should be a tilde, in both volumes. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- Chapter 1:
- p. 3 (12/30/98)*: In eq. 1.1.3 the integral should actually be E^2 \int dE' E'. The structure of gravity requires that the amplitude be proportional to two powers of the fixed external energy, leaving only two powers of the virtual energy. The conclusion is unchanged: the divergences grow worse with each additional graviton.
- p. 14 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 1.2.25, left-hand side, the \partial_a acts on everything to its right. (Thanks to E. Lima, L. Motl)
- p. 14 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 1.2.26, it should be "-\infty < \tau < \infty" (instead of \leq, \geq). Also on p. 17 above eq. 1.3.8. (Thanks to E. Lima) (picky,picky)
- p. 14 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 1.2.27, one \mu in each contraction should be lowered. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 17 (4/25/99)*: Eq. 1.3.8a is not incorrect, but is perhaps more consistently written "X^+ = \tau". (Thanks to Y. Nakayama, Shesansu).
- p. 18, 20 (12/6/98): Lower case "x", previously used for spacetime coordinates, is now used also for the center-of-mass mode of X. My apologies, but I ran out of letters some time around 1991.
- p. 18 (9/24/01): In eq. 1.3.11, "X^-" should be "x^-"; Y^- drops out on integration, because we have already set \gamma_{\sigma\sigma} independent of \sigma. (Thanks to R. Guida, M. Bagnoud) (12/27/04): By the way, when we vary Y_-, we only get \partial_\sigma \gamma_{\sigma\tau} = \sigma-independent because the variation of Y^- is constrained by the fact that it has zero mean. So at the top of the next page and below 1.3.14 we should have \partial^2_\sigma \gamma_{\sigma\tau} = 0. But this is sufficient to derive \gamma_{\sigma\tau} = 0 from the boundary conditions. (Thanks to T. Kaeding)
- p. 19 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 1.3.20a, right equation, the minus sign on \partial x^- should be deleted. (Thanks to E. Lima)
- p. 23 (12/6/98)*: In the line below eq. 1.3.38, "mass" should be "mass-squared".
- p. 25 (12/30/98)*: Three lines below eq. 1.4.2, the reference to (1.4.1) should be to (1.4.2). (Thanks to F. van Buul)
- p. 26 (4/25/99)*: In eq. 1.4.4, \alpha and \tilde\alpha should be interchanged. This is necessary for consistency with the discussion on page 34, with \sigma=\sigma^1 and \tau = \sigma^0. OR (and this is what I will do in the third printing) let \sigma= - \sigma^1 and \tau = \sigma^0. Then 1.4.4 stands but the second and third lines of 1.4.10 get - signs. (Thanks to L. Motl, E. Lima for catching this subtle error)
- p. 26 (4/25/99)*: In the line below eq. 1.4.4, the index on \alpha and \tilde\alpha should be "i", not "\mu", since we are in light-cone quantization. Also in eq. 1.4.18, 1.4.19. (Thanks to E. Lima)
- p. 30 (12/28/04): In exercise 1.3, in the expression for k, the + sign holds for both timelike and spacelike boundaries on a Lorentzian world-sheet, and the - sign for any boundary on a Euclidean worldsheet. (Thanks to S. Katz)
- Chapter 2:
- p. 33 (4/4/99)*: (Minor grammar) Line below eq. 2.1.7, "Jacobian.^1 Note also that" should be "Jacobian,^1 and that". (Thanks to S. Berger)
- p. 38 (4/25/99)*: In eq. 2.2.4, the additional term ":X^\nu X^\mu (z_2, \bar z_2):" should appear. (Thanks to O. Ruchayskiy, M. Bagnoud, M. Maggiore, D. Bernardini, and to Y. Nakayama for correction to correction.)
- p. 40 (4/4/99)*: In the line below eq. 2.2.12, the indices \mu on k_1 and k_2 should be lowered. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 46, 48, 51 (12/6/98)*: In the line above eq. 2.4.14, there should be an \epsilon on the RHS of the equation for \delta A, or an \epsilon^{-1} on the LHS. Similarly for the right-hand sides of eqs. 2.4.23, 2.4.24, and 2.5.16. (Thanks to L. Motl, H. Panagopoulos)
- p. 49 (4/4/99)*: Below eq. 2.5.2, the reference to eq. 2.4.11 should be to 2.4.12. (Thanks to H. Chen, C. Burrell)
- p. 55 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 2.6.16, delete subscript "i" on right-hand side. (Thanks to M. Bagnoud, S. Berger)
- p. 55 (12/27/04): In eq. 2.6.17, consistency with 2.3.11 requires a bar on the Res. (Thanks to G. Jones)
- p. 61 (12/31/98)*: In eq. 2.7.19, the "\sim" is actually an "=". (Thanks to F. van Buul)
- p. 62 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 2.7.22, the first line should have a minus sign for consistency with eq. 2.8.14 (which is standard); the second line is correct. The integral in eq. 2.8.14 runs counterclockwise, and z = e^{-iw}. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 62 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 2.7.27, the dot in the last term is redundant, since the \mu are explicitly contracted. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 67 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 2.8.18, the exponent of "r" should be "-L_0 - \tilde L_0" and also one line below; four lines below it should be "+L_0 + \tilde L_0". (Thanks to F. Ferrari) Also, for good form the order of the two measures should be interchanged, since the outer (d\phi_i) as written depends on the inner (d\phi_b'). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 68 (12/27/04): Near bottom of page, on page 68, line 3 from below, "interior of unit circle" should be replaced by "interior of unit disk" and "exterior of unit circle" should be "exterior of unit disk". (Thanks to T. M. Sorenson)
- p. 70 (12/27/04): Two lines below eq. 2.9.3, "A_l" should be "A_m". (Thanks to T. Kaeding, M. Headrick)
- p. 71 (12/27/04): Below eq. 2.9.9, "section 2.4" should be "section 2.6". (Thanks to T. Kaeding)
- p. 71 (4/4/99)*: Eq. 2.9.10 is incorrect. The same generators appear on each side, but in SL(2,R) x SL(2,R) the coefficients of the L's and \tilde L's are independent real numbers while in SL(2,C) the coefficients of the L's are complex and are the conjugates of the coefficients of the \tilde L's. (Thanks to L. Motl) [Note that in corrected editions it is no longer an equation.]
- p. 72 (4/4/99)*: In the line above eq. 2.9.15, the equation "h_O = 0" should be "h_O = \tilde h_O = 0". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 72 (4/4/99)*: Two lines below eq. 2.9.16, "the only CFT with c=0" should be "the only unitary CFT with c=0". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 74 (1/2/00): In exercise 2.3(b), you are to use the expectation value given above in the exercise, not rederive it. (Thanks to W. Polkosnik)
- Chapter 3:
- p. 92- (12/27/04): It should be emphasized that eq. 3.4.9 through 3.4.14 are only true in conformal gauge. (Thanks to M. Headrick, G. Jones)
- p. 93 (1/2/00): In eq. 3.4.13, and the second and third lines below, each "v" should be multiplied by an \epsilon, or the LHS by an \epsilon^{-1}.
- p. 94 (12/31/98)*: In eqs. 3.4.21 and 3.4.22, contact terms (additional terms at z = z', as well as ambiguities in various quantities at that point) are (deliberately) ignored: the relation between c and a_1 is obtained from the behavior at z \neq z'. (Thanks to R. Stora)
- p. 94 (12/27/04): Below eq. 3.4.22, the subscript "1" should be "\delta". (Thanks to M. Headrick)
- p. 96 (12/31/04): While eqs. 3.4.27 and 3.4.30 are both correct, one refers only to Z and the other to a general path integral. Both hold in the general case, so replace "Z[g]" with "<...>_g" in eq. 3.4.27. (Thanks to S. Giddings)
- p. 105 (6/26/99): In eq. 3.6.15c, "\partial_a" on the LHS should be "\nabla_a". (Thanks to C. Herzog)
- p. 106 (12/30/98)*: In eq. 3.6.20c, delete the factor of \alpha'. (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 114 (4/4/99): The last sentence is erroneous. If D were 4 this would be the observed gravitational coupling. When D>4 the volume of the compact dimensions also enters into the observed coupling, as in eq. 8.1.12 for example. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 116 (4/4/99)*: In the line before the last paragraph, the Planck length is 1.6 x 10^{-33} cm, not ^{-32}. By the way, for a discussion of the recent idea of large compact dimensions, see theaddendum to chapter 18. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 119 (1/2/00): In exercise 3.6, "-4a" should be "+4a". (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet and W. Polkosnik)
- p. 119 (4/4/99)*: In exercise 3.10, line 4, "appears to one" should be "appears to be one". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- Chapter 4:
- p. 124, 136 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 4.1.18, the factor "2" should be "(2\alpha')^{1/2}". (Thanks to M. Bagnoud, S. Berger, L. Motl) Also two lines below eq. 4.3.28. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 129 (12/6/98)*: In eq. 4.2.19, the "X^\mu" in delta e should be "e". (Thanks to S. Iso)
- p. 129-130 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 4.2.23, "eb\dot c" should be "-e\dot b c". In eq. 4.2.24, "+\dot b c" should be "-\dot b c". In eq. 4.2.25b, "b\dot c" should be "-\dot b c". (Thanks to L. Motl, S. Hong)
- p. 130 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 4.2.29, "k^2 + m^2" should be "\half (k^2 + m^2)" (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 131 (4/4/99)*: Two lines below eq. 4.2.33, delete "are" at end of line. (Thanks to F. Ferrari)
- p. 131 (12/28/04): In eq. 4.3.1c, in each variation, the second term in parentheses should be deleted. This caused me some confusion, because there is an invariance of the uncorrected form but it requires adding a nonstandard term to the definition of T^g; the two forms of the symmetry are equivalent on-shell, and the form without the extra terms is clearly simpler. (Thanks to M. B. Green)
- p. 132 (12/28/04): In eq. 4.3.4c the argument of O^m should be (0,0) everywhere because it's not holomorphic. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 139 (12/27/04): Eq. 4.4.8 should be (creation-annihilation) normal orders. (Thanks to M. Buice)
- Chapter 5:
- p. 155 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 5.3.5, the final term in parentheses should be "-\hat\nabla \cdot \delta\sigma". (Thanks to S. Berger)
- p. 158 (12/28/04): In eq. 5.3.16, the dummy index k is used twice, and should be primed in the second product. (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 158 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 5.3.18, the final term should be det'[ (P_1^T P_1)^{1/2}/2\pi]. (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 158-9 (1/2/00): In eq. 5.3.19, the sign of the RHS is wrong (should be "1 - 2\lambda"); this is correlated with the correction to exercise 3.6. In eq. 5.3.20, the minus sign after the "=" should be deleted.
- p. 159 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 5.3.20, a factor \epsilon has been omitted on the right-hand side. (Thanks to M. Fabinger, L. Motl)
- p. 162 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 5.4.10, the barred and unbarred indices on \mu are reversed, e.g. the first \mu should be _z^\bar z. (Thanks to F. Ferrari, L. Motl)
- Chapter 6:
- p. 172 (12/31/04): In eq. 6.2.19, some \omega-dependent terms from the contractions of the \partial X's with the exponentials have been omitted, while some omege-dependent terms have been kept. As discussed below eq. 6.2.17, the \omega-dependence in the end cancels for physical vertex operators, or we can just push the curvature to infinity and omit this dependence completely. (Thanks to Z. Komargodski)
- p. 175 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 6.2.34, a factor \eta^{\mu\nu} should appear in the last term. (Thanks to M. Hayakawa)
- p. 176 (6/1/99)*: In eq. 6.2.39, the subscripts on the expectation value and on C^X should be "RP_2", not "D_2". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 177 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 6.3.6, the u-integral should have a minus sign because the clockwise z-contour is counterclockwise in u (of course, this integral vanishes anyway). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 179, 187 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 6.4.1, boundary normal ordering should be used, and also in eqs. 6.4.5, 6.5.10, 6.5.11. (Thanks to S. Berger, L. Motl)
- p. 179 (12/28/04): In eq. 6.4.2, the factor of 2 should be omitted and a + (k_2 <--> k_3) term added (actually these are equal, but this requires the next equation). (Thanks to O. Aharony)
- p. 181 (12/28/04): In eq. 6.4.11, a "dy" is missing in the integral. (Thanks to J. Reuter)
- p. 184 (4/4/99)*: Stirling's approximation, in the line above eq. 6.4.28, is given incorrectly: "2\pi/x" should be "2\pi x". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 184 (4/18/99)*: In eq. 6.4.29, the arguments of the logarithms should for good form be dimensionless, e.g. "s\alpha'" (though the "\ln(units)" is subleading). In 6.4.30, the "=" should be "\approx". (Thanks to L. Motl). Also, since eq. 6.4.28 does not match dimensionally, "\approx" should be weakened to "\propto".
- p. 186 (4/4/99)*: In the first line, "guage" should be "gauge". (Thanks to F. Ferrari, O. Ruchayskiy)
- p. 186 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 6.5.6, the Chan-Paton traces in the third and fourth lines should be interchanged. One way to see this is to note that the terms with poles in s must have \lambda^{a_1} next to \lambda^{a_2}, and so on. (Thanks to M. Maggiore, L. Motl)
- p. 186 (7/1/99): Below eq. 6.5.6, "s = -\alpha'" should be "s = -1/\alpha'". (Thanks to K. Nagami)
- p. 191 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 6.5.26, the first factor should be [(\gamma^T)^{-1} \gamma]_{ii'}. (Thanks to S. P. de Alwis, L. Motl)
- p. 192 (12/28/04): In eq. 6.5.32, the first two factors on the RHS should be (\gamma^T)^{-1} \gamma. In the ast line of first paragraph, the inline equation should read "\gamma^{-1} \gamma^T \propto 1". (Thanks to M. Headrick)
- p. 194 (12/28/04): In eq. 6.6.13, the arguments of the logarithms should for good form be dimensionless, e.g. "s\alpha'" (though the "\ln(units)" is subleading). (Thanks to L. Cagnani, A. Leibovich)
- p. 194 (12/28/04): In eq. 6.6.17, the "+" should be a "-" (also in the ensuing text). This is needed for consistency with 3.7.11a and also with 6.6.18. (Thanks to C. Krishnan)
- p. 195 (1/2/00): In the line below eq. 6.6.21, "-\pi" should be "\pi". In eq. 6.6.22, on the LHS in the exponent of (1-\bar z) "a" should be "b", and the RHS should be multiplied by 2, from the definition of d^2z. Also, $m_1 - n_1$ and $m_2 - n_2$ must be integers. (Thanks to K. Nagami, H. Ooguri, S. Rinke, I. Melnikov, G. Shiu, S. Stieberger, N. Bernhard, R. Richter)
- p. 197 (4/4/99)*: In the last line, "CKV" should be "CKG". (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- Chapter 7:
- p. 207 (4/4/99)*: In the line below eq. 7.1.9, "\tau_2" should be "t". (Thanks to M. Hayakawa, M. Fabinger)
- p. 211 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 7.2.15, "O(w^2)" should be "O(w)", because the left-hand side has not been symmetrized in w. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 212 (12/28/04): Below eq. 7.2.26, the state "down down" should be "up up". (Thanks to M. Headrick, O. Aharony, S. Giddings)
- p. 215 (4/4/99)*: On the RHS of eq. 7.2.40d needs an additional factor of "i" (that is, there is a factor "-i" that does not appear in 7.2.40abc. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 219 (12/28/04): In eqs. 7.3.14, \tau_2 >0 (this is implicit, going back to the topof p.148). (Thanks to K-S Choi.)
- p. 219 (4/25/99)*: In eqs. 7.3.15 and 7.3.16, the leading factor "2\pi" should be deleted. (Thanks to L. Motl, and to F. Fehsenfeld for correction to correction.)
- p. 226 (4/4/99)*: In the fifth line, "torus" should be "cylinder". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 226 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 7.4.13, all subscripts "n" should be "-n". (Thanks to R. Karp, M. Maggiore, L. Motl) Also, the state |B> needs a factor of "(c_0 + \tilde c_0)". (Thanks to L. Motl) (12/31/04) This erratum previously had the wrong equation number. (Thanks to S. Giddings)
- Chapter 8:
- p. 231 (9/24/01): Two lines below eq. 8.1.1, subscripts "5" should be "4" to agree with 8.1.1. (Thanks to J. I. Rosado Sanchez, S. Watson, G. C. Jones)
- p. 233 (12/28/04): In eq. 8.1.9, first line, "G_d" should be "G" (the determinant of G^D_{MN}), and above this equation "G_{MN}" should be "G^D_{MN}". (Thanks to G.C. Jones)
- p. 238 (4/4/99)*: Two lines below eq. 8.2.16, it should be "X_L(z) = X_R(\bar z)" (subscripts reversed). (Thanks to S. Berger, L. Motl)
- p. 240 (9/24/01): First of eq. 8.2.26, subscript "12" should be deleted. (Thanks to J. I. Rosado Sanchez, G. Jones)
- p. 241 (12/28/04): Eq. 8.3.3a should just be 8.3.3. (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 244 (4/4/99)*: The "hat" in eq. 8.3.17 should be deleted. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 249 (12/28/04): In eq. 8.4.3 there should be a g^{1/2} inside the parentheses (compare eq. 3.6.14). (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 249-50 (1/2/00): In eqs. 8.4.5, 8.4.6, and 8.4.7, the sign of the B_mn term should be reversed (signs respectively -, + ,-) . (Thanks to A. Pankiewicz)
- p. 251 (12/28/04): The "l = k (\alpha' /2)^{1/2}" above 8.4.16, should be "l_{L,R} = k_{L,R} (\alpha' /2)^{1/2}" for clarity. (Thanks to K-S Choi)
- p. 255 (4/4/99): The products in eq. 8.4.38 and eq. 8.4.40 are semidirect, because the Z_2's do not commute with the PSL(2,Z)'s. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 257 (12/28/04): In 8.5.5, the N^25 should be \sum_m n^25_m, NOT \sum_m m n^25_m. (Thanks to Z. Komargodski, S. Giddings)
- p. 262 (12/28/04): In the figure caption, "dodecahedral" should be "icosahedral" for consistency (though there are the same group). (Thanks to T. Kaeding, G. Calcagni)
- p. 262 (6/26/99): In line 9, "physical" should be "physically". (Thanks to C. Herzog)
- p. 264 (1/2/00): In eq. 8.6.3, the sign of the second term (m^2) should be positive. (Thanks to M. Bagnoud)
- p. 266 (12/28/04): End of first paragraph, X^{25} should be primed. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 267 (12/28/04): In eq. 8.6.19 the second "+" on the second line should be a "-". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 272 (4/4/99)*: Next-to-last line of second full paragraph, "an key role" should be "a key role". (Thanks to F. Ferrari)
- p. 272 (12/28/04): Six and seven lines below eq. 8.7.11, "n" should be "kn" in each line. (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 275 (1/2/00): Three lines above eq. 8.7.21, there should be a tilde on G_{\mu\nu}. (Thanks to S. Giddings)
- p. 276 (4/4/99)*: Eq. 8.7.25, right-hand sides of both lines: a factor "V_{p+1}" should appear, and "k^2" should be "k^2_\perp" (component orthogonal to the D-brane). (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 277 (12/28/04): In eq. 8.8.1, the \bar z should be z. (Thanks to G. C. Jones) In 8.8.2b the primes should be omitted (Thanks to G. C. Jones, G. Calcagni)
- p. 279 (12/31/04): S. Giddings asks about the Z_2 symmetry of fig. 8.7. Indeed, this is a subtle point of physics: the fundamental strings must be in a Z_2 symmetric superposition, so they are in one place _or_ the other, whereas the D-branes must be constructed from a pair on the covering space, so they are in both places at once! This apparent asymmetry is consistent with the string field theory construction of D-branes as coherent states: a coherent state of a superposition is not itself a superposition, there are of order 1/g strings on each side.
- Chapter 9:
- p. 281 (12/31/04): In the line above exercise 8.4, there should be a hacek (inverted hat) above the "c" of "Rocek". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 284 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 9.1.3, the argument of the delta function on the right-hand side should just be "k". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 288 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 9.1.24, second line (also third line), the factor of E_5^{-1} depends on m_5 and so should appear inside the sum on j_5; and, the specification on the sum that k^0_5 be on-shell is superfluous. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 289 (12/28/04): In eq. 9.1.30b, the subscript "NS" should be "N". (Thanks to T. Kaeding, G. C. Jones)
- p. 291 (12/28/04): Last line of next-to-last paragraph, it would be more precise to replace "the torus" with "the mapping $\gamma$". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 301 (12/28/04): Second line, "|q|" should be "q". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 302 (4/4/99)*: Five lines from the bottom, "figure 9.4(c)" should be "figure 9.3(c)". (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 304 (4/4/99)*: In the middle paragraph, the non-self-intersecting curve must also be nontrivial (m and n not both vanishing). (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 308 (4/4/99)*: Fourth line "the one that" should be "the one whose square". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 320 (4/18/99)*: In eq. 9.8.9, first line, the denominator "n^2" should be "2n^2". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 320 (1/2/00): Three lines below eq. 9.8.9, "< \delta\tau" should be "< \delta\tau^{-1}". (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 320 (4/18/99)*: In eq. 9.8.10, the units don't match, so "\approx" would be better replaced by "\sim"; or, insert appropriate power of \alpha'. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 321 (4/4/99)*: In the first line, m^2 should be "4(h-1)/\alpha'". In eq. 9.8.11, the exponent on the RHS should be positive. (Both thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 321 (4/4/99)*: In the line before eq. 9.8.14, "thermal partition function of a bosonic field" should be "free energy density of a real scalar field". (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 322 (4/4/99)*: In eq. 9.8.16, "\tau_1" and "\tau_2" should be interchanged. In eq. 9.8.17, "exp(\pi/12\tau_2)" should be "exp(-\pi/12\tau_2)". (Both thanks to M. Fabinger, L. Motl) (12/31/04) The first of these was miscorrected in later printings, the correct eq. 9.8.17 is "|\tau_1|\leq 1/2" and "\tau_2>0". (Thanks to G.C. Jones)
- p. 322 (4/18/99)*: Annoying mistake: in the line above eq. 9.8.18, the Hagedorn temperature should be _half_ of the self-dual value. So in eqs. 9.8.19 and 9.8.20, "T_H^2" becomes "4 T_H^2" everywhere. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 324 (1/2/00): In eq. 9.9.5, two places, "x^1" should be "X^1". (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- Appendix A:
- p. 331 (4/4/99)*: In eqs. A.1.11 and A.1.12, each "2\pi" denominator should be "2\pi\hbar". (Thanks to A. Bandyopadhyay, L. Motl)
- p. 332 (4/4/99)*: In eq. A.1.15, a "dt" should appear in each "\int L". (Thanks to A. Bandyopadhyay)
- p. 333 (12/28/04): In the first sentence of the paragraph midpage, the word "operator" should be omitted. (Thanks to M. Headrick)
- p. 335 (12/31/98)*: In eq. A.1.30, the sub- and super-scripts on [dq] are transposed, should be "[dq]_{q_i,0}^{q_f,U}". (Thanks to F. van Buul)
- p. 342 (4/4/99)*: In eq. A.2.15, the minus sign on the right-hand side of the first line should be deleted. (Thanks to F. van Buul, L. Motl)
- p. 343 (4/4/99)*: In eq. A.2.17, "d\psi_0" should be "d\psi_1", and an overall minus sign is needed (compare A.2.16). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 345 (12/28/04): In eq. A.2.29, the "i" superscript should be a subscript. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- References:
- Chapter 10:
- p. 2 (1/2/00): In the second of eq. 10.1.9, "\bar\eta(\bar z)" should be "\eta(z)^*". (Thanks to S. Pal)
- p. 2 (1/2/00): In all of eqs. 10.1.10, the sign of the RHS should be reversed (i.e. + signs in a, - in bc). (Thanks to S. Pal, J. I. Rosado Sanchez)
- p. 5 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 10.1.21b, the first two terms on the right should have the opposite sign, "+". (Thanks to M. Hayakawa, L. Motl, E. Novak)
- p. 5 (12/28/04): In eq. 10.2.1, a subscript "\mu" is omitted. (Thanks to T. Yada)
- p. 6 (12/31/04): Four lines below eq. 10.2.4: It would be normal to order the sectors starting from (0,0), in which case the order should be reversed, R-R first. (Thanks to S. Giddings)
- p. 9 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 10.2.21, the exponent of "i" should not have a minus sign. (Thanks to L. Motl, F. Ferrari)
- p. 12 (9/24/01): Second of eq. 10.3.11, argument "z" should be "\bar z". (Thanks to J. I. Rosado Sanchez, S. Pal, G. C. Jones)
- p. 12 (12/28/04): Line after eq. 10.3.11, "integral" --> "integer". (Thanks to T. Yada)
- p. 12 (12/28/04): Regarding eq. 10.3.12, F. Ferrari raises an interesting point: since we have already used the fact that \psi and e^{iH} have the same conformal transformations, doesn't this already imply that the energy-momentum tensors are equal? Yes, it does seem so, though 10.3.12 is perhaps more direct.
- p. 18 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 10.4.15, the "2" in the denominator should be deleted. (Thanks to M. Hayakawa, L. Motl)
- p. 19 (5/28/99)*: Three lines below eq. 10.4.26, "is proportional to" should be "has the phase of". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 21 (12/28/04): In the third equation of 10.5.11, "\lambda" should multiply k^\mu. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 22 (5/28/99)*: Three lines above eq. 10.5.15, "k^0 = k^1" should be "k_0 = k_1". In eq. 10.5.15, "+1" should be "-1" in the middle and the right side should have an overall "-". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 26 (12/30/04): The signs in the exponent of 10.6.4 may cause unnecessary confusion. In fact they are completely irrelevant for integer F and \alpha. They are included for an obscure stylistic reason: with them, the formula extends to noninteger F and \alpha, as one can see by writing all vertex operators in bosonized form. (Thanks to G. Calcagni for the question)
- p. 31 (12/28/04): In the first line of section 10.7, "next chapter" should be "chapter 12". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 32 (12/28/04): In the second line of eq. 10.7.3, the "\eta(q)" should be "\eta(\tau)". (Thanks to D. Shih)
- p. 34 (5/28/99)*: In eqs. 10.7.11 to 10.7.13, change the signs of all exponents (five places: they become respectively ----+). (Thanks to L. Motl, S. Chaudhuri)
- p. 37 (5/28/99)*: In eqs. 10.7.22, the shift should be multiplied by "2\pi". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 40 (5/28/99)*: In line 3, the equation should be "s = \pi/t, \pi/4t, \pi/2t". (Thanks to S. P. de Alwis, L. Motl)
- Chapter 11:
- p. 50 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.2.5c, "\partial" should be "\bar\partial". (Thanks to S. Berger, L. Motl)
- p. 50 (5/28/99)*: Near mid-page, "(1,0) SCFT" should be "(0,1) SCFT". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 52, 55, 59 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. 11.2.16, "spin" should be a subscript on SO(8). Also above 11.2.28, and line 4 of page 59. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 54 (12/28/04): Line after the paragraph break midpage, "spin" should be a subscript. (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 55 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.3.1, the overall "1/4" should be "1/2" (just a single projection). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 56 (5/28/99)*: Second line of last full paragraph, "SO(32)" should be in math mode. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 56 G. Calcagni asks how we can see that the projection e^{\pi i \tilde F} = 1 is _necessary_ for supersymmetry. The answer is that this is the condition for all vertex operators to be local with respect to the gravitino vertex operator.
- p. 57 (12/28/04): In eqs. 11.3.7 and 11.3.8 the sum runs only over commuting h_1 and h_2. (Thanks to G. Moore)
- p. 60 (5/28/99)*: At the beginning of the first full paragraph, the definition of a simple Lie algebra is wrongly stated: "closed subalgebra" should be "invariant subalgebra" or "ideal". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 66 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.5.8, the RHS should have a "-" sign. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 67 (1/2/00): In the first of eq. 11.5.11, the RHS should have a \pm sign. (Thanks to E. Scheidegger, P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 68 (12/28/04): In eq. 11.5.17, the factor of "i" should be omitted. (Thanks to J. Rocha)
- p. 71 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.5.30, a "\partial" is missing in the last term of the second line. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 73 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.5.44, "J^3" should be "|J^3|". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 73 (12/28/04): In the fourth line of section 11.6, there should be a tilde on \psi^\mu. (Thanks to G. Jones)
- p. 78 (5/28/99)*: Three lines below eq. 11.6.19, "antisymmetric" should be "antiperiodic". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 80 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 11.6.28, a term "- (1/2) q^I q^I" is needed at the end. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 81 (5/28/99)*: In the seventh line from the bottom, "U(1)^{22}" should be "U(1)^{28}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 83 (6/26/99): In exercise 11.9, "SO(22)" should be "SO(44)", and "SO(6)" should be "SO(12)". (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- Chapter 12:
- p. 85 (5/28/99)*: Last line of first full paragraph, "SO(9) spinor" should be "SO(9) vector-spinor gravitino". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 86 (5/28/99)*: One line below eq. 12.1.4, "coordinate radius" should be "coordinate periodicity". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 86 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. 12.1.4, the sentence "To keep ..." should be deleted (the forms have not been rescaled; don't ask me where this sentence came from). (Thanks to L. Motl, M. Maggiore)
- p. 86,88,89,92,94,99 (5/28/99)*: Two lines above eq. 12.1.8, the gauge parameter "\chi" should be "\lambda" (twice). Also in eq. 12.1.13 (twice), the line below line 12.1.20, the line below line 12.1.38, the last line of p. 94, and three lines below eq. 12.2.15. (Thanks to L. Motl, F. Ferrari, D. Marolf)
- p. 87 (5/28/99)*: One line above eq. 12.1.11, "e^{-\Phi}" should be "e^{-2\Phi}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 88 (1/2/00): In the line below eq. 12.1.12, the indices on F and C should be reversed: "F_4" and "C_3". (Thanks to C. Herzog)
- p. 89 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.23, "F_{10}" should be "*F_{10}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 90,91 (5/28/99)*: In line 2 of the section "Type IIB Superstring", "H_5" should be "F_5" (twice). Also in line 1 of the next page. (Thanks to B. Jurco, F. Ferrari)
- p. 91 (12/6/98)*: In eq. 12.1.31, the final term on the first line, "1/2 |F_1|^2", should be deleted, as it has been absorbed into the \tau kinetic term. (Thanks to M. Sakaguchi) The "|\tilde F_5|^2" term and the final Chern-Simons term should each be divided by a further factor of 2 (4 and 8 in respective denoms.). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 92 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.34b, |\tilde F_3|^2 should not be multiplied by e^{-2\Phi}. (Thanks to B. Jurco, H. Nakano)
- p. 92 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.34c, "d^{10}x (-G)^{1/2}" is missing. (Thanks to L. Motl, F. Ferrari)
- p. 92 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.36, the cubic term should be multiplied by "-i", for Hermiticity. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 92,93 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.37, "F_2" should be "dA_1". Also in eq. 12.1.38 and 12.1.40. (Thanks to R. Stora)
- p. 93 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.1.39, the sign of the gauge field kinetic term should be "-", and "|F_2^2|" should be "|F_2|^2" (Thanks to H. Nakano, F. Ferrari)
- p. 95 (1/2/00): In eq. 12.2.3 and 12.2.4, the RHS should be multiplied by -2. Also the last term in the first line of 12.2.5. (So coefs are 2\pi, -2\pi, 2\pi). (Thanks to C. Herzog)
- p. 95 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.2.5, first line, delete "\delta". (Thanks to L. Motl, M. Fabinger)
- p. 97 (5/28/99)*: Period missing at end of third line. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 97 (5/28/99)*: In eqs. 12.2.11, 12.2.12, and 12.2.13, the sign is wrong on each "tr(R_2^4) tr(R_2^2)" term (should be ++-). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 98 (12/28/04): In the third line below the "Type I ..." heading, "8'" should be "8". (Thanks to O. Aharony)
- p. 99,100 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.2.16 and the line above, and eqs. 12.2.17a and 12.2.25c, "Tr(\lambda F_2)" should be "Tr(\lambda dA_1)". In eqs. 12.2.24 and 12.2.25c, "Tr(\Theta R_2)" should be "Tr(\Theta d\omega_1)". (Thanks to R. Stora)
- p. 99 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.2.17a, "A" should be "A_1". (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 100 (5/28/99)*: Line below eq. 12.2.22, a "-i" is missing in the "A_1^3" term. (Thanks to L. Motl) Note that the Lorentz Chern-Simons term 12.2.23 is correct as it stands, due to the differing convention that A_1 is Hermitean while \omega_1 is real.
- p. 101 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.2.27, the coefficient of "(n-496)" should be the same as the coefficient of "n" in eq. 12.2.11. Also, the last term should be "+ Y_4 X_8 / 768". In eq. 12.2.28a, the final term needs an additional factor "1/30". Eq. 12.2.29 should be + Y_4 X_8 /768". (Many thanks to L. Motl for finding and tracking down all of these errors. I apologize that this page is so incredibly shoddy. I thought that I had checked it twice, but I suppose that this is one of those breakdowns that occurs on a project of this size.)
- p. 102 (5/28/99)*: In line 12, "Both vertices in figure 12.1(a)" should refer to "12.1(b)". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 104 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.3.12, the leading "i" on the RHS should be a "-". In eq. 12.3.14, "-\eta \partial \CO" should be "+\eta \partial \CO". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 104 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.3.15b, the inequality should be "r \geq 3/2". (Thanks to B. Jurco)
- p. 105 (1/2/00): In the fifth line, the factor of 1/2 in \delta\theta should be deleted. (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 105 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. 12.3.19, "(\alpha'/2)" should be "(2/\alpha')", so that one replaces a dimensionless X with a dimensionless ratio. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 107 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.3.30, the four-fermion term should have coefficient "i/2" instead of "1/2". Note the definition F_{\rho\sigma} = i [ \partial_\rho - i A_\rho , \partial_\sigma - i A_\sigma ]. (Thanks to M. Spradlin, D. Shih)
- p. 107 (5/28/99)*: In the last term of eq. 12.3.31a, "\partial_{\bar\theta}" should be "D_{\bar\theta}". (Thanks to B. Jurco)
- p. 109 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.3.45a a factor e^{-\phi} is missing. In eq. 12.3.46a a factor e^{-\tilde\phi} is missing. (Thanks to H.-U. Yee, G. Calcagni, G. C. Jones)
- p. 112,113 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.4.10, delete the second comma in the trace. Also in eq. 12.4.13. (Thanks to M Fabinger)
- p. 114 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.4.17, the last subscript should be "delta". (Thanks to R. Holman, I. Low, G. C. Jones)
- p. 115 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.4.21, "dx_2" should be "dx". (Thanks to S. Gubser)
- p. 115 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.4.21, the Chan-Paton matrices should just be ordered t^{a_1}t^{a_2}t^{a_3}t^{a_4}. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 117 (5/28/99)*: Three lines below eq. 12.4.35, "the three terms of order z_1^{-1}" should read "the three asymptotics of order z_1^{-1}". (Thanks to R. A. McNees)
- p. 119 (12/28/04): In eq. 12.5.8 the two arguments `z' should be `0'. (Thanks to B. Gripaos)
- p. 123 (12/28/04): First line "there are no" should be "there is just one". Next to last line of same page, the exponent "2g + n" should be "2g + n - 1" for n \geq 1. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 124 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 12.5.25, the arguments of B should be "(z_m,\theta_m)". (Thanks to B. Jurco) In the expression in [ ] the sign on the second term should be "-"; the [ ] then transforms as a (-1,0) superfield.
- p. 125 (5/28/99): The ghost insertion is twice eq. 12.5.28. (Thanks to B. Jurco) This disturbs me a bit because the original incorrect equation gave the PCO with standard normalization. Presumably this can be absorbed elsewhere, though I am not sure where best to put it. (12/28/04) Also, the argument of \beta is "z_1" not "z".
- Chapter 13:
- p. 144 (9/24/01): In the line below eqs. 13.2.9, "right" and "left" are transposed. (Thanks S. Pal, G. Calcagni)
- p. 147 (5/28/99)*: In the line above eq. 13.3.6, "i/k^2" should be "2\kappa_{10}^2 i/k^2". A factor of "2\kappa_{10}^2" should also be inserted into eq. 13.3.6. In eq. 13.3.7, "\Phi" should be "\Phi_0", and "= T_p^2" should be added at the right.
- p. 148-9 In eqs. 13.3.12 and 13.3.13, the RHS should be "\pi n / (\kappa_{10}^2) ". (Thanks to B. Jurco, L. Motl, M. Maggiore, J. Maldacena, J. Rocha, J. Shelton, G. Moore) The original corrections (which appear in the *'d editions) were incorrect: \kappa_{10} was incorrectly given as \kappa_0, and in eqs. 13.3.12 and 13.3.13, the RHS was corrected by the wrong (reciprocal) factor.
- p. 149 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.3.16, on the LHS "C_1" should be "C_2". In the center and on the RHS, and in eq. 13.3.17, there should be a dx^0, and each form should also have a zero-index, "C_{...}" becoming "C_{0...}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 149 (9/24/01): In eq. 13.3.17, there should be an additional "dx^2". (Thanks to A. Nicolis)
- p. 150 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.3.23, the exponent "(14-p)/2" should be "(7-2p)/2". (Thanks to L. Motl) (1/2/00): In the third printing, the corrected exponent is incorrectly given as "(7-2_p)/2".
- p. 151 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.3.29, 13.3.30, and the line below, the lower-dimensional theory is (10-k)-dimensional and so "9-k" should be "10-k" (five places). However, in eq. 13.3.30, "g^2_{9-k,SO(32)}" is the coupling on a D(9-k)-brane and so the notation should be "g^2_{D(9-k),SO(32)}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 151 (12/28/04): In the line above eq. 13.3.30, "D(p-k)-brane" should be "D(9-k)-brane". (Thanks to M. Headrick, G. C. Jones)
- p. 153 (12/28/04): Two lines below eq. 13.4.7, the argument "2\pi - w" should be "2\pi - \bar w". (Thanks to A. Basu)
- p. 155 (12/28/04): In eqs. 13.4.13a and 13.4.13b, the "1" on sigma should be a superscript. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 155 (12/29/04): In eq. 13.4.13b, "\exp(i\phi_a)" should be "\exp(-i\phi_a)" in two places. (Thanks to P. Creminelli)
- p. 156 (5/28/99)*: The first line after eq. 13.4.16 should read "with q=\exp(-2\pi t), 0 < \phi < \pi (else subtract the integer part of \phi/pi), and"
- p. 157 (5/28/99)*: In the first line, "\exp(2i\phi'_a)" should be "\exp(\pm i\phi'_a)". (Thanks to L. Motl). Also, for clarity, in the next line "the {\bf 8}" should be "the spinor {\bf 8}".
- p. 157 (5/28/99): In eq. 13.4.24, there is also a divergence for the antiparallel case, \phi_a = \pi. In this case eq. 13.4.24 holds with an additional factor of "e^{-\pi t}". (Thanks to S. P. de Alwis)
- p. 157 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.4.24, the "i" on the LHS should be moved to the RHS.
- p. 157 (1/3/05): In eq. 13.4.25, the RHS should be multiplied by "i". (Thanks to M. Headrick)
- p. 158 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.4.27, the second term on the right should be "-\phi_1 / 2\pi\alpha'". (Thanks to S. P. de Alwis) (1/2/00): Therefore, four lines below, "8\pi^2" should be "2\pi^2". (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 159 (5/28/99)*: In the first line, insert "with u > 0" at the end of the sentence.
- p. 159 (5/28/99)*: In eqs. 13.5.2, 13.5.3, and 13.5.5, "y_1^2" should be generalized to "y^2". (Thanks to B. Jurco)
- p. 160 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.5.7, first line, "2V_p" should be "V_p". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 160 (1/2/00): In eq. 13.5.8, first line, "V_{p+1}" should be "V_p". (Thanks to S. Chaudhuri)
- p. 162 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.5.16, "(2\pi\alpha')^{1/2}" should be "\alpha'^{1/2}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 163 (12/28/04): In eq. 13.5.21, "S" on the LHS should be bold. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 165 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.6.7, "T_p" should be "T_1". Also, "\det^{1/2}" should be "(-\det)^{1/2}" (Thanks to B. Jurco, L. Motl)
- p. 167 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.6.14, delete the first comma in the trace. Also two lines above. (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 168 (12/28/04): In eq. 13.6.15, there is a spinor matrix multiplication between Z, Z^\dagger and \Gamma^0. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 168 (9/24/01): In eq. 13.6.17b, the second term on the RHS needs an extra factor of "tau_0". (Thanks to S. Pal)
- p. 170 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 13.6.23, "\mu_3" should be "\mu_2". Also two lines below, and "\mu_1" should be "\mu_0" there. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 172 (12/28/04): In eq. 13.6.25, the (2\pi\alpha') in the denominator should be squared. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 173 (12/28/04): In eq. 13.6.34, "\bar 4" should be " 4^\prime " (the spinors are self-conjugate). (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- Chapter 14:
- p. 181 (1/2/00): In the paragraph below midpage, second line, "heterotic string" should be "F-string" (i.e. type IIB). (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 182 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 14.1.9, "l_0^4" should be "l_0^{-4}" (twice). (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 188 (5/28/99)*: A few lines past mid-page, "the 3-form B_{\mu\nu\rho}" should be "the 2-form B_{\mu\nu}". (Thanks to B. Jurco)
- p. 191 (12/30/04): In eq. 14.3.3, the "2" in the exponent should be deleted. (Thanks to R. Sturani, G. C. Jones)
- p. 193 (12/28/04): Line above eq. 14.3.7, "heterotic" should be "type I". (Thanks to J. Rocha)
- p. 199 (12/28/04): Line below eq. 14.7.7, "be be" should be "be". (Thanks to J. Rocha)
- p. 201 (5/28/99)*: In the fourth line of section "IIA branes...", "B_{\mu\nu\rho}" should be "A_{\mu\nu\rho}". Similarly in third line of subsection "1-branes" and in third line of subsection "2-branes". In second line of subsection "2-branes", "B_{\mu\nu\rho}" should be "C_{\mu\nu\rho}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 202 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 14.4.14, the exponent "-1/2" should be "1/2". (Thanks to B. Jurco)
- p. 202 (1/2/00): In the section "5-branes," third line, "IIA" should be "IIB". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- p. 207 (5/28/99)*: In the third line, "M-theory on S_1/Z_2" should be "M-theory on S_1 \times S_1/Z_2". Five lines below eq. 14.5.5, the clause "which is the transform of the original 9-direction" is confusing and unnecessary. (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 212 (5/28/99)*: In the second line of the first full paragraph, "M_{11}^{-1}" should be "M_{11}". (Thanks to M. Fabinger)
- p. 214 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 14.7.8, the LHS should be "L_{eff} = - V(r,v)" (Thanks to L. Motl) (1/3/05): The subscript "eff" should be roman (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 215 (5/28/99)*: In eqs. 14.7.11 and 14.7.12, the summation range should be more symmetric, e.g. [1-n/2] to [n/2] with [ ]=integer part, in order to keep small negative r and s. In eq. 14.7.13, "i/n" should be "2\pi i/n" and the remainder should be "O(n^{-2})" (twice each). In eq. 14.7.14, the right-hand side should be divided by (2\pi)^2. In eq. 14.7.15, the first term should be divided by (2\pi)^2 and the third by 2\pi. (Thanks to L. Motl, B. Jurco)
- p. 216 (5/28/99)*: Fourth line of first full paragraph, "world-sheet" should be "world-volume". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 217 (5/28/99)*: Line below eq. 14.7.20, the invariant length is "+O(\epsilon^2)". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 218 (5/28/99)*: In line ten, "\tau_{M2} A = 4\pi^2 R_m R_{10}" should be "\tau_{M2} A = M_{11}^3 R_m R_{10}". (Thanks to L. Motl, M. Fabinger)
- p. 218 (12/30/04): On the RHS of eq. 14.7.25, delete the "/2\pi". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 219 (12/30/04): In eq. 14.8.1b, there should be a factor of "g^2" on the RHS. Also, the D5 solution 14.8.2 and the NS5 solution 14.1.15 are not directly S-dual, one must also make a coordinate transformation. (Thanks to M. Headrick) Comparison between these is also made inconvenient by the fact that in the D5 solution 14.8.2, Q is quantized in integer units, while in the NS5 solution 14.1.15, it is quantized in units of "Q_0", which is not even dimensionless --- in fact $Q_0 = (4\pi\alpha')^{1/2}$ (I think).
- p. 225 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. 14.8.23, "=" should be "\approx". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 227 (5/28/99)*: In the last line of exercise 14.8, "times G_N" should be "divided by G_N". Also, in the spirit of the correspondence principle, the numerical constant is omitted. (Thanks to L. Motl, R. Portugues)
- Chapter 15:
- p. 230 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 15.1.9, "r_+" should be "h_+" and "r_-" should be "h_-". (Thanks to N. Itzhaki, B. Jurco)
- p. 236 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 15.2.15, "q^h" should be "q^{h + (1-c)/24}". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 239 (5/28/99)*: Five lines above eq. 15.3.14, "all conformal theories" should be "all conformal families". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 244 (1/2/00): In eq. 15.4.9, the plus sign after the derivative should be a minus sign. (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 248 (1/2/00): In eq. 15.4.34, second equation (for r^2), "n" should be "|n|". (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 250 (12/30/04): In lines two and three, "Z(2)" should be "Z_2". (Thanks to J. Crotin)
- p. 252 (12/30/04): In line two of the last paragraph, "other any" should be "any other". (Thanks to J. Crotin)
- p. 254 (1/2/00): Below eq. 15.6.2, r-s should be even in the NS sector and odd in the R sector (as a check, h=0 then appears in the NS sector). The same restriction applies to eq. 15.6.6. (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 261 (12/30/04): In eq. 15.8.6, an "\epsilon^{-1}" is missing on the LHS. In eq. 15.8.8, "d^d x" should be "d^d \sigma". (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- p. 262 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 15.8.11, the dot denotes differentiation with respect to \ln r^2 (not r^2). (Thanks to N. Itzhaki)
- p. 265 (12/30/04): Eqs. 15.8.31ab are correct, but would be more transparent if U were defined as a function of "\lambda" rather than "g". (Thanks to G. Calcagni)
- Chapter 16:
- p. 275 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 16.1.1, "v^n" should be "v^m". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 277 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 16.1.17, "\exp(i\beta_1)" should be "\exp(2\pi i\beta_1)" and "\exp i(\beta_{16})" should be "\exp (2\pi i\beta_{16})". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 283 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 16.2.5, "\exp(i s \cdot \phi)" should be "\exp(2\pi i s \cdot \phi)". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 285 (12/30/04): Above eq. 16.3.5 "h(r,1;\gamma)" should be "h(r,0;\gamma)". (Thanks to J. Crotin)
- p. 285 (1/2/00): In all of eqs. 16.3.5, "|0>" should be "|a>". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- p. 287 (1/2/00): In the next-to-last line, delete the superscript plus/minus on \lambda. (Thanks to P.-J. De Smet)
- p. 290 (5/28/99)*: In table 16.1, line (i), the gauge group should be "E_6 \times SU(3) \times E_8". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 293 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 16.4.2, the cubic term should have a "-i". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 294 (12/30/04): Eq. 16.4.15 is correct, but it should be noted that to get there we have made a redefinition relative to eq. 16.4.10: now T = G + B + 1/2 \alpha' A A^* (Thanks to K.-S. Choi)
- p. 297 (1/2/00): In eq. 16.4.30, two subscripts "j" should be "i". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- Chapter 17:
- p. 317 (12/30/04): Third line of last paragraph, "basic" should be "basis". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- p. 319 (12/30/04): In eq. 17.4.20, the second "a" index on each line should be "b". (Thanks to G. C. Jones, M. Spradlin)
- p. 322 (12/30/04): Line above 17.5.2, "h_{1,1}" should be 'h^{1,1}". (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- Chapter 18:
- p. 333 (5/28/99)*: In the line above eq. 18.1.13, "neutron electron dipole moment" should be "neutron electric dipole moment". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 336 (1/2/05): In eq. 18.2.5, the numerator on the RHS should be "2\kappa^2". (Thanks to M. Thormeier)
- p. 344 (1/2/05): In eq. 18.3.1, on the RHS "k" be "\hat k". Four lines below, "k=1" should be "\hat k = 1/2", and "1.2 x 10^{18} GeV" should be "8.5 x 10^{17} GeV". (Thanks to M. Thormeier)
- p. 350 (1/2/00): In the next-to-last line, "supersymmetry" should be "superpartner". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- p. 374 (1/2/00): In exercise 18.3, "section 18.6" should be "section 18.5". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- Chapter 19:
- p. 392 (1/2/00): In eq. 19.4.12, two places, "=" should be "\to".
- p. 397 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.5.16, the product is semidirect, as the S_5 permutes the Z_5's. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 399 (9/24/01). In eq. 19.5.23, |\partial G\over \partial {\phi_i}| in the second term and (r+5|p|^2-\sum^5_{i=1}|\phi_i|^2) the third term of the potential have to be squared. (Thanks to S. Nam, J. Park)
- p. 403 (1/2/00): In eq. 19.6.5, "\alpha^s z_5" should be "\alpha^{-t} z_5". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- p. 405 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.6.7, the coefficient of the final term should be "-5\psi". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 414 (1/2/00): In the last full paragraph, second line, "IIB" should be "IIA". (Thanks to T. Azuma)
- p. 417 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.8.8, the center and right should each have a factor "i". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 421 (5/28/99)*: In line seven, M5 should be in roman. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 422 (5/28/99)*: In the line below eq. 19.9.3, "R_m" should be "(2\pi R_m)". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 423 (9/24/01): In eq. 19.9.5b, "R_h^{-1}" should be "R_{mh}^{-1}". (Thanks to T. Damour)
- p. 424 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.9.12a, "R'_9" should be "R''_9". In eq. 19.9.12b, "R_{9B'}" should be "R''_9". In eq. 19.9.12c, "R_{mB'}" should be "R''_m". (Thanks to L. Motl) Also in eqs. 19.9.12, "=" should be "\propto" in six places.
- p. 425 (5/28/99)*: Above mid-page, third line of paragraph, the clause "only the ... surviving" is confusing and unnecessary. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 427 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.9.20, "=" should be "\propto". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 427 (12/31/04): In several places from eq. 19.9.20 to the line after 19.9.24, the 5 and 6 directions should be the 4 and 5 directions for consistency with the usual conventions. (Thanks to E. Scheidegger)
- p. 428 (5/28/99)*: In the first line, "T^4" should be "T^6". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 428 (5/28/99)*: In eq. 19.9.25, a factor "U(1)" should appear in the first denominator. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 428 (5/28/99)*: Also in eq. 19.9.25, the notation is improper. It should indicate that the continuous groups in the denominator act on the left and the discrete on the right. I am afraid that I erred in choosing to adopt a compact but inexplicit notation. The same notation was used in eqs. 8.4.31 and 11.6.14, but with explanation. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- Appendix B:
- p. 433 (12/31/04): The sentence after eq. B.1.21 is slightly ambiguous, to be precise "0" should be "0 (mod 4)" in two places. In the following sentence it should definitely be "0 (mod 4)". (Thanks to W. Polkosnik) (Thanks to A. Pakman, M. Headrick)
- p. 434 (12/31/04): In eq. B.1.23, "B" should be "B*". (Thanks to A. Pakman, M. Headrick)
- p. 435 (1/2/05): In eq. B.1.34, the exponent "s(s+1)" should be "s(s-1)". Also, I should note the convention \epsilon^{012...} = +1. (Thanks to W. Polkosnik)
- p. 438 (12/31/04): In the line below eq. B.1.46, "U(n)" should be "U(1)". (Thanks to G. C. Jones, Z. Komargodski)
- p. 440 (5/28/99)*: In the line above eq. B.2.2, "k^0 = k^1" should be "k_0 = k_1". (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 442 (12/31/04): In the third text line from the bottom, "a complex auxiliary field" should just ba "an auxiliary field". (Thanks to M. Headrick)
- p. 447,448 (5/28/99)*: In eq. B.2.35, the anticommutator of P and Q should be a commutator. Also in eq. B.2.36b. (Thanks to F. Ferrari, M. Fabinger)
- p. 449 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. B.2.38, "m \pm q_i" should be "2(m \pm q_i)". (Thanks to M. Fabinger). Also, in the line above eq. B.2.38, "the Z^{AB}" should be "the charges Z^{AB}".
- p. 450 (5/28/99)*: Two lines below eq. B.4.1, "perturbations" should be "permutations". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 450 (12/31/04)*: Actually, the whole phrase "with a \pm 1 for odd or even permutations" is clumsy, better "with a -1 for odd permutations". (Thanks to G.C. Jones)
- p. 450 (5/28/99)*: Above eq. B.4.6, "Poincare dual" should more properly be "Hodge star," or simply "dual" as in Misner, Thorne, and Wheeler. "Poincare duality" as used properly is a map between homology classes and cohomology classes. However, the imprecise usage here seems to be common (e.g. GSW, vol. 2, p. 295). (Thanks to B. McKay)
- p. 451 (5/28/99)*: In eq. B.4.10, multiply all non-Abelian terms by "-i". Thus it should read "F_2 = dA_1 - i A_1 \wedge A_1 \equiv dA_1 - i A_1^2 , \delta A_1 = d\lambda - i A_1 \lambda +i \lambda A_1". (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 452 (5/28/99)*: In eq. B.4.17, the right-hand side should simply be zero, as it is the square of an odd-rank form. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 455 (5/28/99)*: In table B.3, on line d=4, "SU(8,R)" should just be "SU(8)". On line d=5, "Sp(4,R)" would be less ambiguous as "USp(8)", with an associated comment in line 13 of page 456 deleted. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 456 (5/28/99)*: In going from eq. B.5.9 to eq. B.5.12, the matrix \Gamma_{(4)} has been removed by a chirality rotation of Q. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 460 (1/2/00): In eq. B.6.16c, "\phi_n" should be "A_n". (Thanks to M. Maggiore)
- p. 466 (12/31/04): In exercise B.1, the last two properties (B.1.25) and (B.1.27) should be (B.1.26) and (B.1.28). (Thanks to J. Shelton)
- p. 470 (10/10/06): Add to history, ch. 14 paragraph 3: A program to quantize supersymmetric membranes began in 1987. These apparently have no sensible continuum quantization --- the world-sheet theory is nonrenormalizable --- but this led to the discovery that a regulated M2-brane could be described by supersymmetric quantum mechanics; see Nicolai & Helling (1998) for a review. This equivalence was interpreted by Banks, Fischler, Shenker, & Susskind (1997) in terms of the matrix theory construction of M theory.
- Nicolai, H. & Helling, R. (1998).
Supermembranes and M(atrix) theory.
E-print hep-th/9809103. - p. 471, 473 (12/31/04): Three lines from the bottom on p. 471, and two lines from the top on p. 473, the accent on the "a" of "Ibanez" is wrong. (Thanks to G. C. Jones)
- Glossary (both volumes):
- p. 373/502 (4/4/99)*: In Glossary item K\"ahler form, "Hermitean" should be "K\"ahler". One can define this form for a Hermitean metric, but it is called a "K\"ahler form" only when the metric is K\"ahler. (Thanks to T. H\"ubsch)
- p. 376/505 (12/31/04): In Glossary item Neveu-Schwarz 5-brane, "type I and" should be omitted (the type I theory has no NS-NS 2-form. (Thanks to L. Motl)
- p. 377/506 (12/31/04): In Glossary item orbifold, in the last line "second" should be "third". (Thanks to T. M. Sorenson)
- p. 378/507 (12/6/98)*: In Glossary item parity transformation, "distinugishes" should be "distinguishes".
- p. 381/510 (12/6/98)*: In Glossary item Riemann surfaces, "dimensionsional" should be "dimensional".
- p. 388 (12/28/04): In Glossary item zero modes, "nodes" should be "modes". (Thanks to J. Reuter)
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