

      In conjunction with the current KITP Program on Fundamental Aspects of String Theory, we will be hosting the celebration of Stanley Mandelstam's 80th birthday onFriday, Feb. 13, 2009.  We have planned a lively day of talks from a variety of Stanley's students and colleagues, followed by a reception and dinner. There is no registration fee aside from the dinner cost, which will be around $40 per person, payable at the meeting (cash or check).


Recorded Talks

Photos (12345 from Ling-Le Chau, 6 from Hirosi Ooguri)

     Hotel and visit information (includes transportation and parking info)

Schedule (Location: KITP Main Seminar Room):

9:30  Lars Brink  "Stanley, Me and Life on the Light-Cone"
10:00  Nathan Berkovits   "Light-Cone Interaction-Point Operators and Covariant Quantization"
10:30 break
11:00  Joe Polchinski  "Duality and Confinement"
11:30  Pierre Ramond   "Prisoner of the Mandelstam Triangle"
12-2 lunch
2:00  David Gross   "Memories of Mandelstam"
2:30  Charles Thorn  "Large  N Gauge Theory on the Lightcone Worldsheet"
3:00  Charles Sommerfield  "Bosonization and Beyond."
3:30 break
4:00  Sang-Jin Sin   "Quantum Liquids in Space and in Colliders"
4:30  John Schwarz   "Recent Progress in AdS/CFT"
5:00-6:00 wine & cheese reception at KITP
7:00 dinner at Madame Lu's

   Organizers: Nathan Berkovits, Joe Polchinski, Charles Thorn