High Energy and Gravity Seminars
- The seminars are normally held at 12:30 pm on Tuesdays in Broida 3302 and at 2 pm on Thursdays in the KITP Simons Amphitheater.
- Talks at KITP are recorded. The video and slides are available online from the KITP web page.
- To the KITP Talks Schedule.
- To the Department of Mathematics Colloquia, Conferences, Seminars & Events.
Winter 2025
Organizers: Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen, Maciej Kolanowski, and Mykhaylo Usatyuk
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, January 9 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Fabian Ruehle | Rigorous results from machine learning | Northeastern U. |
Thursday, January 23 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Gabriel Wong | 3d gravity as a random ensemble | Oxford U. |
Thursday, January 30 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Ahmed Almheiri | Measurements with probabilities in the final state proposal | NYU Abu Dhabi |
Tuesday, March 11 |
1:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Yikun Jiang | Building up quantum spacetimes with BCFT tensor networks and symmetric quantum RG | Northeastern U. |
Thursday, March 13 |
Lara Anderson | Virginia Tech. | |||
Tuesday, March 18 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Robert Myers | Perimeter |
Previous Terms
Fall 2024
Organizers: Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen, Maciej Kolanowski, and Mykhaylo Usatyuk
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Sep 26 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Jacob McNamara | The Structure of Gravitational Hidden Sectors | Caltech |
Tuesday, Oct 1 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Victor Rodriguez | The complex Liouville string | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 3 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Pietro Benetti Genolini | Equivariant localization for AdS/CFT | Geneva U. |
Tuesday, Oct 8 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Adam Ball | Dynamical Edge Modes and Entanglement in Gauge Theory | Perimeter |
Thursday, Oct 10 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Xiaoyi Liu | Well-Posed Boundary Conditions for Semi-Classical Euclidean Gravity | UCSB |
Tuesday, Oct 15 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Krishan Saraswat | Constraints from Entanglement Wedge Nesting in Doubly Holographic Models | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 17 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Gustavo Joaquin Turiaci | Spin-statistics for black hole microstates | Washington U. |
Tuesday, Oct 22 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Chintan Patel | Charged Superradiance in AdS5 x S5 black holes | TIFR |
Thursday, Oct 24 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Alexandre Homrich | Multi-Twist Trajectories, Light Ray Wave Functions and the Missing Zeroes | KITP |
Tuesday, Oct 29 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Paul-Konstantin Oehlmann | 6D Discrete Gauge Anomalies, their Cancellation and Interplay | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 31 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Emma Albertini | Towards a uniqueness theorem for static black holes in Kaluza-Klein theory with small circle size | Imperial Coll., London |
Tuesday, Nov 5 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Bruno Scheihing Hitschfeld | Dynamics of a heavy quark in strongly coupled N=4 SYM plasma | KITP |
Thursday, Nov 7 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Yiming Chen | Chaos and Fortuity of Holographic BPS states | Stanford |
Tuesday, Nov 12 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Jesse Held | The Hilbert space of de Sitter JT gravity | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 14 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Yuri Lensky | Applications of gauge theory to quantum processors | |
Tuesday, Nov 19 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | David Grabovsky | Spin-Refined Partition Functions and CRT Black Holes | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 21 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Sean Colin-Ellerin | Generalized entropy of gravitational fluctuations | Berkeley |
Tuesday, Nov 26 |
12:30 pm | Zoom | Hamza Ahmed | Heterotic little string theories, their dualities, and generalized symmetries | Northeastern U. |
Tuesday, Dec 3 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Leung | New bulk cone singularities in Vaidya-like spacetimes from large $c$ conformal blocks | UCSB |
Summer 2024
Organizers: Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen and Maciej Kolanowski
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Monday, July 22 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Ahmed Almheiri | TTbar and the black hole interior | NYU Abu Dhabi |
Friday, August 9 |
12 pm | Broida 3302 | Upamanyu Moitra | Entanglement in String Theory | ICTP |
Spring 2024
Organizers: Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen and Maciej Kolanowski
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, April 23 |
12:30 pm | Online | Lorenz Eberhardt | One-Loop String Amplitudes revisited | UvA |
Tuesday, April 30 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Adam Solomon | Love and Symmetry | McMaster University |
Thursday, May 2 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Jiuci Xu | Von Neumann algebras in Double-Scaled SYK | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 7 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Cynthia Yan | How the Hilbert space of two-sided black holes factorises | Stanford |
Thursday, May 9 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Masamichi Miyaji | Codimension-Zero Observables at Late Time | YITP, Kyoto University |
Tuesday, May 14 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Mykhaylo Usatyuk | Closed universes in two dimensional gravity | UCSB |
Thursday, May 16 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Clifford Johnson | Multicritical Matrix Model Miracles | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 21 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen | Disentanglement as a strong cosmic censor | UCSB |
Thursday, May 23 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Molly Kaplan | Limitations of the QFT approximation in Global de Sitter: How Useful is a Quantum Observer? | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 28 |
12:30 pm | Online | Andreas Blommaert | Firewalls at exponentially late times | SISSA |
Thursday, May 30 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Steven Giddings | Gravitational wave probes of quantum black holes | UCSB |
Tuesday, June 4 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Muldrow Etheredge | A Distance Conjecture for Branes | UMass Amherst |
Thursday, June 6 |
2 pm | Online | Kristan Jensen | Non-perturbative de Sitter JT gravity | University of Victoria |
Fall 2023
Organizers: Eugenia Colafranceschi and Kwinten Fransen
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Sep 28 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Daniel Carney | Comments on graviton detection | LBNL |
Tuesday, Oct 3 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Benjamin Sung | Frozen singularities and the string landscape | UCSB |
Friday, Oct 6 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Geoff Penington | Algebras and states in JT and super-JT gravity | UC Berkeley |
Tuesday, Oct 10 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Brian Henning | Towards a Nonperturbative Construction of the S-Matrix | KITP |
Thursday, Oct 12 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Dan Stefan Eniceicu | Recent non-perturbative results in unitary matrix integrals | Stanford |
Tuesday, Oct 17 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Lin | A symmetry algebra in double-scaled SYK | Stanford |
Thursday, |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Maciej Kolanowski | Singular extremal black holes and how to find them | UCSB |
Tuesday, Oct 24 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Hong Zhe (Vincent) Chen | Asymptotic entanglement and celestial holography | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 26 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Felipe Rosso | A Solvable Toy Model of Flat Space Quantum Gravity | University of British Columbia |
Tuesday, Oct 31 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Mykhaylo Usatyuk | The evaporation of near-extremal black holes | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 2 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Rodrigo Andrade E Silva | Quantization of causal diamonds in 2+1 dimensional gravity | University of Maryland |
Tuesday, Nov 7 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 |
Xiaoyi Liu |
Stability of saddles and choices of contour in the Euclidean path integral for linearized gravity: Dependence on the DeWitt Parameter | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 9 |
2 pm | Online | Philipp Höhn | Quantum frames, subsystems and gravity | OIST |
Tuesday, Nov 14 | 12:30 pm | Online | Ayngaran Thavanesan | Holographic Cosmology at Finite Time | Cambridge |
Thursday, Nov 16 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Shunyu Yao | Scramblon loops | Stanford |
Tuesday, Nov 21 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Gabriele Di Ubaldo | AdS3/RMT2 Duality | IPhT Saclay |
Tuesday, Nov 28 |
12:30 pm | Online | Jan de Boer | The Statistical Interpretation of Semi-Classical Gravity | UvA |
Thursday, Nov 30 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Gautam Satishchandran | Generalized Black Hole Entropy is von Neumann Entropy | Princeton |
Tuesday, Dec 5 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Leung | Boundary signature of singularity in the presence of a shock wae | UCSB |
Thursday, Dec 7 |
2 pm | Simons Amphitheater | Raphael Bousso | Holograms In Our World | UC Berkeley |
Spring 2023
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Mar 9 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Eanna Flanagan | An order-unity correction to Hawking radiation and soft hair | Cornell |
Tuesday, Apr 4 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Anthony Thompson | Chaos and pole skipping in simply spinning plasma | Bristol |
Thursday, Apr 6 |
2 pm | Zoom | Juan Maldacena | Scaling similarities and quasinormal modes of D0 black hole solutions | IAS |
Tuesday, Apr 11 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Alexey Milekhin | Measurement-induced phase transition in teleportation and wormholes | UCSB |
Thursday, Apr 13 |
2 pm | Zoom | Vijay Balasubramanian | Microscopic origin of the entropy of black holes in general relativity. | U Penn |
Thursday, Apr 20 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Elliot Gesteau | Large N von Neumann algebras and the renormalization of Newton's constant | Caltech |
Tuesday, Apr 25 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Suzanne Bintanja | A toolbox for holographic CFTs | Amsterdam |
Thursday, Apr 27 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Gary Horowitz | Extremal Black Hole Surprises | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 2 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Adolfo Holguin | 1/2 BPS Structure Constants, Giants Gravitons, and Random Matrices | UCSB |
Thursday, May 4 |
2 pm | Zoom | Hong Liu | Emergence of space and time in holography | MIT |
Tuesday, May 9 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Chris Waddell | Possible hints of decreasing dark energy from supernova data | UBC |
Thursday, May 11 |
2 pm | Zoom | Leonard Susskind | A Paradox and it’s Resolution Illustrate Principles of de sitter Holography | Stanford |
Tuesday, May 16 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Zhencheng Wang | Algebras of boundary observables from the gravitational path integral | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 23 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | David Grabovsky | Heavy States in 3D Gravity and 2D CFT | UCSB |
Wednesday, May 24 |
2 pm | Zoom | Edward Witten | Algebras of Observables in the Presence of Gravity | IAS |
Thursday, May 25 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Robert Wald | Black Holes Decohere Quantum Superpositions | U Chicago |
Tuesday, May 30 |
12:30 pm | Zoom | Leonard Susskind | Why I think DSSYK is a model for de Sitter space (and why you should think so too). | Stanford |
Thursday, Jun 1 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Kathryn Zurek | From Shockwaves to Gravitational Memory: New Approaches in Flat Space Holography | Caltech |
Tuesday, Jun 6 |
12:30 pm | Zoom | Thomas Baumgarte | Critical Phenomena in Gravitational Collapse | Bowdoin College |
Thursday, Jun 8 |
2 pm | Kavli Auditorium | Sean McBride | Holographic Tensor Networks with Bulk Gauge Symmetries | UCSB |
Fall 2022
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Sep 20 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Aalok Misra | (G)Structured M-Theory Dual of Thermal QCD-Like Theories at Intermediate Coupling: Differential Geometry, Flavor Memory and Page Curves - (``Almost") First ``Contact'' | IIT Roorkee |
Thursday, Sep 22 |
2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Xiaoliang Qi | A general construction of bulk dynamics from boundary generalized free fields | Stanford |
Tuesday, Sep 27 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Batoul Banihashemi | Quasilocal thermodynamics of cosmological horizons | Maryland |
Tuesday, Oct 4 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Kwinten Fransen | Exploring black holes with gravitational waves | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 6 |
2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Jonathan Oppenheim | Gravitationally induced decoherence vs space-time diffusion: testing the quantum nature of gravity | UC London |
Tuesday, Oct 11 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Eugenia Colafranceschi | Quantum gravity entanglement graphs as tensor networks: holographic properties and horizon-like regions from volume correlations | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 13 |
2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Stefano Antonini | Cosmology from the vacuum | Maryland |
Tuesday, Oct 18 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Asmund Folkestad | The Penrose Inequality as a Constraint on Low Energy Quantum Gravity (and teasers on far from equilibrium speed limits) | MIT and KITP |
Thursday, Oct 20 |
2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Giuseppe Di Giulio | Towards Explicit Discrete Holography: Aperiodic Spin Chains from Hyperbolic Tilings | Universitat Wurzburg |
Tuesday, Oct 25 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Diandian Wang | Pole-skipping as a new probe of quantum chaos and its connection to the OTOC, quasinormal modes and shockwaves in holography | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 27 |
2:00 pm | Zoom | Pau Figueras | The Gregory-Laflamme instability of black strings revisited | Queen Mary |
Tuesday, Nov 1 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Zhencheng Wang | Null states and time evolution in a toy model of black holes | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 3 |
2:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Albert Law | Horizon Scattering, Partition Functions, and Edge Modes | Harvard |
Tuesday, Nov 8 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Geoff Penington | Type II von Neumann algebras and quantum gravity | Berkeley and IAS |
Thursday, Nov 10 |
2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Wayne Weng | Deformations of JT gravity and matrix models | UCSB |
Tuesday, Nov 15 |
12:30 pm | Zoom | Monica Kang | Counting States with Global Symmetry | Caltech |
Thursday, Nov 17 |
2:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Lin | The bulk Hilbert space of double scaled SYK | Stanford |
Thursday, Dec 1 |
2:00 pm | Zoom | Andreas Blommaert | SISSA |
Spring 2022
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Apr 7 |
2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Julio Parra-Martinez | Causality constraints on corrections to Einstein gravity | Caltech |
Thursday, Apr 14 |
2 pm | Zoom | Fedor Popov | De Sitter and Eternity | NYU |
Thursday, Apr 28 |
2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Scott Collier | Semiclassical 3D gravity as an average of large-c CFT | Princeton |
Tuesday, May 3 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Aron Wall | Holographic Cauchy Slices | Cambridge |
Tuesday, May 10 |
1:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Grant Remmen | UV-Complete Gravity Amplitudes and the Triple Product | KITP |
Thursday, May 12 |
2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Luca Iliesiu | Gravity factorized - Alpha-states, null-states and the quantum mechanical dual of canonical JT gravity | Stanford |
Thursday, May 19 |
10 am (Note changed time) | Zoom | Jorge Santos | A bumpy IR: novel fixed points for four-dimensional holographic theories | Cambridge |
Thursday, May 26 |
2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Henry Maxfield | The Hilbert space of quantum gravity with replica wormholes | Stanford |
Thursday, Jun 2 |
2:40 pm (Note changed time) | Zoom | Veronika Hubeny | The Holographic Entropy Cone from Marginal Independence | UC Davis |
Winter 2022
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Jan 6 |
2 pm | Zoom | Edward Witten | Gravity and the Crossed Product | IAS |
Thursday, Jan 20 |
2 pm | Zoom | Jerzy Lewandowski | Horizon equations | University of Warsaw |
Thursday, Jan 27 |
2 pm | Zoom | Lampros Lamprou | Falling inside holographic black holes |
Tuesday, Feb 1 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Maciej Kolanowski | (Non-)uniqueness of extremal black holes |
University of Warsaw |
Thursday, Feb 3 |
2 pm | Zoom | Anindya Banerjee | Comments on summing over Bordisms in TQFT |
Rutgers |
Thursday, Feb 10 |
2 pm | Zoom | Finn Larsen | The Attractor Mechanism in Gauged Supergravity |
Michigan |
Thursday, Feb 24 |
2 pm | Zoom | Marija Tomasevic | Black Tsunamis, Naked Singularities |
Ecole Polytechnique |
Thursday, Mar 10 |
2 pm | Zoom | Sam Leutheusser | Emergent Times in Holographic Duality |
Thursday, Mar 17 |
2 pm | Zoom | Alex Belin | Bootstrapping Quantum Extremal Surfaces |
Fall 2021
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Sept 28 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Ying Zhao | Six point-functions and collisions in the black hole interior | KITP |
Thursday, Sept 30 |
2 pm | Zoom | Zhenbin Yang | Subleading Weingartens | Stanford |
Thursday, Oct 7 |
2 pm | Zoom | Phil Saad | Comments on wormholes and factorization | IAS |
Thursday, Oct 14 |
2 pm | Zoom | Tom Rudelius | Consequences of No Global Symmetries in Quantum Gravity | Berkeley |
Tuesday, Oct 19 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Yiming Chen | Aspects of the black hole/string transition | Princeton |
Thursday, Oct 21 |
2 pm | Zoom | Adam Levine | Imaging the quantum extremal surface |
Tuesday, Oct 26 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Mykhaylo Usatyuk | Microstructure in matrix elements |
UC Berkeley |
Thursday, Oct 28 |
2 pm | Zoom | Mark Mezei | The volume of the black hole interior at late times | Stony Brook |
Tuesday, Nov 2 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Amirhossein Tajdini | Fluctuation entropy of Hawking radiation | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 4 |
2 pm | Zoom | Nathan Benjamin | Harmonic analysis of 2d CFT partition functions | Caltech |
Tuesday, Nov 9 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Sergio Hernandez-Cuenca | A No-Replica Trick for the Free Energy | UCSB |
Tuesday, Nov 16 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Grant Remmen | Causality, Unitarity, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture | KITP |
Thursday, Nov 18 |
2 pm | Zoom | James Sully | Looking for Bulk Branes |
Tuesday, Nov 23 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Sean Mcbride | Replica Wormholes and Holographic Entanglement Negativity | KITP |
Tuesday, Nov 30 |
1:30 pm | Zoom | Josephine Suh | Quantum gravity from probability | KITP |
Thursday, Dec 2 |
2 pm | Zoom | Ven Chandrasekaran | Gravitational phase space and black hole entropy |
Summer 2021
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, June 17 |
2pm | Zoom | Joaquin Turiaci | The factorization puzzle in supergravity | UCSB |
Thursday, July 8 |
2pm | Zoom | Onkar Parrikar | Quantum error correction in the black hole interior | Stanford |
Thursday, July 22 |
2pm | Zoom | Xiaoliang Qi | Entanglement island, miracle operators and the firewall | Stanford |
Thursday, Aug 5 |
2pm | Zoom | Simon Caron-Huot | Gravity: the force from the ultraviolet | McGill |
Thursday, Aug 19 |
2pm | Zoom | Arvin Shahbazi-Moghaddam | Finding Pythons in Unexpected Places | Stanford |
Thursday, Sept 2 |
2pm | Zoom | Adel Rahman | Quantization of Gravity in a Schwarzschild Background | Stanford |
Spring 2021
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, April 08 | 2pm | Zoom | David Simmons-Duffin | Sharp Boundaries for the Swampland | Caltech |
Thursday, April 15 | 2pm | Zoom | Douglas Stanford | Wormholes without averaging | Stanford |
Thursday, April 22 | 2pm | Zoom | Simeon Hellerman | Quantum Information Theory of the Gravitational Anomaly | Tokyo U., IPMU |
Thursday, April 29 | 2pm | Zoom | Mikhail Solon | Binary Black Holes and Scattering Amplitudes | UCLA |
Thursday, May 6 | 2pm | Zoom | Jordan Cotler | Black hole microstate statistics from Euclidean wormholes | Harvard |
Thursday, May 13 | 2pm | Zoom | Eduardo Teste Lino | Mutual information superadditivity and unitarity bounds | UCSB |
Thursday, May 20 | 2pm | Zoom | Vladimir Rosenhaus | Chaotic scattering in quantum field theory and string theory | CUNY |
Thursday, May 27 | 2pm | Zoom | Netta Engelhardt | Weak Cosmic Censorship in Holography | MIT |
Thursday, June 3 | 2pm | Zoom | Zvi Bern | Gravitation EFT Islands, Low-Spin Dominance, and the Four-Graviton Amplitude | UCLA |
Winter 2021
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Jan 07 | 2pm | Zoom | Alexey Milekhin | Coupled SYK models without Schwartzian dominance | UCSB |
Thursday, Jan 14 | 2pm | Zoom | Jorrit Kruthoff | Classical aspects of black hole interiors | Stanford |
Thursday, Jan 21 | 2pm | Zoom | Daniel Harlow | Global Symmetry, Euclidean Gravity, and the Black hole information problem. | MIT |
Thursday, Jan 28 | 2pm | Zoom | Juan Maldacena | Proper time to the black hole singularity from thermal one point functions. | IAS |
Thursday, Feb 11 | 2pm | Zoom | Hong Liu | Entanglement entropies of equilibrated pure states in quantum many-body systems and replica wormholes | MIT |
Thursday, Feb 18 | 2pm | Zoom | Sabrina Pasterski | HPS meets AMPS: How Soft Hair Dissolves the Firewall | Princeton Center for Theoretical Science |
Thursday, Feb 25 | 2pm | Zoom | Alejandro Cabo-Bizet | 1/16 BPS black holes in AdS5 from 4d SU(N) N=4 SYM | King's College London |
Thursday, Mar 4 | 2pm | Zoom | Wolfgang Wieland | Null infinity from quasi-local phase space | Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information |
Thursday, Mar 11 | 2pm | Zoom | Monica Kang | Caltech |
Fall 2020
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, Oct 1 | 2pm | Zoom | Jie-qiang Wu | Peierls bracket and gravitational dressing in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity | UCSB |
Tuesday, Oct 6 | 1:30pm | Zoom | Amirhossein Tajdini | Replica wormholes for an evaporating black hole | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 8 | 2pm | Zoom | Sandipan Kundu | Closed strings and weak gravity condition from higher-spin causality | Johns Hopkins |
Thursday, Oct 15 | 2pm | Zoom | Clifford V. Johnson | Non-perturbative studies of JT gravity and supergravity | USC |
Thursday, Oct 22 | 2pm | Zoom | Lorenz Eberhardt | Partition functions of the tensionless string | IAS |
Tuesday, Oct 27 | 1:30pm | Zoom | Pratik Rath | The Page curve for Reflected Entropy | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 29 | 2pm | Zoom | Horacio Casini | Entropic order parameters for symmetries in QFT | Instituto Balseiro, Centro Atómico Bariloche |
Thursday, Nov 05 | 2pm | Zoom | Criag Lawrie | Compactifications of 6D N=(1,0) SCFTs on T^2 and Class S | UPenn |
Thursday, Nov 12 | 2pm | Zoom | Raphael Bousso | Island Finder | UC Berkeley |
Tuesday, Nov 17 | 1:30pm | Zoom | Grant Remmen | Entanglement and Symmetry in the Double Copy | KITP, UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 19 | 2pm | Zoom | Gautam Satishchandran | Infrared Divergences, Memory and Asymptotic States in Quantum Gravity | UChicago |
Tuesday, Dec 01 | 1:30pm | Zoom | Josephine Suh | Deconstruction of a two-dimensional theory of gravity | KITP, UCSB |
Thursday, Dec 03 | 2pm | Zoom | Brian Swingle | Hydrodynamics and the Spectral Form Factor | Brandeis |
Thursday, Dec 10 | 2pm | Zoom | Kartik Prabhu | Symmetries and charges at null boundaries | UCSB |
Summer 2020
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, July 2 | 2pm | Zoom | Nima Afkhami-Jeddi | 3d Gravity from averaging 2d CFTs | Chicago |
Thursday, July 9 | 2pm | Zoom | Thomas Faulkner | The holographic map as a conditional expectation | Illinois, Urbana-Champaign |
Thursday, July 16 | 2pm | Zoom | Alexandre Belin | Random Statistics of OPE coefficients and Euclidean Wormholes | CERN |
Thursday, July 23 | 2pm | Zoom | Andreas Blommaert | Dissecting the ensemble in JT gravity | Gent University |
Thursday, July 30 | 2pm | Zoom | Zhenbin Yang | Effective Entropy of Quantum Fields Coupled With Gravity | Stanford |
Thursday, Aug 6 | 2pm | Zoom | Monica Kang | Algebras of observables for holographic theories: a GNS story | Caltech |
Thursday, Aug 13 | 2pm | Zoom | Sebastian Fischetti | Free Energy from Replica Wormholes | McGill |
Thursday, Sep 3 | 2pm | Zoom | Mark Van Raamsdonk | Towards microscopic models of big bang cosmology | UBC |
Thursday, Sep 10 | 2pm | Zoom | Geoff Penington | Leading order corrections to the quantum extremal surface prescription | Berkeley |
Spring 2020
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, May 21 | 2pm | Zoom | Steve Giddings | Gravity, holography, and unitarity |
Thursday, May 28 | 2pm | Zoom | Alexey Milekhin | Quantum error correction and large N |
Princeton |
Thursday, June 4 | 2pm | Zoom | James Hartle | The Impact of Cosmology on Quantum Mechanics |
Thursday, June 11 | 2pm | Zoom | Charles Marteau | New boundary conditions in JT gravity |
IP Paris |
Thursday, June 18 | 2pm | Zoom | Sergio Hernandez-Cuenca | Bulk reconstruction of metrics with a compact space asymptotically |
Thursday, June 25 | 2pm | Zoom | Gaston Giribet | The tensionless limit of string theory on AdS3 x S^3 x S^3 X S^1 | UBA |
Winter 2020
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, February 4 | 12pm | KITP Auditorium | Gabor Sarosi | Chaos in the butterfly cone | CERN |
Fall 2019
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Oct 1 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Steve Giddings | Gravitational dressing: soft charges, holography, and the quantum structure of gravity | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 3 | 2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Geoffrey Penington | Entanglement Wedge Reconstruction and the Information Paradox | Stanford |
Tuesday, Oct 8 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Grant Remmen | Extremal Black Holes and EFTs | Berkeley |
Tuesday, Oct 15 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Brianna Grado-White | Strong Subadditivity for Holography with a Cutoff | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 17 | 2 pm | KITP SSR | Javier Magan | Entanglement Entropy and Superselection Sectors | Balseiro |
Tuesday, Oct 22 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | David Berenstein | Localized States in Global AdS in an Instant | UCSB |
Thursday, Oct 24 | 2 pm | KITP Auditorium | Bogdan Ganchev | Weak Cosmic Censorship in Einstein-Scalar theory in flat 4D | Cambridge |
Tuesday, Oct 29 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Haoyu Sun | Ising CFT on higher genus surfaces and its gravity dual | Berkeley & KITP |
Thursday, Oct 31 | 2 pm | KITP SSR | Silviu Pufu | Holographic correlators from bootstrap and supersymmetric localization | Princeton |
Tuesday, Nov 5 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Gary Horowitz | Corner Conditions and Traversable Wormholes | UCSB |
Thursday, Nov 7 | 2 pm | KITP SSR | Mudassir Moosa | The holographic dual of Renyi relative entropy | Cornell |
Tuesday, Nov 12 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Phil Saad | Late time correlation functions, baby universes, and ETH in JT gravity | Stanford |
Thursday, Nov 14 | 2 pm | KITP Auditorium | John Cardy | TTbar Deformed Correlation Functions | Berkeley & Oxford |
Tuesday, Nov 19 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Josephine Suh | Dynamics of black holes in Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity | Caltech |
Thursday, Nov 21 | 2 pm | KITP SSR | Hirosi Ooguri | Caltech & Tokyo IPMU | |
Tuesday, Nov 26 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Xi Dong | Holographic Negativity | UCSB |
Thursday, Dec 12 | 2 pm | KITP MSR | Onkar Parrikar | Soft modes from black hole microstates | Stanford |
Summer 2019
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Wednesday, Aug 21 | 3 pm | Broida 3302 | Federico Leo Redi | HEP-HEX seminar: SHiP experiment - status of the detector and challenges | EPFL |
Spring 2019
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Apr 2 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Victor Gorbenko | On QFT in dS | IAS |
Tuesday, Apr 16 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Ahmed Almheiri | Evaporating Eternal Black Holes | IAS |
Thursday, Apr 18 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Eugenio Bianchi | Black hole entropy and gravitational wave observations | Penn State |
Tuesday, Apr 23 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | G. Joaquin Turiaci | Two dimensional Nearly de Sitter gravity | UCSB |
Thursday, Apr 25 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Matthew Headrick | Bit threads and holographic monogamy | Brandeis |
Thursday, May 2 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditoirum | Raphael Bousso | From Black Hole Coarse-Graining to Minimum Energy States in QFT | Berkeley |
Tuesday, May 7 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Achilleas Porfyriadis | The connection problem for AdS2 | UCSB |
Thursday, May 9 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Eric Perlmutter | Growing Extra Dimensions in AdS/CFT | Caltech |
Tuesday, May 14 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Guifre Vidal | Tensor networks, geometry and AdS/CFT | Perimeter |
Tuesday, May 21 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Max Rota | The holographic marginal independence problem | UCSB |
Thursday, May 23 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Steven Gubser | Non-local non-linear sigma models | Princeton |
Thursday, May 30 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Mark Mezei | Hydrodynamics of Entanglement | Stony Brook |
Tuesday, June 4 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Don Marolf | The Universal form of Gravitational Entanglement | UCSB |
Thursday, June 6 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Murat Kologlu | Light-ray operators, a stringy equivalence principle, and collider physics | Caltech |
Winter 2019
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Jan 15 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Netta Engelhardt | Bulk Constraints from Subregion Causality | Princeton |
Thursday, Jan 17 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Geoffrey Lovelace | Numerical relativity in the era of gravitational-wave observations | CSUF |
Tuesday, Jan 22 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Eduardo Testé | On the structure of the relativistic vacuum, known results and clues for new results | UCSB |
Thursday, Jan 31 | 2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Eva Silverstein | dS/dS, T\bar T, and EE | Stanford |
Thursday, Feb 28 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Thomas Hartman | Dynamical constraints on RG flows and cosmology | Cornell |
Tuesday, Mar 12 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Mark Srednicki | ETH, EE, OTOC | UCSB |
Thursday, Mar 14 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Ning Bao | Distilling tensor networks for AdS/CFT | Berkeley |
Thursday, Mar 21 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Alexandru Lupsasca | Polarization Whorls from M87 at the Event Horizon Telescope | Harvard |
Fall 2018
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tuesday, Oct 9 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Maxfield | The analytic bootstrap in 2D CFT, the Virasoro fusion kernel, and AdS3 gravity | UCSB |
Wednesday, Oct 10 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Jay Hubisz | HEP-HEX Seminar: Self-Organized Higgs Criticality | Syracuse |
Tuesday, Oct 16 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Huajia Wang |
Probing beyond ETH at large c |
Tuesday, Oct 23 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | G. Joaquin Turiaci |
Expanding the Wormhole in SYK |
Tuesday, Oct 30 | 12:30 pm | KITP AUD | Gary Horowitz | UCSB | |
Wednesday, Oct 31 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Ben Lillard | HEP-HEX Seminar: A High Quality Composite Axion | UC Irvine |
Tuesday, Nov 6 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Marco Gorghetto | HEP-HEX Seminar: Axions from Strings: the Attractive Solution | SISSA/ICTP |
Thursday, Nov 15 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Chris Akers | Holographic Renyi entropy in quantum error-correction | UC Berkeley |
Tuesday, Nov 27 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | David Berenstein | Typicality and geometry | UCSB |
Wednesday, Nov 28 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Tim Cohen | HEP-HEX Seminar: Hunting for Heavy Winos | U. Oregon |
Tuesday, Dec 4 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Isabel Garcia Garcia | Discrete Gauge Symmetries, Naturalness, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture | KITP |
Wednesday, Dec 5 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Lina Necib | HEP-HEX Seminar: Dark Matter in Disequilibrium and Implications for Direct Detection | Caltech |
Spring 2018
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thursday, April 19 | 2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Arvin Shahbazi Moghaddam | Energy is Entanglement | UC Berkeley |
Tuesday, April 24 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Steve Giddings | Quantum gravitational subsystems and black hole evolution | UCSB |
Thursday, April 26 | 2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Sung-Sik Lee | Emergent gravity from relatively local Hamiltonians | Perimeter |
Tuesday, May 15 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Eric Mefford | TBD | UCSB |
Tuesday, May 22 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Max Rota | Natural information quantities from holographic entropy | UCSB |
Thursday, May 24 | 2:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Xiao-Liang Qi | Eternal traversable wormhole in two dimensions | Stanford |
Tuesday, May 29 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Sean Weinberg | Classical Entropy and the Entanglement Wedge | UCSB |
Thursday, May 31 | 2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Samuel Gralla | Horizon Instability of Extremal Black Holes | University of Arizona |
Tuesday, June 5 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Brian Willett | Localization on Seifert manifolds and the higher dimensional A-twist | KITP |
Winter 2018
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tue, Jan 23 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Edgar Shaghoulian | Parity in two-dimensional conformal field theory | Cornell |
Thu, Feb 1 | 2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Juan Maldacena | Making a wormhole | IAS |
Tue, Feb 6 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Thomas Hertog | Boundary Conditions in Cosmology and at Black Holes | KU Leuven |
Wed, Feb 7 | 1:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Aaron Manalaysay | HEP-HEX Seminar: The hunt for dark matter in a post-WIMP world | UC Davis |
Thu, Feb 8 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Makoto Natsuume | Holographic Lifshitz superconductors: analytic solution | KEK Tsukuba |
Thu, Feb 15 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Cumrun Vafa | 6d Theories on Curves | Harvard |
Tue, Feb 20 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Achilleas Porfyriadis | Critical emission from a high-spin black hole | UCSB |
Wed, Feb 21 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Prashant Saraswat | HEP-HEX Seminar: Hierarchy, Criticality and Vacuum Energy | Caltech |
Fri, Feb 23 | 2:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Xiao Luo | HEP-HEX Seminar: Precision Neutrino physics in MicroBooNE and beyond | Yale |
Wed, Feb 28 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Seyda Ipek | HEP-HEX Seminar: Neutrino Masses from a Pseudo-Dirac Bino | Fermilab |
Fall 2017
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Wed, Sep 27 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Robert Lasenby | HEP-HEX Seminar: Astrophysical searches for weakly-coupled particles: from black holes to red giants | Perimeter Institute |
Tue, Oct 3 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Pawel Caputa | AdS from Optimization of Path Integrals in CFTs | YITP Kyoto |
Wed, Oct 4 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Angelo Monteux | HEP-HEX Seminar: Digging deeper for New Physics at the LHC | UC Irvine |
Wed, Oct 11 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Lina Necib | HEP-HEX Seminar: Empirical Determination of the Dark Matter Velocity Distribution | Caltech |
Tue, Oct 17 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Felix Haehl | Out-of-time-order dynamics: formalism and applications | UBC |
Thu, Oct 26 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Shira Chapman | Complexity in holography and QFT | Perimeter Institute |
Tue, Oct 31 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Eduardo Teste | Entropic A theorem and the Markov property of the vacuum | Centro Atomico Bariloche |
Wed, Nov 1 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Mikhail Solon |
HEP-HEX Seminar: Quark Reggeization from Effective Field Theory |
Caltech |
Tue, Nov 7 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Alexandra Miller | Code Subspaces for LLM Geometries | UCSB |
Tue, Nov 21 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Valentina Forini | Worldsheet superstring on the lattice | Humboldt U., Berlin |
Tue, Dec 5 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Chiara Toldo | Supersymmetric Bolt solutions and their free energy via susy localization | KITP |
Spring 2017
We expect to have fewer seminars this term because of the KITP program Scattering Amplitudes and Beyond.
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tues, Apr 4 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Henry Maxfield | A conformal block Farey tail | McGill University |
Wed, Apr 12 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Stefania Gori | HEP-HEX Seminar: Flavor perspective on heavy Higgs searches | University of Cincinnati |
Wed, Apr 19 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Simon Knapen | HEP-HEX Seminar: Fishing for new physics at the LHC | LBNL |
Wed, Apr 26 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Isabel Garcia-Garcia | HEP-HEX Seminar: The String Soundscape at Gravitational Wave Detectors | University of Oxford |
Tues, May 2 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Netta Engelhardt |
Locality from Holography |
Princeton |
Tues, May 9 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Ronen Plesser | Mirror symmetry in abelian GLSMs and discriminants | Duke University |
Thurs, May 11 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR |
Joan Camps |
Gravity duals of boundary cones |
University College London |
Tues, May 16 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Marc Geiller | TQFTs and quantum gravity vacua | Perimeter Institute |
Wed, May 17 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Felix Kling | HEP-HEX Seminar: How to optimize Higgs Measurements using MadMax and Information Geometry | UC Irvine |
Wed, May 24 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Andrew Larkoski | HEP-HEX Seminar: How much information is in a jet? | Reed College |
Winter 2017
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Tues, Jan 10 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Daniel Harlow | Symmetries in Quantum Field Theory and Gravity | Harvard University |
Thur, Jan 12 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | |||
Tues, Jan 17 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Jan 19 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Chiara Toldo | New goals for AdS black holes | Columbia University |
Tues, Jan 24 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Max Rota | The nature of correlations in holographic states | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 26 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Eva Silverstein | How your past catches up with you in string theory | Stanford University |
Tues, Jan 31 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Feb 2 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Aitor Lewkowycz | Bulk locality from modular flow | Stanford University |
Tues, Feb 7 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Wed, Feb 8 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Scott Thomas | HEP-HEX seminar: Predictive and Testable Theory of All Required and Measurable CP Violation | Rutgers University |
Thur, Feb 9 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Jason Koeller | Geometric Constraints from Subregion Duality beyond the Classical Regime | UC Berkeley |
Tues, Feb 14 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Cumrun Vafa | Calabi-Yau n-folds and order n-1 dualities | Harvard |
Thur, Feb 16 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Vladimir Rosenhaus | The Bulk Dual of SYK: Cubic Couplings | UCSB |
Tues, Feb 21 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Feb 23 | 12:30 pm | KITP SSR | Thomas Dumitrescu | New Tools for Exploring Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theories | Harvard |
Tues, Feb 28 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Steve Giddings | Nonviolent unitarization: postulates (and a problem in quantum information theory) to soft quantum structure of black holes | UCSB |
Thur, Mar 2 | 12:30 pm | MRL 2053 | Xi Dong | New Perspectives on Holographic Entanglement | IAS |
Tues, Mar 7 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Cesar Agón | Divergences in Open Quantum Systems | Brandeis |
Wed, Mar 8 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Sophie Renner | HEP-HEX Seminar: Flavour in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory | JGU Mainz |
Thur, Mar 9 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Nathan Haouzi | Classification of surface defects from Little Strings | UC Berkeley |
Tues, Mar 14 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Aron Wall | Why the Energy Density is Positive | IAS |
Thur, Mar 16 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Clay Cordova |
Particle Spectra in Supersymmetric Field Theories |
Tues, Mar 21 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Simeon Hellerman |
Quantum Information Theory of the Gravitational Anomaly |
Fall 2016
Date | Time | Location | Speaker | Title | Affiliation |
Thur, Sep 29 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Raphael Bousso | Asymptotic Entropy Bounds and the Information Content of Soft Gravitons | UC Berkeley |
Tues, Oct 4 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Oct 6 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Tom Rudelius | Strong Forms of the Weak Gravity Conjecture | Harvard University |
Tues, Oct 11 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Achilleas Porfyriadis | Logarithmic corrections to black hole entropy from Kerr/CFT | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 13 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Daniel Jafferis | Harvard University | |
Tues, Oct 18 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Sean Weinberg | Holographic Screens and an Entanglement Entropy Analogue for General Spacetimes | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 20 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Anson Hook | Relaxation from Particle Production (Note different venue) | Stanford |
Tues, Oct 25 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | David Berenstein | Superposition induced topology changes in quantum gravity | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 27 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Brandon Robinson |
Supersymmetric Probe Branes and Localization in AdS/CFT |
University of Washington |
Tues, Nov 1 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Milind Shyani | Universality of Sparse d>2 Conformal Field Theory at Large N | UCSB |
Thur, Nov 3 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Sašo Grozdanov |
Hydrodynamics and its destruction |
Leiden University |
Tues, Nov 8 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Callum Quigley |
Second quantized MSW strings on K3 fibrations |
University of Toronto |
Thur, Nov 10 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Philip Phillips | Anti-Local Boundary Actions and Anomalous Dimensions in the Gauge-Gravity Duality: Application to the Strange Metal (Note different venue.) | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign |
Tues, Nov 15 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Jerome Gauntlett | Black Holes and Thermoelectric Transport | Imperial College London |
Thur, Nov 17 | 2:00 pm | KITP Auditorium | Kengo Maeda | Holographic superfluid flows with a localized repulsive potential (Note different venue.) | Shibaura Institute of Technology |
Tues, Nov 22 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Dave Sutherland | Quantum field theory of a perfect fluid | UCSB |
Thur, Nov 24 |
Thanksgiving |
Tues, Nov 29 | 12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Edgar Shaghoulian | Emergent gravity from Eguchi-Kawai reduction | UCSB |
Thur, Dec 1 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Fernando Pastawski | Quantum code properties from holographic geometries | Free University of Berlin |
Spring 2016
Tues, Mar 29 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Natalie Paquette | Umbral Moonshine and String Theory on K3 | Stanford |
Thur, Mar 31 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | |||
Tues, Apr 5 | 12:30pm | MRL 2048 | Lampros Lamprou | A Stereoscopic Look into the Bulk | Stanford |
Thur, Apr 7 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | |||
Tues, Apr 12 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Apr 14 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR |
Thomas Faulkner |
Shape dependence of modular energy and the averaged null energy condition | Illinois |
Tues, Apr 19 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, Apr 21 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Jonathan Maltz | Chaos in matrix models and black hole evaporation | UC Berkeley |
Tues, Apr 26 | 12:30p, | Broida 3302 | Mario Martone | Expanding the landscape of N=2 Super-conformal field theories | University of Cincinnati |
Thur, Apr 28 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Maulik Parikh | The First and Second Laws of Gravity | Arizona State University |
Tues, May 3 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, May 5 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Leonard Susskind | Copenhagen vs Everett, and ER=EPR [part of SCSS] | Stanford |
Tues, May 10 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Jared Kaplan | On Information Loss in AdS_3/CFT_2 | Johns Hopkins |
Thur, May 12 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | |||
Tues, May 17 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, May 19 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Pankaj Joshi | Gravitational collapse, black holes and naked singularities | TIFR |
Tues, May 24 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, May 26 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | |||
Tues, May 31 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, June 2 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Don Marolf | Horizon entropy and the coarse grained quantum null energy condition | UCSB |
Tues, June 7 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | |||
Thur, June 9 | 2:00 pm | KITP SSR |
Winter 2016
Thur, Jan 7 |
2:00 pm | KITP MSR | Daniel Harlow | Wormholes, Emergent Gauge Fields, and the Weak Gravity Conjecture | Harvard |
Tues, Jan 12 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Vladimir Rosenhaus | The Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 14 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Michael Gutperle | Holographic entanglement entropy for surface operators and defects | UCLA |
Tues, Jan 19 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Igor Khavkine | Local and gauge-invariant observables in gravity | Trento |
Thur, Jan 21 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Mukund Rangamani | The Fluid Manifesto: Emergent topological symmetries and dissipative hydrodynamics | UC Davis |
Tues, Jan 26 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Tomonori Ugajin | Relative entropy in 2d CFTs | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 28 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR |
Chi-Ming Chang |
Bootstrapping 2D CFTs in the Semiclassical Limit | UC Berkeley |
Tues, Feb 2 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Tudor Dimofte | 3d gauge theory and the finite AGT correspondence | IAS |
Wed, Feb 3 | 3:00 pm | Broida 3302 | Pau Figueras | The endpoint of black ring instabilities and the weak cosmic censorship of conjecture | DAMTP |
Thur, Feb 4 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Frans Pretorius | Ultra-relativistic collisions and black hole formation | Princeton |
Thur, Feb 11 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Cumrun Vafa | Fractional Quantum Hall Effect and M-theory | Harvard |
Tues, Feb 16 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Mark Van Raamsdonk | Gravitational positive energy theorems from quantum information constraints | UBC |
Wed, Feb 17 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Daniel Whiteson | HEP-HEX Seminar: Cosmic Rays in Your Pocket / Deep Learning for the LHC | UCI |
Thur, Feb 18 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Nima Lashkari | Gravity dual of relative entropy | MIT |
Tues, Feb 23 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | William Donnelly | Local subsystems in gauge theory and gravity | UCSB |
Thur, Feb 25 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Don Page | Naked Firewalls | U.Alberta |
Tues, Mar 1 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Massimiliano Rota | Qubit entanglement structures: lessons for holography | Durham |
Wed, Mar 2 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Nathaniel Craig | HEP-HEX Seminar: Much Ado About Diphotons | UCSB |
Thur, Mar 3 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Iosif Bena | Tachyonic Antibranes and the Landscape | Saclay |
Wed, Mar 9 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Sophie Renner | HEP-HEX Seminar: "New physics in semileptonic B decays?" | Cambridge |
Thur, Mar 10 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Ahmed Almheiri | Linearity of holographic entanglement entropy | Stanford |
Tues, Mar 15 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Jim Hartle | The Quantum Origin of Classical Spacetime | UCSB |
Wed, Mar 16 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Dave Sutherland | HEP-HEX Seminar: "Properties of the dimension 6 operators of the Standard Model" | Cambridge |
Fall 2015
Tues, Sep 29 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Eric Mintun | Combing gravitational hair in 2+1 dimensions | UCSB |
Wed, Sep 30 |
3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Flip Tanedo | HEP-HEX Seminar: Dark Photons from the Center of the Earth | UCI |
Thur, Oct 1 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Per Kraus | Conformal blocks and holography | UCLA |
Tues, Oct 6 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Andrei Barvinsky | Cosmological initial conditions: new type of hill-top inflation from the CFT driven cosmology | Lebedev |
Wed, Oct 7 |
3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Daniel Egana | HEP-HEX Seminar: The low energy theories of the Higgs sector | Rutgers |
Thur, Oct 8 |
3:30pm | Broida 3302 | Netta Engelhardt |
A no transmission principle in holography |
Tues, Oct 13 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Gábor Sárosi |
Warped Weyl fermion partition functions | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 15 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | David Simmons-Duffin | Looking for a bulk point | IAS |
Tues, Oct 20 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Edgar Shaghoulian | CFT modular forms and black hole entropy | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 22 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Ning Bao | The Holographic Entropy Cone | Caltech |
Tues, Oct 27 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Aleksey Cherman | Emergent symmetries and 4D-2D relations for confining large N gauge theories | Washington |
Thur, Oct 29 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Glen Evenbly | Scale transformations on the lattice with tensor networks | UC Irvine |
Tues, Nov 3 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Brian Willett | 2d dualities from 3d dualities | KITP |
Thur, Nov 5 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Andrea Puhm | AdS_3: the NHEK generation | UCSB |
Tues, Nov 10 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Achilleas Porfyriadis | Kerr/CFT in the sky | Harvard |
Thur, Nov 12 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Alexandre Belin | Permutation Orbifolds: exploring the landscape of theories of quantum gravity in AdS_3 | Stanford |
Tues, Nov 17 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | David Berenstein | Universal Quantum constraints on the butterfly effect | UCSB |
Wed, Nov 18 |
11:00am | Broida 3302 | Felix Yu | HEP-HEX Special Seminar: The Coannihilation Codex | Mainz |
Wed, Nov 18 |
3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Antonio Boveia | HEP-HEX Seminar | CERN |
Thur, Nov 19 |
2:00 pm | KITP Aud | Dan Roberts | Chaos in quantum channels | MIT |
Tues, Nov 24 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Marco Fazzi | Supersymmetric AdS_5 solutions of massive IIA | Brussels |
Tues, Dec 1 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | David Morrison | Little string theories via F-theory | UCSB |
Wed, Dec 2 | 3:30pm | Broida 3302 | Yue Zhang | HEP-HEX Seminar: Particle Physics Probes of Cosmic Baryon Origin and Dark Matter | Caltech |
Thur, Dec 3 |
2:00 pm
KITP SSR | Veronika Hubeny | Geometric constructs in AdS/CFT | UC Davis |
Tues, Dec 8 |
12:30 pm | Broida 3302 | Gabriel Wong | Entanglement in string theory and two dimensional Yang Mills | Virginia |
Thur, Dec 10 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Aron Wall | Entropic focussing | IAS |
Thur, Dec 17 |
2:00 pm | KITP SSR | Maximilian Attems | Holographic collisions in non-conformal theories | Barcelona |
Thur, April 30 | 2:00pm | KITP Auditorium | Nathan Seiberg | Generalized Global Symmetries | IAS |
Winter 2015
Tues, Jan 6 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Jim Halverson | KITP | |
Thur, Jan 8 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Don Marolf |
A GSL for holographic field theories |
Tues, Jan 13 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 |
Hirosi Ooguri |
Entanglement, CFT Bootstrap, and Black Holes |
Caltech |
Wed, Jan 14 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Benjamin LaRoque | HEP-HEX seminar: First results from the Project 8 experiment | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 15 |
2:00pm |
KITP SSR | James Bardeen | Black hole evaporation: implications of the Bousso covariant entropy bound | U. Washington |
Tues, Jan 20 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 |
Joe Polchinski |
Brane and anti-brane dynamics | KITP |
Wed, Jan 21 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Hao Zhang | HEP-HEX seminar: Measuring Di-Higgs Physics via the tthh channel | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 22 |
2:00pm |
KITP SSR | Xi Dong | Bulk Locality and Quantum Error Correction in AdS/CFT | Stanford |
Tues, Jan 27 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Mark Srednicki | Some pedestrian remarks on entanglement entropy | UCSB |
Thur, Jan 29 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Nemanja Kaloper | The End and Other Tall Tales |
UC Davis |
Tues, Feb 3 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Gary Horowitz | Hovering Black Holes from Charged Defects | UCSB |
Wed, Feb 4 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Francesco D'Eramo | HEP-HEX seminar: Connecting Energy Scales Probed by WIMP Searches | UC Berkeley |
Thur, Feb 5 | 11:00am | Broida 3302 | Philip Schuster | HEP-HEX special seminar: Accelerating our Understanding of Dark Matter | Perimeter |
Thur, Feb 5 | 2:00pm |
Natalia Toro | Spin and Long-Range Forces: The Unfinished Tale of the Last Massless Particle | Perimeter |
Tues, Feb 10 | 12:30 | Broida 3302 | Ted Jacobson |
Plasma without plasma: the beauty and |
U Maryland |
Wed, Feb 11 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Scott Thomas | HEP-HEX seminar: Electroweak scale physics at the electroweak scale | Rutgers |
Thur, Feb 12 |
2:00pm |
KITP SSR | Alexei Kitaev | Hidden correlations in the Hawking radiation and thermal noise | Caltech |
Tues, Feb 17 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Josephine Suh | The Gravity Duals of Modular Hamiltonians | MIT |
Thur, Feb 19 |
2:00pm |
KITP SSR | Johanna Karouby |
Swinging fields producing particles: |
Tues, Feb 24 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Matthew Fisher | Breakdown of thermalization in non-integrable quantum systems | KITP |
Wed, Feb 25 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Kyle Cranmer | HEP-HEX Seminar: Decoupling theory uncertainties from measurements | NYU |
Thur, Feb 26 | 2:00pm | KITP AUDITORIUM (1403) | Radu Roiban | On the eta-deformation of string theory in AdS_n x S^n | Penn State |
Tues, Mar 3 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Matthew Dodelson | Drama from Strings | Stanford |
Thur, Mar 5 |
2:00pm |
KITP SSR | Michael Smolkin |
RG flow of entanglement entropy on a 3-sphere
UC Berkeley |
Thur, Mar 12 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Anshuman Maharana | Moduli, Inflation and the CMB | HRI |
Thur, Mar 19 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Yue Zhao | The Solution of (Little) Hierarchy Problem in AdS3/CFT2 Avatar | Stanford |
Fall 2014
Thur, Sep 11 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Netta Engelhardt | Holographic Entanglement Entropy from Quantum Extremal Surfaces |
Thur, Oct 2 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Edgar Shaghoulian | Recent advances in dS/CFT | UCSB |
Tues, Oct 7 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 | Eric Mintun |
S-Duality for Intersecting D3-Branes |
Thurs, Oct 9 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Tomonori Ugajin | Quenches and holography | KITP |
Tues, Oct 14 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | David Morrison |
What is F-theory? |
Thur, Oct 16 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Eva Silverstein |
Testing string spreading in scattering amplitudes and black hole physics |
Stanford |
Tues, Oct 21 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Will Kelly | Bulk Causality from Boundary Coarse-Graining? |
Thur, Oct 23 | 2:00pm | KITP AUDITORIUM (1403) | Lenny Susskind | Quantum Complexity Inside Black Holes |
Stanford |
Tues, Oct 28 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Sebastian Fischetti | Incompleteness of HRT | UCSB |
Wed, Oct 29 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Nathaniel Craig | HEP- HEX seminar: New Solutions to the (Little) Hierarchy Problem | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 30 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Anindya Dey | Mirror Symmetry, Partition Function and Gauged Linear Quivers | UT, Austin |
Tues, Nov 4 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | William Donnelly | Entanglement entropy of the electromagnetic field | UCSB |
Thur, Nov 6 | 2:00pm | KITP AUDITORIUM (1403) | Vyacheslav Lysov | From Soft Theorems to Asymptotic Symmetries | Caltech |
Wed, Nov 12 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Patrick Draper | HEP-HEX seminar: Instantons in three flavor QCD | UCSB |
Thur, Nov 13 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Vladimir Rosenhaus | A perturbative calculation of entanglement entropy | KITP |
Tues, Nov 18 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Gavin Hartnett | A No BH Theorem | UCSB |
Thur, Nov 20 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Tarek Anous | AdS_2 and the emergence of SL(2,R) in quiver quantum mechanics | MIT |
Tues, Nov 25 | 12;30PM | Broida 3302 | Jonathan Maltz |
Deconfinement transition as black hole formation by the condensation of QCD strings
Tues, Nov 25 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Jack Gunion |
HEP-HEX seminar: Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Note new date and time |
UC Davis |
Tues, Dec 2 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Francisco Rojas | New soft graviton theorems and the scattering equations | KITP |
Wed, Dec 3 | 3:00pm | Broida 3302 | Brian Shuve |
HEP-HEX seminar: Shining Light on New Physics with Improved Dijet Resonance Identification |
Perimeter |
Thur, Dec 4 | 2:00pm | KITP AUDITORIUM (1403) | Daniele Galloni | Anatomy of the amplituhedron | Durham |
Spring 2014
Thur, Apr 3 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Aki Hashimoto | Boundaries and Defects of N=4 SYM with 4 supercharges |
U. Wisconsin |
Tues,Apr 8
Thur,Apr 17
Tues,Apr 22
Broida 3302
Broida 3302
Broida 3302
Gary Horowitz
Jorge Santos
Lee Lindblom
Holographic Signatures of Cosmological Singularities Let Horizons Flop
Solving Einstein's Equation Numerically on Manifolds with Arbitrary Spatial Topologies |
Tue Apr 29 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Tom Hartman |
Mutual Information Loss |
Tue, May 6 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Aron Wall |
Thur, May 8 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Aitor Lewkowycz |
Exact results for the entanglement entropy and the energy radiated by a quark |
Princeton |
Tues, May 13 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Nabil Iqbal |
Thur, May 15 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Allan Adams | Holography and Turbulence |
Thur, May 29 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | John Preskill | Measurements inside black holes |
CalTech |
Tues, June 3 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Ahmed Almheiri |
Holography and Backreaction in Two Dimensions |
Thur, Jun 5 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Roji Pius |
Off-shell string theory |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute |
Tues Jun 10 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Cenke Xu | Interacting Topological Superconductors and possible Origin of 16n Chiral Fermions in the Standard Model |
Thur, Jun 12 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Cliff Cheung | Exploring the Weak Gravity Conjecture |
CalTech |
Winter 2014
Thu, Jan 16 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Thomas Hertog | Holographic Quantum Cosmology | Leuven |
Wed, Feb 5 |
12:15pm | Broida 3302 | Jay Wacker | High Multiplicity Signals of New Physics | SLAC |
Thur, Feb 6 |
2:00pm | Broida 3302 | Maria Rodriguez | Scattering Coefficients from Monodromies |
Harvard |
Tue, Feb 25 |
12:30pm | KITP Auditorium | Ramy Brustein | How black holes burn: firewalls, smoke, and mirrors. | Ben-Gurion University |
Wed, Mar 5 |
12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Nathaniel Craig | New Signs of Naturalness | Rutgers |
Fall 2013
Tue, Oct 1 |
12:30pm |
KITP Aud. |
Tom Hartman | Entanglement and Geometry in 2D CFT | KITP |
Thur, Oct 3 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Tue, Oct 8 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Hao Zhang | Top quark as a probe of new physics | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 10 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Ehsan Hatefi |
Stability, Tunneling and Flux Changing de Sitter Transitions in the Large Volume String Scenario
Tue, Oct 15 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Takashi Okada | Exact Results of BMN Matrix Model and Double Scaling Limits | KITP |
Thur, Oct 17 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | William Donnelly | Entanglement, edge states, and gauge symmetry |
U of Waterloo |
Tue, Oct 22 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Andrea Puhm | Non-extremality from Metastability? | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 24 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Wenbin Yan | BPS spectrum of Argyres-Douglas theory via spectral network | Caltech |
Tue, Oct 29 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Yinbo Shi | Nonviolent Nonlocality - Effective Field Theory Models | UCSB |
Thur, Oct 31 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | David Kubiznak | Van der Waals fluid, reentrant phase transitions, and AdS black holes | Perimeter |
Tue, Nov 5 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Nabil Iqbal | Wilson Lines and Entanglement Entropy in Higher Spin Gravity | KITP |
Thur, Nov 7 |
2:00pm | Broida 3302 | Raghu Rangarajan | Reheating of the Universe, Gravitinos and Leptogenesis | PRL |
Fri, Nov 8 |
12:30pm | KITP SSR | Federico Bonetti | F-theory on Spin(7) manifolds: realization via M-theory and weak-coupling limit | MPI Munich |
Tue, Nov 12 |
12:30pm | KITP Auditorium | Denis Klevers | F-theory Compactifications with Multiple U(1) Factors | UPenn |
Thur, Nov 14 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Yutin Huang | A tale of manifest locality and unitarity: from positive grassmannian to gauge anomalies | IAS |
Tue, Nov 19 |
12:30pm | KITP Auditorium | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Thur, Nov 21 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Tue, Nov 26 |
12:30pm |
KITP Auditorium | Xi Dong | Holographic Entanglement Entropy for General Higher Derivative Gravity | Stanford |
Thur, Nov 28 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Thanksgiving | Thanksgiving | Thanksgiving |
Tue, Dec 3 |
12:30pm |
KITP Auditorium | Jay Wacker |
Thur, Dec 5 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | Wilke van der Schee | Collisions in AdS and the thermalisation of heavy-ion collisions | Utrecht University |
Fri, Dec 6 |
12:30pm | KITP Auditorium | Guy Gur-Ari | 3D Bosonization and Chern-Simons Vector Models | weizmann |
Tue, Dec 10 |
12:30pm | KITP Auditorium | Xiaoliang Qi | Exact holographic mapping and emergent space-time geometry | Stanford |
Tue, Dec 17 |
12:30pm | KITP | TBD | TBD | TBD |
Thur, Dec 19 |
2:00pm | KITP SSR | TBD | TBD | TBD |
(Click here for the Google calendar version of the schedule.)
Spring 2013
Tue, May 7 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Horacio Casini |
Special Seminar Physical entanglement entropy: relative entropy and mutual information |
Centro Atomico Bariloche |
Winter 2013
Tue, Jan 22nd | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Steve Giddings | Quantum Information transfer from black holes: Violent vs. Nonviolent Nonlocality | UCSB |
Thu, Jan 24th | 2:00pm | Broida 3302 | Sichun Sun | Holographic duals of Non-Abelian brane embeddings and the rise of non-local masses | Washington/KITP |
Tue, Jan 29th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Cheng Peng | Dualities from higher-spin supergravity | Michigan/KITP |
Thu, Jan 31st | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Stefan Leichenauer | Null Geodesics, Local CFT Operators, and AdS/CFT for Subregions | Caltech |
Tue, Feb 5th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Don Page | Time Dependence of Hawking Radiation Entropy | Alberta |
Thu, Feb 7th | 3:00pm | KITP Auditorium | Stephane Detournay |
Warped Conformal Field Theory Note different time and venue |
Harvard |
Tue, Feb 12th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Fang Chen | A UV complete model of Large N Thermal QCD | KITP |
Thu, Feb 14th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Joshua Cooperman | Renormalization of Entanglement Entropy and the Gravitational Effective Action | UC Davis |
Tue, Feb 19th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Douglas Stanford | On memory in exponentially expanding spaces | Stanford/KITP |
Thu, Feb 21 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Blaise Gouteraux | AdS/Ricci-flat correspondence and the Gregory-Laflamme instability | Nordita |
Tue, Feb 26th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Eric Dzienkowski | Matrix Models and Thermalization | UCSB |
Thu, Feb 28th | 2:00pm | KITP Auditorium | Robert Wald |
Dynamic and Thermodynamic Stability of Black Holes and Black Branes Note different venue |
Chicago |
Tue, Mar 5th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | David Berenstein | Collective coordinates for CFT objects | UCSB |
Thu, Mar 7th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Sean Hartnoll | Metal-insulator transition in holography | Stanford |
Tue, Mar 12th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Emanuel Diaconescu | From I to J in two dimensional quiver gauge theories | Rutgers |
Thu, Mar 14th | 2:00pm | KITP Auditorium | Steven Carlip |
Quantum fluctuations and the small scale structure of spacetime Note different venue |
UC Davis |
Fall 2012
Tue, Oct 2 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | David R. Morrison | Two-sphere partition functions and Gromov-Witten invariants | UCSB |
Thu, Oct 4 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Andy Stergiou | RG Limit Cycles | UCSD |
Tue, Oct 9 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Jim Halverson | Stringy Hidden Sectors and Instanton Prefactors in F-theory | KITP |
Thu, Oct 11 | 2:00pm | KITP Auditorium | Martin Ammon |
Properties of cold holographic matter * Note change of venue * |
Tue, Oct 16th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Sebastian Fischetti | Flowing Funnels: Using Gravity to Study Heat Transport in CFTs | UCSB |
Thu, Oct 18th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Larry Ford | Probability Distributions for Quantum Stress Tensor Flucutations | Tufts |
Tue, Oct 23rd | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Tarun Grover | Emergent Supersymmetry and Boundary Criticality in Topological Insulators and Superconductors | KITP |
Thu, Oct 25th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Bartosz Fornal | Standard model with compactified spatial dimensions | Caltech |
Tue, Oct 30th | 12:30 | Broida 3302 | Masazumi Honda | Numerical studies of the ABJM theory for arbitrary N at arbitrary coupling constant | KEK |
Thu, Nov 1st | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Zvi Bern | UV properties of gauge and gravity theories | UCLA |
Tue, Nov 6th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Gary Horowitz | Transport in Holographic Lattices | UCSB |
Thu, Nov 8th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Simon Gentle | Stars, black holes and superconductors | Durham Univ. |
Thu, Nov 15th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Raphael Bousso | Is There an Alternative to Firewalls? | Berkeley |
Tue, Nov 20th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Benson Way | Confinement/Deconfinement in Asymptotically Lifshitz Spacetimes | UCSB |
Thu, Nov 22 | Thanksgiving (no seminar) | ||||
Tue, Nov 27 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Jaume Gomis | Exact Results in D = 2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories and Applications | Perimeter |
Thu, Nov 29 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Abhijit Gadde | Index of 2d theories and Surface operators | Caltech |
Tue, Dec 4 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Aron Wall | Superselection sectors in AdS/CFT! | |
Thu, Dec 6th | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Kristan Jensen | Anomaly-Induced Transport and Thermodynamics | Victoria |
Tue, Dec 18th | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Andrea Puhm | Fire/fuzz ball/wall | CEA Saclay |
Spring 2012
Thu, May 31 | 2:00pm | KITP SSR | Narayan Krishnan | Aspects of Lifshitz Scaling in String Theory | Chennai Mathematical Institute |
Tue, Jun 5 | 12:30pm | Broida 3302 | Joe Polchinski | Scale and Conformal Invariance in D=4 | KITP |
Thu, Jun 7 | 10:30am | KITP AUD | Vijay Kumar |
Calabi-Yau Manifolds from 2D Gauge Theories ** Note change of time and venue ** |
Winter 2012
Tue, Jan 17 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Ted Jacobson |
Horizon entropy and higher curvature equations of state |
Univ of Maryland & KITP |
Tue, Jan 24 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nabil Iqbal |
Luttinger's theorem, superfluid vortices, and holography |
Thu, Jan 26 |
2:00pm |
Igor Klebanov |
Testing the F-theorem |
Princeton Univ |
Tue, Feb 7 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Peter Koroteev |
Non-Abelian vortices and 4d/2d correspondence |
Univ of Minnesota & KITP |
Tue, Feb 14 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Aron Wall |
Quantum causal dynamics without absolute space or time |
Tue, Feb 21 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jorge Santos |
Hairy black holes and solitons in global AdS_5 |
Tue, Feb 28 |
12:30pm |
Thu, Mar 1 |
10:30am |
Ibrahima Bah |
4D N=1 SCFT's from M5 branes ** NOTE CHANGE IN TIME AND VENUE ** |
Univ of Michigan |
Tue, Mar 6 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jim Hartle |
Connecting DeSitter and Anti-DeSitter with the No-Boundary Wave Function |
Tue, Mar 13 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Donald Marolf |
Fun with Holographic Fluids |
Fall 2011
Tue, Oct 11 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steve Giddings |
Growth of geometrical fluctuations, (q-)observables, and infrared safety in inflationary spacetimes |
Tue, Oct 18 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nick Tsamis |
Gravitational Screening |
Univ. of Crete |
Tue, Oct 25 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Canceled |
Canceled |
Thu, Oct 27 |
2:00pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Ilarion Melnikov |
N=2 heterotic flux vacua in the context of type II/heterotic duality |
Albert-Einstein-Institute, Golm |
Tue, Nov 1 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Curtis Asplund |
Formation of black holes in the plane-wave/BMN matrix model, a numerical simulation. |
Tue, Nov 15 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Xi Dong |
FRW Holography from Uplifted AdS/CFT |
Stanford |
Tue, Nov 29 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steve Giddings |
Black Holes, Quantum Information, and Unitary Evolution |
Thu, Dec 1 |
2:00pm |
Jim Halverson |
N=1 Gauge Theories, Instantons, and the Landscape |
Univ. of Penn. |
Tue, |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Diana Nacir |
Dissipative effects in the Effective Field Theory of Inflation |
Universidad de Buenos Aires |
Tue, |
2:00pm |
Adam Brown |
On Nothing |
Princeton |
Spring 2011
Tues, April 19 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Tom Banks |
Symmetries and Strings in Field Theory and Gravity |
Rutgers and UCSC |
Thurs, April 21 |
2:00 pm |
Rajesh Gopakumar |
A Large N dual to 2d CFTs |
Harish Chandra |
Friday, April 22 |
12:30 pm |
Keith Olive |
A Frequentist Approach to Supersymmetric Models - post LHC2010 |
Minnesota |
Thurs, April 28 |
2:00 pm |
Mboyo Esole |
The binomial geometry of SU(5) GUTs in F-theory |
Harvard |
Tues, May 10 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Mauricio Romo |
Monopole operators, moduli spaces and dualities in 3d CS matter theories |
Tues, May 24 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Curtis Asplund |
Evolution of Entanglement Entropy in the D1D5 System |
Winter 2011
Tues, Jan 11 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Richard Eager |
Equivalence of A-Maximization and Volume Minimization |
Thurs, Jan 13 |
2:00 pm |
Per Kraus |
RG flow of magnetic brane correlators |
Tues, Jan 18 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Michael Gary |
Emergent Curvature and Dual Giant Gravitons |
Thurs, Jan 20 |
2:00 pm |
Richard Woodard |
A Quantum Gravitational Model of Inflation |
Florida |
Fri, Jan 21 |
2:00 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Nathan Seiberg |
Symmetries and Strings in Field Theory and Gravity |
Tues, Jan 25 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Gary Horowitz |
A Holographic Josephson Junction |
Thurs, Jan 27 |
2:00 pm |
Yasunori Nomura |
More Supersymmetries or No Supersymmetry at the LHC |
Berkeley |
Tues, Feb 1 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Congkao Wen |
Twistor String and Grassmannian:Tree Amplitudes in N=4 SYM |
Brown and KITP |
Thurs, Feb 3 |
2:00 pm |
Joseph Maciejko |
Fractional Topological Insulators |
Stanford and KITP |
Tues, Feb 8 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Mark Srednicki |
Quantum Chaos and the Riemann Hypothesis: a Progress Report |
Thurs, Feb 10 |
2:00 pm |
Don Page |
Agnesi Weighting for the Measure Problem of Cosmology |
Alberta |
Tues, Feb 15 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Eliezer Rabinovici |
AdS crunches CFT falls and Cosmological complementarity |
Hebrew University |
Thurs, Feb 17 |
2:00 pm |
Hans Jockers |
N=1 Mirror Symmetry and the Web of N=1 Vacua |
Tues, Feb 22 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Richard Holman |
Infrared Issues in de Sitter |
Carnegie Mellon |
Thurs, Feb 24 |
2:00 pm |
Jim Isenberg |
Stability of a Class of Expanding Solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell-Scalar Field Equations |
U. of Oregon |
Tues, March 1 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Washington Taylor |
Supergravity and string/F-theory vacua in 6D |
Thurs, March 3 |
2:00 pm |
Michael Douglas |
Holographic duals from the exact RG |
Simons Center |
Tues, March 8 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Rob Myers |
Holographic c-Theorems |
Perimeter |
Thurs, March 10 |
2:00 pm |
Ronen Plesser |
Recent Results on Perturbative Heterotic Vacua |
Duke |
Tues, March 15 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Martin Sloth |
Cosmological Perturbations and IR Issues in quasi de Sitter Universes |
Thurs, March 17 |
9:30 am |
Broida 3302 |
Herman Verlinde |
Twistors and de Sitter Holography |
Princeton |
Fall 2010
Thurs, Sept 9 |
2:00 pm |
Andrew Frey |
Direct and Indirect Detection of Metastable Dark Matter |
McGill |
Thurs, Sept 23 |
2:00 pm |
William Rubens |
The Black Hole/Qubit correspondence |
Imperial |
Tues, Sept 28 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Joe Polchinski |
Wilsonian and Holographic Renormalization Groups |
Thurs, Sept 30 |
2:00 pm |
Arthur Lipstein |
Scattering Amplitudes in Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories |
Caltech |
Tues, Oct 5 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steven Avery |
Fuzzballs and the D1D5 System |
Ohio State/KITP |
Thurs, Oct 7 |
2:00 pm |
Nissan Itzhaki |
Giant Rings in the CMB Sky |
Tel Aviv |
Tues, Oct 12 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Don Marolf |
Falling into a Generic Black Hole |
Thurs, Oct 14 |
2:00 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Noppadol Mekareeya |
Chiral Operators on Hypermultiplet Moduli Spaces |
Imperial |
Tues, Oct 19 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jorge Santos |
Instabilities and news phases of higher-dimensional black holes |
Thurs, Oct 21 |
2:00 pm |
Tommy Levi |
When Worlds Collide |
British Columbia |
Tues, Oct 26 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
David Kubiznak |
Spinning Particles and Hidden Symmetries |
Cambridge |
Thurs, Oct 28 |
2:00 pm |
Abhijit Gadde |
From N=4 SYM to N=2 Superconformal QCD: Spin Chains and Holography |
Stonybrook |
Tues, Nov 2 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Leonardo Senatore |
On loop effects in Cosmology |
Stanford |
Thurs, Nov 4 |
2:00 pm |
Tao Liu |
Dark Light Higgs |
Tues, Nov 9 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Carlos Tamarit |
Naturalness from runaways in direct mediation |
Thurs, Nov 11 |
2:00 pm |
Veterans Day |
Tues, Nov 16 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Aron Wall |
Why is the Generalized Second Law True? |
Maryland |
Thurs, Nov 18 |
2:00 pm |
Thomas Hertog |
Eternal Inflation without Metaphysics |
APC, Paris |
Tues, Nov 23 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steve Giddings |
High-energy (super)gravitational scattering and the Gravitational S-matrix |
Thurs, Nov 25 |
2:00 pm |
Thanksgiving |
Tues, Nov 30 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Curtis Asplund |
Towards Fast Thermalization: non-adiabaticity and entropy production in QM, QFT and String Theory |
Thurs, Dec 2 |
2:00 pm |
Ami Katz |
Boston |
Winter/Spring 2010
Tues, Jan 12 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jerome Gauntlett |
Holographic Superconductivity in M-Theory |
Imperial |
Thurs, Jan 14 |
2:00 pm |
Theo Nieuwenhuizen |
Do non-relativistic neutrinos constitute the dark matter? |
U Amsterdam |
Tues, Jan 19 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sebastian Franco |
Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking, with Flavor |
Thurs, Jan 21 |
2:00 pm |
Ben Freivogel |
Regulating Eternal Inflation with the UV/IR connection |
Berkeley |
Tues, Jan 26 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Diego Trancanelli |
A supermatrix model for AdS4/CFT3 |
Thurs, Jan 28 |
2:00 pm |
Mark Srednicki |
Quantum Chaos and the Riemann Zeta Function |
Tues, Feb 2 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Hans Jockers |
Mirror symmetry and effective couplings for F-theory, type II and heterotic strings |
Thurs, Feb 4 |
2:00 pm |
Mark Wise |
Violations of Rotational and/or Translational invariance during the inflationary era |
Caltech |
Tues, Feb 9 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
João Penedones |
Scattering in AdS and CFT correlation functions |
Thurs, Feb 11 |
3:30 pm |
David Poland |
Superconformal Flavor Simplified |
Harvard |
Tues, Feb 16 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Gary Horowitz |
Two Recent Developments in Holographic Superconductors |
Thurs, Feb 18 |
2:00 pm |
Nicholas Warner |
Microstate Geometries and Non-BPS Black Holes |
Tues, Feb 23 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Joshua Lapan |
Warped AdS3 and Virasoro Resonances |
Thurs, Feb 25 |
2:00 pm |
Per Kraus |
Metamagnetic quantum critical point in AdS/CFT |
Tues, Mar 2 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nick Halmagyi |
On the Existence of Meta-Stable Vacua in the Klebanov-Strassler Background |
LPTHE - Paris |
Thurs, Mar 4 |
2:00 pm |
Gonzalo Torroba |
Flavor, supersymmetry and Higgs physics |
Fri, Apr 16 |
12:15pm |
Broida 6th Floor Commons |
Jonathan Halliwell |
Decoherent Histories Analysis of Quantum Cosmological Models |
Imperial |
Tues, Apr 27 |
2:00 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Ian Morrison |
Loop effects and the IR stability of de Sitter space |
Thurs, Apr 29 |
2:00 pm |
Simeon Hellerman |
A Universal Inequality in CFT and Quantum Gravity |
Tues, May 18 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Tom Banks |
The Pyramid Scheme, A New Public Offering |
Rutgers/UCSC |
Thurs, May 20 |
2:00 pm |
Inyong Park |
Open string engineering of D-brane geometry -- toward three-loop check |
Kyoto |
Tues, May 25 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Atsushi Higuchi |
Is the Euclidean vacuum the same as the in-vacuum at the horizon for de Sitter and other spacetimes? |
York |
Thurs, May 27 |
2:00 pm |
Devin Walker |
Distinguishing Different Types of Dark Matter at the LHC |
Berkeley |
Fri, May 28 |
11:00 am |
Alexander Polyakov |
The Decline and Fall of the de Sitter Space |
Princeton |
Tues, Jun 1 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Mina Arvanitaki |
The Principle of Plenitude |
Berkeley |
Wed, Jun 2 |
12:00 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steve Giddings |
Infrared Effects and Semiclassical Relations in Inflationary Spacetimes |
Thurs, Jun 3 |
2:00 pm |
Matt Strassler |
On Hidden Sectors and Other Exotica at Hadron Colliders |
Rutgers |
Fall 2009
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Wed, Sept 2 |
2:00 pm |
Dan Israel |
Heterotic Torsional Backgrounds, from Supergravity to CFT |
IAP, Paris |
Thurs, Sept 24 |
2:00 pm |
Kai Wang |
Probing B/L violations in the extended scalar models at the LHC |
Tues, Sept 29 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Tom Faulkner |
Strange metal from holography |
Thurs, Oct 1 |
2:00 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Martin Ammon |
Holographic (Super-)fluids in the D3/D7 model |
Max-Planck, Munich |
Tues, Oct 6 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
David Berenstein |
Small AdS black holes from SYM |
Thurs, Oct 8 |
2:00 pm |
Matthew Roberts |
Zero Temperature Limit of Holographic Superconductors |
Tues, Oct 13 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Rafael Porto |
The Gravitational S-Matrix |
Thurs, Oct 15 |
2:00 pm |
Anton Kapustin |
Exact results for Wilson loops in supersymmetric Chern-Simons-matter theories |
Caltech |
Tues, Oct 20 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sakura Schafer-Nameki |
GUT F-enomenology |
Thurs, Oct 22 |
2:00 pm |
Hai-Bo Yu |
WIMPless Miracle and Hidden Charged Dark Matter |
Fri, Oct 23 |
2:00 pm |
KITP Main SR |
Raman Sundrum |
SUSY Splits and Then Returns |
Johns Hopkins |
Tues, Oct 27 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Arjun Bagchi |
The non-relativistic limit of AdS/CFT |
HRI, Allahabad |
Wed, Oct 28 |
10:30 am |
KITP Aud |
Nathan Seiberg |
Goldstinos |
Thurs, Oct 29 |
2:00 pm |
Murad Alim |
Hints for Off-Shell Mirror Symmetry |
Bonn University |
Tues, Nov 3 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jonathan Oppenheim |
Black holes, Fundamental Destruction of Information and Conservation Laws |
DAMTP - Cambridge |
Thurs, Nov 5 |
2:00 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Herman Verlinde |
S-dual probes of supersymmetric gauge theory |
Princeton |
Tues, Nov 10 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Tim Jones |
Anomaly Mediated Supersymmetry Breaking and Flavour Physics |
KITP/Liverpool University |
Thurs, Nov 12 |
2:00 pm |
Christoph Sieg |
Perturbative spectra in gauge theories with gravity duals at four loops and beyond |
Niels Bohr Institute |
Tues, Nov 17 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Brian Wecht |
New Tools for New SCFTs |
Thurs, Nov 19 |
2:00 pm |
Kristan Jensen |
Mirror Symmetry and M2 branes |
UW |
Tues, Nov 24 |
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No talks Thanksgiving week |
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Thurs, Nov 26 |
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Thanksgiving Day |
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Tues, Dec 1 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Eva Silverstein |
Towards Strange Metallic Holography |
Thurs, Dec 3 |
2:00 pm |
Yasuhiro Sekino |
FRW/CFT Duality: Holographic Formulation of Eternal Inflation, and its Applications |
OIQP - Okayama |
Tues, Dec 8 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Richard Eager |
A-Maximization and Quiver Minimization |
Thurs, Dec 10 |
2:00 pm |
Nima Arkani-Hamed |
Dualities for Local Spacetime Physics from the Grassmannian |
Tues, Dec 15 |
12:30 pm |
Paul Aspinwall |
Decompactifications vs Massless D-Branes in Moduli Space Limits |
Duke |
Winter/Spring 2009
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Tue., Feb. 3 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Jaemo Park |
Chern-Simons Gauge Theories and M2-brane CFTs |
POSTECH & Stanford |
Tue., Feb. 17 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Don Page |
Cosmological Measures without Volume Weighting |
Alberta U. |
Tue., Feb. 24 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
David Garfinkle |
Possible Outcomes for Classical Gravitational Singularities |
Oakland U. |
Tue., Mar. 3 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Graciela Gelmini |
In Search of Dark Matter Particles: Have We Found Them? |
Tue., Mar. 10 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Liantao Wang |
Top Quarks and New Physics Signals at the LHC |
Princeton |
Tue., Mar. 31 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Peter Graham |
A Domino Theory of Flavor |
Stanford |
Thu., Apr. 23 |
2 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sean Hartnoll |
Landscape of Holographic Superconductors |
Harvard |
Tue., Apr. 28 |
12:30 pm |
David Andriot |
Twist Duality for Flux Backgrounds of Type II and Heterotic String Theory from Generalized Complex Geometry |
LPTHE, Paris |
Thu., May 14 |
2 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Diego Trancanelli |
't Hooft Meets Wilson: Disorder Operators, Matrix Models, and S-duality |
Thu., May 28 |
2 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nikolay Bobev |
Supergravity Solutions for Nonrelativistic Holography |
Tue., Jun. 16 |
12:30pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jonathan Halliwell |
Decoherent Histories and Arrival Times |
Imperial College |
Fall 2008
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Thu., Sep. 25 |
2:00 pm |
Bartek Czech |
Black Holes from Statistics |
UPenn |
Tue., Sep. 30 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Aaron Amsel |
Supersymmetric Multi-trace Boundary Conditions in AdS |
Thu., Oct. 2 |
2:00 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Jock McOrist |
Summing the Instantons in the Heterotic String |
U. of Chicago |
Tue., Oct. 7 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Josh Lapan |
Computing the Massless Spectrum of Non-Kaehler Compactifications |
Thu., Oct. 9 |
2:00 pm |
Per Kraus |
Gravity Duals of the Quantum Hall Effect |
Tue., Oct. 14 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Don Marolf |
Holography and Unitarity in Gravitational Physics |
Thu., Oct. 16 |
2:00 pm |
Yu Nakayama |
Index for Non-relativistic Superconformal Field Theories -- from LLM to ABJM and BL |
UC Berkeley |
Tue., Oct. 21 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Stefan Hollands |
Higher-dimensional Black Holes |
Cardiff U. |
Thu., Oct. 23 |
2:00 pm |
John Schwarz |
Superconformal Chern-Simons Theories |
Caltech |
Tue., Oct. 28 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Matthew Roberts |
Holographic Superconductivity |
Thu., Oct. 30 |
2:00 pm |
Sakura Schaefer-Nameki |
SUSY Breaking in F-theory GUTs |
Caltech |
Tue., Nov. 4 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nori Iizuka |
Matrix Quantum Mechanics for the Black Hole Information Problem |
Thu., Nov. 6 |
2:00 pm |
Stanley Deser |
Cosmological Topologically Massive Theories |
Brandeis |
Tue., Nov. 11 |
Veterans' day |
Thu., Nov. 13 |
2:00 pm |
Thomas Hertog |
The No-boundary Measure of Eternal Inflation |
APC Paris & Solvay Inst. |
Tue., Nov. 18 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sophie de Buyl |
Singularities, E10 and M-theory |
Thu., Nov. 20 |
2:00 pm |
Gonzalo Torroba |
Four-dimensional Dynamics of String Compactifications |
Rutgers & KITP |
Tue., Nov. 25 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Diego Rodriguez-Gomez |
Towards M2 Branes Probing Generic Toric Singularities |
Princeton |
Thu., Nov. 27 |
Thanksgiving |
Tue., Dec. 2 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Emery Sokatchev |
Dual Superconformal Symmetry of Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Super-Yang-Mills |
Annecy |
Thu., Dec. 4 |
2:00 pm |
Sandip Trivedi |
Time Dependent Cosmologies and Their CFT Duals |
TIFR & Stanford |
Tue., Dec. 9 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Stephane Detournay |
3D Gravity Theories, Exact String Backgrounds, and Applications |
Thu., Dec. 11 |
2:00 pm |
Joe Polchinski |
Landscape/CFT Duality? |
Summer 2008
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Tue., Jul. 15 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sebastian Franco |
SUSY Breaking Mediation by D-brane Instantons |
Princeton |
Spring 2008
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Tue., Apr. 8 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
John Klauder |
Affine Quantum Gravity: A Different View of a Difficult Problem |
U. of Florida |
Thu., Apr. 10 |
2 pm |
Pedro Vieira |
Quantum Wrapped Giant Magnon |
ENS Paris |
Thu., Apr. 17 |
2 pm |
Jorge Casalderrey-Solana |
Probing Strongly Coupled Plasmas with Heavy Quarks |
UC Berkeley |
Thu., Apr. 24 |
2 pm |
Brandon Carter |
Progress in the Mechanics of (Superconducting) Cosmic Strings and Their (Vorton) Equilibrium States |
Meudon |
Thu., May 1 |
2 pm |
Gouranga C Nayak |
Shift Theorem and Schwinger Mechanism in the Presence of Arbitrary Time Dependent Electric Field |
Illinois |
Thu., May 8 |
2 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Sean Carroll |
The Universe Is Not Ergodic |
Caltech |
Thu., May 15 |
2 pm |
Susan Gardner |
Shedding Light on Dark Matter: How Faraday Rotation Can Limit a `Dark' Magnetic Moment |
KITP & Kentuky |
Thu., May 22 |
2 pm |
Borun Chowdhury |
Radiation from the Non-extremal Fuzzball |
Ohio State |
Thu., May 29 |
2 pm |
Mark Jackson |
Detecting Cosmic Superstrings |
Fermilab |
Tue., June 3 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nima Arkani-Hamed |
What is the Simplest QFT? |
Thu., June 5 |
2 pm |
KITP Founder's Room |
Geoffrey Compère |
Setting the Boundary Free in AdS/CFT : a Gravity / CFT+Gravity Correspondence |
Thu., June 12 |
2 pm |
Diana Vaman |
The Space-Cone Gauge and Yang-Mills Tree and Loop-Level Recursion Relations |
KITP & Virginia |
Tue., June 17 |
12:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
David Mateos |
A Universal String Prediction for Heavy Ion Collisions |
Winter 2008
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Thu., Jan. 10 |
2 pm |
Mark Srednicki |
High-Energy Gravitational Scattering and Black Hole Resonances |
Tue., Jan. 22 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Joe Polchinski |
A Matrix Model for Black Hole Thermalization |
Thu., Jan 24 |
2 pm |
Graham Kribs |
The Supersymmetric Flavor Problem, R-symmetry, and the LHC |
U. of Oregon |
Thu., Jan. 31 |
2 pm |
Don Page |
Boundary Conditions for the Universe |
U. of Alberta |
Thu., Feb. 7 |
2 pm |
Matthew Schwartz |
Effective Field Theory and Collider Physics |
Johns Hopkins U. |
Tue., Feb. 12 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Yuji Tachikawa |
New Developments in d=4, N=2 SCFTs |
Tue., Feb. 19 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Eliezer Rabinovici |
Aspects of Little String Holography |
Hebrew U. |
Thu., Feb 21 |
2 pm |
Peter Graham |
Searching for Gravity Waves and New Physics with Atom Interferometry |
Stanford U. |
Thu., Mar. 6 |
2 pm |
Anatoly Dymarsky |
D-brane Inflation in String Theory |
Stanford U. |
Thu., Mar. 13 |
2 pm |
Kostas Skenderis |
The Fuzzball Proposal for Black Holes |
U. of Amsterdam |
Thu., Mar. 20 |
2 pm |
João Penedones |
High Energy Scattering in AdS/CFT |
Fall 2007
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Thu., Sep. 13 |
2 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Lara Anderson |
M Theory on Singular G2 Spaces |
U Oxford |
Tue., Sep. 25 |
2 pm |
Ali Nayeri |
Generating Inflation-Free Scale-Invariant Power Spectrum in String Gas Cosmology |
Thu., Sep. 27 |
2 pm |
John Preskill |
Black Holes as Mirrors |
Caltech |
Tue., Oct. 2 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
David Berenstein |
Strings on Conifolds from Strong Coupling Dynamics |
Thu., Oct. 4 |
2 pm |
Clifford Johnson |
External Fields and the Dynamics of Flavour in Strongly Coupled Gauge Theory |
Tue., Oct. 9 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Amitabh Virmani |
A Holographic Renormalizaion of Asymptotically Flat and Linear Dilaton Spacetimes |
Thu., Oct. 11 |
2 pm |
Itzhak Bars |
Two-Time Physics: the Unified View from Higher Dimensional Space and Time |
Tue., Oct. 16 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Timo Weigand |
New D-Brane Instanton Effects in Type II Orientifolds |
U Penn |
Thu., Oct. 18 |
2 pm |
Steve Giddings |
High-Energy Scattering and Locality: Gravity and Strings |
Tue., Oct. 23 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Takuya Okuda |
A Prediction for the Bubbling Geometries for Wilson Loops |
Thu., Oct. 25 |
2 pm |
Eric D’Hoker |
Exact Half-BPS Solutions to Type IIB Supergravity |
Tue., Oct. 30 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sean Hartnoll |
Tabletop AdS/CFT: from Black Holes to Superconductors |
Thu., Nov. 1 |
2 pm |
Andy O’Bannon |
Metallic AdS/CFT |
U Washington |
Tue., Nov. 6 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Rafael Porto |
An Effective Field Theory of Gravity for Spinning Extended Objects |
Thu., Nov. 8 |
2 pm |
Cindy Keeler |
Closed String Tachyon Condensation in the E_8 Heterotic System |
Berkeley |
Tue., Nov. 13 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jim Hartle |
The Classical Universes of the No-Boundary Quantum State |
Wed., Nov. 14 |
2 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Niklas Beisert |
Spectral Curve for the Heisenberg Ferromagnet and AdS/CFT |
Max Planck |
Thu., Nov. 15 |
2 pm |
Petr Horava |
Quantum Gravity at a Lifshitz Point |
Berkeley |
Tue., Nov. 20 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Dam Son |
Graphene in Quantum Field Theory |
U Washington |
Thu., Nov. 22 |
Tue., Nov. 27 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Julian Sonner |
Geometric Phases in String Theory |
Thu., Nov. 29 |
2 pm |
Roni Harnik |
Hierarchy without Color and the LHC |
Tue., Dec. 4 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Maria Jose Rodriguez |
Higher Dimensional Black Holes |
Barcelona & UCSB |
Thu., Dec. 6 |
2 pm |
Diego Trancanelli |
On Supersymmetric Wilson Loops |
Tue., Dec. 11 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Ari Pakman |
Progress in AdS3/CFT2 |
Stony Brook |
Thu., Dec. 13 |
1:30 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Gabriele Veneziano |
Towards an S-matrix Description of Gravitational Collapse |
College de France |
Spring 2007
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Tue., April 3 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Jonathan Halliwell |
Commuting Position and Momentum Operators, Exact Decoherence and Emergent Classicality |
Imperial Coll., London |
Thu., April 5 |
2 pm |
Aaron Amsel |
Stability and Instability in Designer Gravity |
Tue., April 10 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Nori Iizuka |
Attractors and Spinning Strings |
Thu., April 12 |
2 pm |
David Kutasov |
Symmetry Breaking from Intersecting Branes |
U. of Chicago |
Tue., April 17 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sergei Gukov |
Four-dimensional Kondo Problem |
Thu., April 19 |
No talk. |
Tue., April 24 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Don Marolf |
A New Picture of de Sitter Space? |
Thu., April 26 |
2 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Lance Dixon |
Is N=8 Supergravity Finite? |
Tue., May 1 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Florian Dubath |
Periodic Gravitational Waves from Small Cosmic String Loops |
Thu., May 3 |
2 pm |
Gary Horowitz |
Toward Counting the Microstates of a Kerr Black Hole |
Tue., May 8 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Henriette Elvang |
Fake Supergravity |
Thu., May 10 |
2 pm |
Sumit Das |
Null Singularities and Their Gauge Theory Duals |
U. of Kentucky |
Tue., May 15 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Per Kraus |
Stringy Black Holes in 4 and 5 Dimensions |
Thu., May 17 |
2 pm |
Masaki Shigemori |
Nonsupersymmetric Brane/Antibrane Configurations in Type IIA and M Theory |
Caltech |
Tue., May 22 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Raphael Bousso |
Cosmological Vacuum Selection in the Landscape: Problems and Predictions |
UC Berkeley & LBNL |
Thu., May 24 |
No talk due to a secret meeting. |
Tue., May 29 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Steve Carlip |
Black Hole Thermodynamics from Euclidean Horizon Constraints |
UC Davis |
Thu., May 31 |
2 pm |
Luis Fernando Alday |
Gluon Scattering Amplitudes at Strong Coupling |
Utrecht U. & IAS |
Tue., June 5 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Kentaroh Yoshida |
Higher Loop Bethe Ansatz for Open Spin Chains in AdS/CFT |
Thu., June 7 |
2 pm |
Mark Scheel |
Numerical Simulations of Binary Black Hole Inspirals |
Caltech |
Tue., June 12 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Joe Polchinski |
The Cosmic String Inverse Problem |
Thu., June 14 |
2 pm |
Ted Erler |
Analytic Progress in Open String Field Theories |
Winter 2007
Date |
Time |
Location |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Tue., Jan. 30 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Sam Pinansky |
The Phenomenology of the Minimal Quiver Standard Model |
Thu., Feb. 1 |
No talk due to an external committee visit. |
Thu., Feb. 8 |
2 pm |
Lee Lindblom |
Generalized Harmonic Evolutions of Binary Black Hole Spacetimes |
Caltech |
Tue., Feb. 13 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Takuya Okuda |
Wilson Loops, String/Brane/Geometry Transitions and Bubbling Calabi-Yau's |
Thu., Feb. 15 |
2 pm |
Yutaka Ookouchi |
Meta-Stable SUSY Breaking Vacua in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories |
Caltech |
Tue., Feb. 20 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Pavel Kovtun |
Quantum Critical Transport, Duality, and M-theory |
Wed., Feb. 21 |
12:15 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Lian-Tao Wang |
The LHC Inverse Problem: Interpreting Data to Learn about Underlying Theory |
Princeton U. |
Wed., Feb. 28 |
12:15 pm |
Broida 3302 |
David Rainwater |
U. of Rochester |
Fri., Mar. 2 |
12:15 pm |
KITP Auditorium |
Zackaria Chacko |
U. of Arizona |
Tue., Mar. 6 |
12:30 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Hideaki Kudoh |
Doubly Spinning Black Rings and Beyond |
Wed., Mar. 7 |
12:15 pm |
Broida 3302 |
Ian Low |
UC Irvine |
Wed., Mar. 14 |
12:30 pm |
José Edelstein |
A String Dual Perspective on Quark-Gluon Plasmas of QCD-like Theories |
Santiago de Compostela U. & CECS, Valdivia |
Thu., Mar. 15 |
2 pm |
Joe Marsano |
"Metastable" Brane-Antibrane Configurations in Type IIA and M Theory and the Large N Duality Conjecture in IIB |
Caltech |
Fall 2006
Date |
Time |
Speaker |
Title |
Affiliation |
Sep. 28 |
2:00 pm |
Matthew Headrick |
Ricci Flow and Black Holes |
Stanford University |
Oct. . 19 |
2:00 pm |
Sean Hartnoll |
Phase Structure of N=4 SYM and Polyakov Loops |
Nov. . 2 |
1:00 pm (Note time) |
Sean Carroll |
Beyond Dark Energy |
Caltech |
Nov. . 9 |
2:00 pm |
Daniel Holz |
Gravitational-Wave Standard Sirens and Cosmology |
LANL/Univ. of Chicago |
Nov. . 16 |
2:00 pm |
Matthew Johnson |
Bubble Nucleation and Eternal Inflation |
Nov. . 17 |
1:00 pm in Broida 3302 |
Sam Vazquez |
Spin Chains and Geometry (Condensed Matter/String Theory Seminar) |
Nov. . 30 |
2:00 pm |
Amitabh Virmani |
Dynamics and Stability of Black Rings |