Physics 221 A
Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
This course will provide an introduction to quantum field theory. A knowledge of non-relativistic quantum mechanics and of special relativity is required. For textbook I will be using
"Quantum Theory in a Nutshell" by A. Zee
Astronomy 1
Introduction to Astronomy
This course surveys modern astronomy starting with the solar system and ending with black holes and the universe.
Physics 131
Introduction to General Relativity
This course will provide an introduction to Einstein's theory of gravity. Familiarity with the special theory of relativity is required.
Physics 229 A
Supersymmetric Field Theory
This course will cover some aspects of supersymmetric field theories, starting with an elementary review of the representations of the Lorentz group. In the latter part of the course, I will give an introduction to Seiberg-Witten theory. If time permits, I may briefly explore other topics, such as the notion of supersymmetry in disordered systems. A working knowledge of relativistic quantum field theory is assumed.
Physics 221 C
Advanced Quantum Field Theory
Selected topics from the development of quantum field theory over the last three or four decades will be discussed. If time permits, I hope to use examples from condensed matter physics as well as the more traditional examples from high energy physics. A basic knowledge of relativistic quantum field theory is assumed.