Physics 131: General Relativity
Spring 2008
Lecture MWF 9:00-9:50 Building 387 room 104
Professor: Anthony Zee
Office hours: tba.
TA: Kevin Moore
Office hours: tba
Text: Gravity: An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity by James Hartle. I plan to cover chapters 4-9, 12, 13, and 17-19. We are skipping the first three chapters: Chapter 1 is a brief overview of the whole subject; Chapter 2 is a review of basic notions of geometry; Chapter 3 is a review of Newtonian gravity. Use these chapters as needed.
Homework: There will be weekly homework assignments that will be posted every Wed. and due 5pm in the TA's mailbox one week later.
Midterm & Final: Both the midterm and the final will most likely be take home.
Grading: The homework will count 50%, the midterm will count 20%, and the final will count 30%.